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How to configure BGP on Azure VPN Gateways using Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell

This article walks you through the steps to enable BGP on a cross-premises Site-to-Site (S2S) VPN connection and a VNet-to-VNet connection using the Resource Manager deployment model and PowerShell.

About Azure deployment models

[AZURE.INCLUDE vpn-gateway-clasic-rm]

About BGP

BGP is the standard routing protocol commonly used in the Internet to exchange routing and reachability information between two or more networks. BGP enables the Azure VPN Gateways and your on-premises VPN devices, called BGP peers or neighbors, to exchange "routes" that will inform both gateways on the availability and reachability for those prefixes to go through the gateways or routers involved. BGP can also enable transit routing among multiple networks by propagating routes a BGP gateway learns from one BGP peer to all other BGP peers.

Please see Overview of BGP with Azure VPN Gateways for more discussion on benefits of BGP and to understand the technical requirements and considerations of using BGP.

Getting started with BGP on Azure VPN gateways

This article will walk you through the steps to do the following tasks:

Each part of the instructions forms a basic building block for enabling BGP in your network connectivity. If you complete all three parts, you will build the topology as shown in the following diagram:

BGP topology

You can combine these together to build a more complex, multi-hope, transit network that meet your needs.

Part 1 - Configure BGP on the Azure VPN Gateway

The following configuration steps will setup the BGP parameters of the Azure VPN gateway as shown in the following diagram:

BGP Gateway

Before you begin

Step 1 - Create and configure VNet1

1. Declare your variables

For this exercise, we'll start by declaring our variables. The example below declares the variables using the values for this exercise. Be sure to replace the values with your own when configuring for production. You can use these variables if you are running through the steps to become familiar with this type of configuration. Modify the variables, and then copy and paste into your PowerShell console.

$Sub1          = "Replace_With_Your_Subcription_Name"
$RG1           = "TestBGPRG1"
$Location1     = "East US"
$VNetName1     = "TestVNet1"
$FESubName1    = "FrontEnd"
$BESubName1    = "Backend"
$GWSubName1    = "GatewaySubnet"
$VNetPrefix11  = ""
$VNetPrefix12  = ""
$FESubPrefix1  = ""
$BESubPrefix1  = ""
$GWSubPrefix1  = ""
$VNet1ASN      = 65010
$DNS1          = ""
$GWName1       = "VNet1GW"
$GWIPName1     = "VNet1GWIP"
$GWIPconfName1 = "gwipconf1"
$Connection12  = "VNet1toVNet2"
$Connection15  = "VNet1toSite5"

2. Connect to your subscription and create a new resource group

Make sure you switch to PowerShell mode to use the Resource Manager cmdlets. For more information, see Using Windows PowerShell with Resource Manager.

Open your PowerShell console and connect to your account. Use the following sample to help you connect:

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $Sub1
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $RG1 -Location $Location1

3. Create TestVNet1

The sample below creates a virtual network named TestVNet1 and three subnets, one called GatewaySubnet, one called FrontEnd, and one called Backend. When substituting values, it's important that you always name your gateway subnet specifically GatewaySubnet. If you name it something else, your gateway creation will fail.

$fesub1 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $FESubName1 -AddressPrefix $FESubPrefix1
$besub1 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $BESubName1 -AddressPrefix $BESubPrefix1
$gwsub1 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $GWSubName1 -AddressPrefix $GWSubPrefix1

New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -AddressPrefix $VNetPrefix11,$VNetPrefix12 -Subnet $fesub1,$besub1,$gwsub1

Step 2 - Create the VPN Gateway for TestVNet1 with BGP parameters

1. Create the IP and subnet configurations

Request a public IP address to be allocated to the gateway you will create for your VNet. You'll also define the subnet and IP configurations required.

$gwpip1    = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $GWIPName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -AllocationMethod Dynamic

$vnet1     = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$subnet1   = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet1
$gwipconf1 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GWIPconfName1 -Subnet $subnet1 -PublicIpAddress $gwpip1

2. Create the VPN gateway with the AS number

Create the virtual network gateway for TestVNet1. Note that BGP requires a Route-Based VPN gateway, and also the addition parameter, -Asn, to set the ASN (AS Number) for TestVNet1. Creating a gateway can take a while (30 minutes or more to complete).

