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joe.c.starr edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the UIowa-MGB personal site template wiki!

If you just want to get up and running as fast as possible without spending a dime or installing anything see the bare minimum setup. If you want a custom domain name and the ability to edit things locally on your computer there are a couple more steps. Oh and it will cost $10 a year for the domain name.

Can't figure out how to do something? Ask a question.

Did something not work? Raise an issue.


  1. Make accounts
  2. Purchase domain and set up DNS (optional)
  3. Fork (copy) the repo

Edit in Browser (suggested)

  1. Start up codespace and install extensions

Edit on PC

  1. Install tools
  2. Pull repo


Configuring the personal site breaks down into two sections the first is to configure the landing page, the second is adding additional "posts"/"content sections".

When you first navigate to you will be presented with the landing page. The landing page is intended to give a reader a summery of yourself. The configuration for the landing page happens mostly in the conf.yaml file. Documentation for modifying the landing page content can be found in the changing personal info wiki entry.

The second class of configurable data is "posts" and "content sections". Some examples of what "content sections" look like on a website can be found at:

with the posts being the content on a page, an example can be found at

Information on configuring/creating "posts"/"content sections" can be found at the wiki entry for pages/content sections.