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Releases: ufozone/ha-zcs-mower


11 Jun 19:27
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This version is recommended for Home Assistant 2024.6.0 or newer.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Fix race condition in image entity by calculate scaling map generation #153


08 Jun 17:06
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This version requires Home Assistant 2024.5.0 or newer.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add entity_picture method to device_tracker entity #146
  • Store runtime data inside the config entry instead of hass data #149
  • Move getting location history to coordinator to fix HA 2024.5.0 issue #128
  • Update lawn mower models #133
  • Fix map image generation blocking I/O in event loop #144
  • Fix missing reason attribute in binary_sensor entity #142
  • Fix entity type from lawn_mower entity
  • Clean up data of initial config entry and config entry migrations
  • Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 #84
  • Bump ruff from 0.4.2 to 0.4.8 #150


14 Apr 12:27
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This version contains breaking changes.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add automated client key generation in setup #94
  • Add publishing new remote client by adding lawn mower in config and options flows #107
  • Add deleting remote client from lawn mower when it is removed in options flow #109
  • Add client re-generation in general settings (options flow) #111
  • Add Connect expiration date as extra attribute connect_expiration in sensor entity #113
  • Add +Infinity state and expiration date as extra attribute infinity_expiration in sensor entity #101
  • Add icons for services in icons.json
  • Set maximum duration for charge_for number entity and service up to 10079 minutes (a full week)
  • Improve error handling with detailed error messages displayed in the config and option flow #82, #88
  • Improve refresh authentication when session is invalid in API client
  • Improve getting +Infinity state #97
  • Improve exception handling in API client #93
  • Improve getting location history in device_tracker entity #80
  • Optimize default update interval for working and standby time
  • Update coordinator by adding data threshold state
  • Update robot states by adding new states "Hot temperature", "Mapping started", "Mapping ended" #99
  • Update error codes by adding new errors #90
  • Rename some default constants for better name handling
  • Remove camera entity #110
  • Fix error states in binary_sensor error #118
  • Fix get location history before Home Assistant is full loaded #91
  • Fix exception handling in options flow (step settings)
  • Optimize constructor super class call for all entities
  • Code cleanup (e.g. replace some lists with tuples)
  • Bump ruff to 0.3.7 #115

💥 Breaking changes:

  • Camera entity
    The camera entity was removed in this version. Use the new image entity instead. You must delete the old camera entity after upgrading to this version.


25 Feb 22:54
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This version requires Home Assistant 2024.2.0 or newer.


This version contains breaking changes.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add image entity #60
  • Add map rotation as configurable setting #62
  • Add service custom_command
  • Add new attribute next_pull to all entities
  • Improve device_tracker entity by adding GPS accuracy
  • Improve map calculation by using PI from math class
  • Improve storing the map GPS position #56
  • Improve entity category for all entites #59
  • Disable camera entity by default and mark as deprecated #58
  • Bump pillow from 10.0.0 to 10.2.0
  • Bump numpy from 1.21.6 to 1.26.0
  • Fix redacted information in diagnostics #64
  • Fix missing connection between current and last GPS location #57
  • Fix updates stopped at the start of the standby time #55
  • Fix TimeoutError aliases
  • Fix typos in translations

💥 Breaking changes:

  • Camera entity
    The camera entity is marked as deprecated and will be removed in version 1.4. Use the new image entity instead. You must delete the old camera entity after upgrading to 1.4.

  • Vacuum entity
    In July 2023 Home Assistant has marked some vacuum entity functions as deprecated. This affects the following functions that are used:

    • vacuum.error: Shows the specific error message when the lawn mower is in STATE_ERROR.
    • vacuum.status: This is a dynamic text that showed the status of the mower. It was quite useful to see what the mower is currently doing or what specific error is present.

    The changes came into effect with HA 2024.2.0. Currently, the implementations are still working. As soon as this is no longer the case, you will get the necessary information about the reason why your mower is not mowing in the binary_sensor entity error (attribute reason). You can get the exact working status via the sensor entity.


