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REEF_teleop is an open-source ROS package that serves an interface between gamepad controller (like XBox and Logitech controllers) and ROS


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REEF Teleop

The REEF Teleop package provides ROS joy controller remappings designed specifically for teleoperation of the REEF Control package. It was modeled after the hector_quadrotor_teleop package.


Requires ROS Kinetic to be installed along with the joy package.


Simply clone reef_teleop to the catkin workspace src directory and compile it to make sure everything works.

sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-joy
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../ && catkin_make


REEF Teleop is designed to allow the construction of launchfile profiles for different teleop input devices, such as Logitech gamepads or Xbox controllers. As long as the device is compatible with joy, it is compatible with REEF Teleop. Before constructing a launchfile profile for a new device, familiarize oneself with the parameters in the following section.


Name Type Description Default
x_axis integer Joy axis mapping to x control axis 4
y_axis integer Joy axis mapping to y control axis 5
z_axis integer Joy axis mapping to z control axis 2
thrust_axis integer Joy axis mapping to thrust axis 2
yaw_axis integer Joy axis mapping to yaw control axis 1
a_btn integer Joy button mapping to controller A button 1
b_btn integer Joy button mapping to controller B button 2
x_btn integer Joy button mapping to controller X button 3
y_btn integer Joy button mapping to controller Y button 4
initial_z_cmd double Initial altitude command (meters) 0
min_z_cmd double Minimum altitude command (meters) -10.0
max_z_cmd double Maximum altitude command (meters) 10.0
z_scale double Multiplier for altitude input commands 0.1
invert_x bool Inverts controller x commands false
control_mode std::string Teleoperation control mode attitude_altitude
pitch_max double Maximum pitch command output (radians) 0.15
roll_max double Maximum roll command output (radians) 0.15
yawrate_max double Maximum yawrate command output (rad/s) 0.5
x_dot_max double Maximum x velocity command output (m/s) 0.25
y_dot_max double Maximum y velocity command output (m/s) 0.25

Control Modes

Currently, REEF Teleop supports the follwoing control modes:

  • Attitude + Altitude Publishes pitch and roll attitude, yawrate, and altitude setpoints. A change on the controller z axis corresponds to a proportional change in the altitude setpoint governed by the z_scale multiplier parameter. To enable this mode, set the control_mode parameter to "attitude_altitude".

  • Velocity + Altitude Publishes x and y velocity, yawrate, and altitude setpoints. Altitude functions the same as with Attitude + Altitude mode. To enable this mode, set the control_mode parameter to "velocity_altitude".

  • Altitude Only Publishes only the altitude setpoint. To enable this mode, set the control_mode parameter to "altitude_only".

ROS Topics and Messages

Subscribed Topics

Topic Name Message Type Description
joy sensor_msgs::Joy Joy controller data stream

Published Topics

Topic Name Message Type Description
desired_state reef_msgs::DesiredState Contains desired state

Launchfile Examples

Example launchfile for XBox One bluetooth controller:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <arg name="joy_dev" default="/dev/input/js0" />

    <node name="joy" pkg="joy" type="joy_node" output="screen" >
        <param name="dev" value="$(arg joy_dev)" />
        <param name="autorepeat_rate" value="100" />
        <param name="coalesce_interval" value="0.01" />

    <arg name="control_mode" default="attitude_altitude_hold"/>

    <arg name="thrust_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="pitch_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="roll_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="yawrate_max" default="0.25"/>

    <arg name="x_dot_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="y_dot_max" default="0.25"/>

    <arg name="initial_z_cmd" default="0"/>
    <arg name="min_z_cmd" default="-10.0"/>
    <arg name="max_z_cmd" default="10.0"/>
    <arg name="z_scale" default="0.1"/>

    <node name="reef_teleop" pkg="reef_teleop" type="reef_teleop" output="screen">
        <rosparam subst_value="true">
            control_mode: $(arg control_mode)

            x_axis: 3
            y_axis: 4
            z_axis: 2
            thrust_axis: 2
            yaw_axis: 1

            initial_z_cmd: $(arg initial_z_cmd)
            min_z_cmd: $(arg min_z_cmd)
            max_z_cmd: $(arg max_z_cmd)
            z_scale: $(arg z_scale)

            pitch_max: $(arg pitch_max)
            roll_max: $(arg roll_max)
            thrust_max: $(arg thrust_max)
            yawrate_max: $(arg yawrate_max)

            x_dot_max: $(arg x_dot_max)
            y_dot_max: $(arg y_dot_max)

Example launchfile for Logitech wireless USB controller:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <arg name="joy_dev" default="/dev/input/js0" />

    <node name="joy" pkg="joy" type="joy_node" output="screen" >
        <param name="dev" value="$(arg joy_dev)" />
        <param name="autorepeat_rate" value="100" />
        <param name="coalesce_interval" value="0.01" />

    <arg name="control_mode" default="attitude_altitude"/>

    <arg name="thrust_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="pitch_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="roll_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="yawrate_max" default="0.25"/>

    <arg name="x_dot_max" default="0.25"/>
    <arg name="y_dot_max" default="0.25"/>

    <arg name="initial_z_cmd" default="0"/>
    <arg name="min_z_cmd" default="-10.0"/>
    <arg name="max_z_cmd" default="10.0"/>
    <arg name="z_scale" default="0.1"/>

    <arg name="invert_x" default="false"/>

    <node name="reef_teleop" pkg="reef_teleop" type="reef_teleop" output="screen">
        <rosparam subst_value="true">
            control_mode: $(arg control_mode)

            invert_x: $(arg invert_x)
            x_axis: 4
            y_axis: 5
            z_axis: 2
            thrust_axis: 2
            yaw_axis: 1

            initial_z_cmd: $(arg initial_z_cmd)
            min_z_cmd: $(arg min_z_cmd)
            max_z_cmd: $(arg max_z_cmd)
            z_scale: $(arg z_scale)

            pitch_max: $(arg pitch_max)
            roll_max: $(arg roll_max)
            thrust_max: $(arg thrust_max)
            yawrate_max: $(arg yawrate_max)

            x_dot_max: $(arg x_dot_max)
            y_dot_max: $(arg y_dot_max)


REEF_teleop is an open-source ROS package that serves an interface between gamepad controller (like XBox and Logitech controllers) and ROS








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