New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -IpConfigurations $gwipconf1 -GatewayType Vpn -VpnType RouteBased -GatewaySku HighPerformance -Asn $VNet1ASN

3. Obtain the Azure BGP Peer IP address

Once the gateway is created, you will need to obtain the BGP Peer IP address on the Azure VPN Gateway. This address is needed to configure the Azure VPN Gateway as a BGP Peer for your on-premises VPN devices.

$vnet1gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1

The last command will show the corresponding BGP configurations on the Azure VPN Gateway; for example:

	"Asn": 65010,
	"BgpPeeringAddress": "",
	"PeerWeight": 0

Once the gateway is created, you can use this gateway to establish cross-premises connection or VNet-to-VNet connection with BGP. The following sections will walk through the steps to complete the exercise.

Part 2 - Establish a cross-premises connection with BGP

To establish a cross-premises connection, you need to create a Local Network Gateway to represent your on-premises VPN device, and a Connection to connect the Azure VPN gateway with the local network gateway. The difference between the instructions in this article is the additional properties required to specify the BGP configuration parameters.

BGP for Cross-Premises

Before proceeding, please make sure you have completed Part 1 of this exercise.

Step 1 - Create and configure the local network gateway

1. Declare your variables

This exercise will continue to build the configuration shown in the diagram. Be sure to replace the values with the ones that you want to use for your configuration.

$RG5           = "TestBGPRG5"
$Location5     = "East US 2"
$LNGName5      = "Site5"
$LNGPrefix50   = ""
$LNGIP5        = "Your_VPN_Device_IP"
$LNGASN5       = 65050
$BGPPeerIP5    = ""

A couple of things to note regarding the local network gateway parameters:

  • The local network gateway can be in the same or different location and resource group as the VPN gateway. This example shows them in different resource groups in different locations.

  • The minimum prefix you need to declare for the local network gateway is the host address of your BGP Peer IP address on your VPN device. In this case, it's a /32 prefix of "".

  • As a reminder, you must use different BGP ASNs between your on-premises networks and Azure VNet. If they are the same, you need to change your VNet ASN if your on-premises VPN device already use the ASN to peer with other BGP neighbors.

Before you continue, please make sure you are still connected to Subscription 1.

2. Create the local network gateway for Site5

Be sure to create the resource group if it is not created, before you create the local network gateway. Notice the two additional parameters for the local network gateway: Asn and BgpPeerAddress.

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $RG5 -Location $Location5

New-AzureRmLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName5 -ResourceGroupName $RG5 -Location $Location5 -GatewayIpAddress $LNGIP5 -AddressPrefix $LNGPrefix50 -Asn $LNGASN5 -BgpPeeringAddress $BGPPeerIP5

Step 2 - Connect the VNet gateway and local network gateway

1. Get the two gateways

	$vnet1gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1  -ResourceGroupName $RG1
	$lng5gw  = Get-AzureRmLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName5 -ResourceGroupName $RG5

2. Create the TestVNet1 to Site5 connection

In this step, you will create the connection from TestVNet1 to Site5. You must specify "-EnableBGP True" to enable BGP for this connection. As discussed earlier, it is possible to have both BGP and non-BGP connections for the same Azure VPN Gateway. Unless BGP is enabled in the connection property, Azure will not enable BGP for this connection even though BGP parameters are already configured on both gateways.

New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $Connection15 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnet1gw -LocalNetworkGateway2 $lng5gw -Location $Location1 -ConnectionType IPsec -SharedKey 'AzureA1b2C3' -EnableBGP True

The example below lists the parameters you will enter into the BGP configuration section on your on-premises VPN device for this exercise:

- Site5 ASN            : 65050
- Site5 BGP IP         :
- Prefixes to announce : (for example) and
- Azure VNet ASN       : 65010
- Azure VNet BGP IP    :
- Static route         : Add a route for, with nexthop being the VPN tunnel interface on your device
- eBGP Multihop        : Ensure the "multihop" option for eBGP is enabled on your device if needed

The connection should be established after a few minutes, and the BGP peering session will start once the IPsec connection is established.

