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Production ready multi services Cloud Native Server Manager

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Production ready multi services Cloud Native Server Manager

Supported tags

  • 1.12.X-BUILD, 1.12.X, 1.12, 1, latest

Where X is the patch version number, and BUILD is the build number (look into project Tags page to discover the latest versions)



  • Small image footprint (based on slim version of Linux Debian buster image)
  • Many customizable variables to use
  • Using tini as init process
  • Using supervisord for service management
  • Supported services:
    • Rsyslog (syslog server)
    • Crond (unix cron scheduler)
    • OpenSSH (ssh server)
    • ProFTPd (ftp server)
    • Apache (web server)
    • PHP 7.3
    • phpMyAdmin (mysql web gui)
    • OpenVPN Server (VPN Server)
    • nrpe agent (Nagios agent)
    • zabbix agent
    • cronicle (multi-server task scheduler and runner with web gui for management)
  • Automatic Users and Groups creation via external csv file

What is Server Manager?

Server Manager is useful when you need a containerized full stack server with legacy services running inside it. Like an SSH server, FTP server, OpenVPN Client/Server, run cron jobs, etc... For example you can use server-manager when you need a way to upload files via FTP inside your docker infrastructure shared by NFS server You can automatically create users and group using ad formatted csv file imported during container startup

How to use this image

docker pull izdock/server-manager
docker run -it --rm izdock/server-manage

You can test it by configuring your ssh client to use container-ip:22

If you need access outside the host, on port 21, 22, 80:

docker run -it --rm -p 21:21 -p 22:22 -p 80:80 -p 222:222 izdock/postfix

Run server-manager creating users and grups from external file:

docker run -it --rm -p 21:21 -p 22:22 -p 80:80 -p 222:222 -e CSV_REMOVE=false -v /local/path/.users.csv:/.users.csv -v /local/path/.groups.csv:/.groups.csv izdock/postfix

How to build this image

docker build --pull --rm -t server-manager .

Run the local build with

docker run -it --rm -e CSV_IMPORT=false -e CRONICLE_ENABLED=true -p 2222:2222 -p 3012:3012 --name server-manager server-manager

Users csv file format:




Groups csv file format:




Environment variables

Follow all usable runtime environment variables with default values

## hostname configuration
: ${SERVERNAME:=$HOSTNAME}      # (**$HOSTNAME**) default web server hostname

## user and groups management
: ${CSV_USERS:="/.users.csv"}   # import users using this csv
: ${CSV_GROUPS:="/.groups.csv"} # import groups using this csv
: ${CSV_REMOVE:="true"}         # remove the import files for security reason

## security
: ${ROOT_PASSWORD:="$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13 ; echo '')"} # default root password
: ${ROOT_MAILTO:="root@localhost"} # default root mail address

## supervisord services
: ${CRON_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${HTTPD_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${OPENVPN_ENABLED:="false"}
: ${SYSLOG_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${NRPE_ENABLED:="false"}
: ${ZABBIX_ENABLED:="false"}
: ${SSH_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${FTP_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${PMA_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${CERTBOT_ENABLED:="false"}
: ${MTA_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${POSTFIX_ENABLED:="false"}

## zabbix configuration
: ${ZABBIX_USR:="zabbix"}
: ${ZABBIX_GRP:="zabbix"}

## service name mapping
: ${ZABBIX_DAEMON:="zabbix-agent"}
: ${SSH_DAEMON:="sshd"}
: ${FTP_DAEMON:="proftpd"}
: ${SYSLOG_DAEMON:="rsyslog"}

## ssh configuration
: ${SSH_PERMIT_ROOT:="yes"}
: ${SSH_PORT:=2222}
: ${SSH_SSL_KEYS_DIR:="/etc/ssh"}

## ftp service configuration
: ${FTP_PORT:=21}
: ${FTP_PASV_ADDR:="$(ip route|awk '/^default/ {print $3}')"}
: ${FTP_PASV_MIN:=21000}
: ${FTP_PASV_MAX:=21100}
: ${FTP_FTPS_ENABLED:="false"}
: ${FTP_FTPS_PORT:=990}
: ${FTP_FTPS_FORCED:="false"}
: ${FTP_SFTP_ENABLED:="true"}
: ${FTP_SFTP_PORT:=22}
: ${FTP_SSL_KEYS_DIR:="/etc/ssl/private"}

## http service configuration
: ${HTTPD_PORT:=80}

## smtp options
: ${domain:="$HOSTNAME"}                # local hostname
: ${from:="root@localhost.localdomain"} # default From email address
: ${host:="localhost"}                  # remote smtp server
: ${port:=25}                           # smtp port
: ${tls:="off"}                         # (**on**|**off**) enable tls
: ${starttls:="off"}                    # (**on**|**off**) enable starttls
: ${username:=""}                       # username for auth smtp server
: ${password:=""}                       # password for auth smtp server
: ${timeout:=3600}                      # connection timeout


Customize environment variables

Quick reference


As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.


Production ready multi services Cloud Native Server Manager