01 Feb 21:44
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🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add services translations
  • Add serial number to extra state attributes of all entities
  • Add button entity update_now for update mower data from API
  • Add service update_now for update mower data from API
  • Add unit of measurments at options
  • Add units in service description
  • Improve device info handling (show serial number in device entry)
  • Correct some model names
  • Upgrade config flow initializer
  • Cleanup code and version migrations
  • Change redacted information in diagnostic log
  • Fix deprecated SUPPORT_ON_OFF camera entity feature
  • Fix removed VacuumEntityDescription in vacuum entity
  • Fix some small bugs


08 Sep 19:30
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This version requires Home Assistant 2023.9.0 or newer.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add lawn mower entity (since HA 2023.9.0)
  • Add differentiation between standby and idle time to set different update intervals
  • Add settings to configure standby times
  • Add settings to configure data update and wake up intervals
  • Add version migration for new config settings
  • Add error handling for start and stop standby time and update intervals in options flow
  • Add new TechLine model and correct some Ambrogio models
  • Add backend translation for services (since HA 2023.8.0)
  • Optimize default update interval for working and standby time
  • Optimize default wake up intervals for standard and Infiinity+ data plan
  • Optimize periodical wake up and trace position
  • Disable vacuum entity by default
  • Fix vacuum entity status and error attribute backend translation breaking change (since HA 2023.7.0)
  • Fix binary_sensor entity error reason attribute backend translation breaking change (since HA 2023.7.0)
  • Fix entity name for vacuum and device tracker entities
  • Fix removed ImageDraw function textsize in pillow 10 in camera entity
  • Fix typos in translation and config keys
  • Update code quality of device tracker entity
  • Update pillow requirement from ==9.5.0 to >=9.5.0 #18
  • Define CONFIG_SCHEMA for component setup
  • Renaming several constants for a better naming scheme
  • Simplyfing and cleanup source code


13 Aug 19:33
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This is the latest version for Home Assistant 2023.8.4 or older.

🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add differentiation between standby and idle time to set different update intervals
  • Add settings to configure standby times
  • Add version migration for new config settings
  • Add error handling for start and stop standby time and update intervals in options flow
  • Add new TechLine model and correct some Ambrogio models
  • Add backend translation for services (since HA 2023.8.0)
  • Optimize default update interval for working and standby time
  • Renaming several constants for a better naming scheme
  • Simplyfing and cleanup source code
  • Fix typos in translation and config keys


11 Jun 22:50
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🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Get +Infinity status and use it for dynamic wake up and trace position interval
  • Add setting to enable/disable periodical position tracing
  • Add button entity for border_cut
  • Add diagnostics support
  • Add version migration for new config entry structure
  • Update lawn mower objects in config entry
  • Update logging in camera entity
  • Simplyfing source code
  • Fix bug when identifying the work state of lawn mower
  • Fix bug when refreshing device infos


29 May 16:05
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🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add location points with time-sensitive luminance (increase transparency for older location points) on map camera
  • Add setting to configure drawing lines between location points on map camera
  • Add setting to enable/disable showing the location history on map camera
  • Add button entity for trace_position
  • Add italian language
  • Update model mapping (Ambrogio completed, some Techline and Wiper added)
  • Improve the localization of the vacuum status and the error reason
  • Improve map camera image generation
  • Optimize the camera image (file size)
  • Change lines between location points on map camera to more transparent with increasing age
  • Replace map camera default marker for current mower position
  • Cleanup source code
  • Fix bug in config flow at initial camera setup
  • Fix bug in migration flow
  • Fix bug in calibration point calculation for extra state attributes when camera is disabled
  • Fix bug in data types of lawn mower attributes in cordinator
  • Fix some typos


24 May 00:13
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🚀 Features and fixes:

  • Add button entities for work_now and charge_now
  • Add number entities for work_for and charge_for (default disabled)
  • Add calibration points as extra attribute for camera entity
  • Add locatization for camera entity
  • Add number of points on map configurable in setup and options flow
  • Add error handling for camera settings in setup and options flow
  • Raise the possible points on the map to 200
  • Replace marker placeholder
  • Disable config entry first refresh after setup/reload
  • Update to better duplication check in location history handling
  • Update name handling of entities
  • Update localization for better entity name handling
  • Update localization to better descriptions
  • Use scheduled refreshing in coordinator
  • Improve debug logging
  • Fix range validations in coordinator
  • Fix mirrored positions on map
  • Fix map generation error handling for camera entity
  • Fix camera entity enabling by setup
  • Fix bug in setup camera entity
  • Fix setup and options flow: allow an optional setting to be empty
  • Fix maximum mowing zones down to eight