Part 3 - Establish a VNet-to-VNet connection with BGP

This section adds a VNet-to-VNet connection with BGP, as shown in the diagram below.

BGP for VNet-to-VNet

The instructions below continue from the previous steps listed above. You must complete Part I to create and configure TestVNet1 and the VPN Gateway with BGP.

Step 1 - Create TestVNet2 and the VPN gateway

It is important to make sure that the IP address space of the new virtual network, TestVNet2, does not overlap with any of your VNet ranges.

In this example, the virtual networks belong to the same subscription. You can setup VNet-to-VNet connections between different subscriptions; please refer to Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection to learn more details. Make sure you add the "-EnableBgp True" when creating the connections to enable BGP.

1. Declare your variables

Be sure to replace the values with the ones that you want to use for your configuration.

$RG2           = "TestBGPRG2"
$Location2     = "West US"
$VNetName2     = "TestVNet2"
$FESubName2    = "FrontEnd"
$BESubName2    = "Backend"
$GWSubName2    = "GatewaySubnet"
$VNetPrefix21  = ""
$VNetPrefix22  = ""
$FESubPrefix2  = ""
$BESubPrefix2  = ""
$GWSubPrefix2  = ""
$VNet2ASN      = 65020
$DNS2          = ""
$GWName2       = "VNet2GW"
$GWIPName2     = "VNet2GWIP"
$GWIPconfName2 = "gwipconf2"
$Connection21  = "VNet2toVNet1"
$Connection12  = "VNet1toVNet2"

2. Create TestVNet2 in the new resource group

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $RG2 -Location $Location2

$fesub2 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $FESubName2 -AddressPrefix $FESubPrefix2
$besub2 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $BESubName2 -AddressPrefix $BESubPrefix2
$gwsub2 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $GWSubName2 -AddressPrefix $GWSubPrefix2

New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -Location $Location2 -AddressPrefix $VNetPrefix21,$VNetPrefix22 -Subnet $fesub2,$besub2,$gwsub2

3. Create the VPN gateway for TestVNet2 with BGP parameters

Request a public IP address to be allocated to the gateway you will create for your VNet. You'll also define the subnet and IP configurations required.

$gwpip2    = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $GWIPName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -Location $Location2 -AllocationMethod Dynamic

$vnet2     = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2
$subnet2   = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet2
$gwipconf2 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GWIPconfName2 -Subnet $subnet2 -PublicIpAddress $gwpip2

Create the VPN gateway with the AS number. Note that you must override the default ASN on your Azure VPN gateways. The ASNs for the connected VNets must be different to enable BGP and transit routing.

New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -Location $Location2 -IpConfigurations $gwipconf2 -GatewayType Vpn -VpnType RouteBased -GatewaySku Standard -Asn $VNet2ASN

Step 2 - Connect the TestVNet1 and TestVNet2 gateways

In this example, both gateways are in the same subscription. You can complete this step in the same PowerShell session.

1. Get both gateways

Make sure you login and connect to Subscription 1.

$vnet1gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$vnet2gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2

2. Create both connections

In this step, you will create the connection from TestVNet1 to TestVNet2, and the connection from TestVNet2 to TestVNet1.

New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $Connection12 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnet1gw -VirtualNetworkGateway2 $vnet2gw -Location $Location1 -ConnectionType Vnet2Vnet -SharedKey 'AzureA1b2C3' -EnableBgp True

New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $Connection21 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnet2gw -VirtualNetworkGateway2 $vnet1gw -Location $Location2 -ConnectionType Vnet2Vnet -SharedKey 'AzureA1b2C3' -EnableBgp True

[AZURE.IMPORTANT] Be sure to enable BGP for BOTH connections.

After completing these steps, the connection will be establish in a few minutes, and the BGP peering session will be up once the VNet-to-VNet connection is completed.

If you have completed all three parts of this exercise, you will have established a network topology as shown below:

BGP for VNet-to-VNet

Next steps

Once your connection is complete, you can add virtual machines to your virtual networks. See Create a Virtual Machine for steps.