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Guidelines for use of computer equipment at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway


Explanation of words and expressions used in these guidelines.
Every person who has access to and who uses the University's computer equipment. This includes employees students and others who are granted access to the computer equipment.
user contract:
Agreement between users and department(s) at the University who regulate the user's right of access to the computer equipment. The user contract is also a confirmation that these guidelines are accepted by the user.
All information that is on the computer equipment. This includes both the contents of data files and software.
computer network:
Hardware and/or software which makes it possible to establish a connection between two or more computer terminals. This includes both private, local, national and international computer networks which are accessible through the computer equipment.
Disturbances and abnormalities which prevent the user from (stoppage) maximum utilization of the computer equipment.
computer equipment:
This includes hardware, software, data, services and computer network.
Mechanical equipment that can be used for data processing.
private data:
Data found in reserved or private areas or that are marked as private. The data in a user's account is to be regarded as private irrespective of the rights attached to the data.
Resources refers to the computer equipment including time and the capacity available for the persons who are connected to the equipment.


The purpose of these guidelines is to contribute towards the development of a computer environment in which the potential provided by the computer equipment can be utilized in the best possible way by the University and by society at large. This is to promote education and research and to disseminate knowledge about scientific methods and results.


These guidelines apply to the use of the University's computer equipment and apply to all users who are granted access to the computer equipment. The guidelines are to be part of a user contract and are otherwise to be accessible at suitable places such as the terminal room. The use of the computer equipment also requires that the user knows any possible supplementary regulations.

Good Faith

Never leave any doubt as to your identity and give your full name in addition to explaining your connection to the University. A user is always to identify him/ herself by name, his/ her own user identity, password or in another regular way when using services on the computer network. The goodwill of external environments is not to be abused by the user accessing information not intended for the user, or by use of the services for purposes other than that for which they are intended. Users are to follow the instructions from system administrators about the use of computer equipment. Users are also expected to familiarize themselves with the user guides, manuals, documentation etc. in order to reduce the risk of breakdowns or loss of data or equipment (through ignorance). On termination of employment or studies, it is the users responsibility to ensure that copies of data owned or used by the University are secured on behalf of the University.

Data Safety

Users are obliged to take the necessity measures to prevent the loss of data etc. by taking back-up copies, careful storage of media, etc. This can be done by ensuring that the systems management take care of it. Your files are in principle personal but should be protected so that they cannot be read by others. Users are obliged to protect the integrity of their passwords or other safety elements known to them, in addition to preventing unauthorized people from obtaining access to the computer equipment. Introducing data involves the risk of unwanted elements such as viruses. Users are obliged to take measures to protect the computer equipment from such things. Users are obliged to report circumstances that may have importance for the safety or integrity of the equipment to the closest superior or to the person who is responsible for data safety.

Respect for Other Users Privacy

Users may not try to find out another persons password, etc., nor try to obtain unauthorized access to another persons data. This is true independent of whether or not the data is protected. Users are obliged to familiarize themselves with the special rules that apply to the storage of personal information (on others). If a user wishes to register personal information, the user concerned is obliged to ensure that there is permission for this under the law for registration of information on persons or rules authorized by the law or with acceptance of rights given to the University. In cases where registration of such information is not permitted by these rules the user is obliged to apply for (and obtain? ) the necessary permission. Users are bound by the oaths of secrecy concerning personal relationships of which the user acquires knowledge through use of computer equipment, ref. to the definition in section 13 second section of the Administration Law, (forvaltningslovens section 13 annet ledd).

Proper Use

The computer equipment of the University may not be used to advance slander or discriminating remarks, nor to distribute pornography or spread secret information, or to violate the peace of private life or to incite or take part in illegal actions. This apart, users are to restrain from improper communication on the network.

The computer equipment is to be used in accordance with the aims of the University. This excludes direct commercial use.

Awareness of the Purposes for Use of Resources

The computer equipment of the University is to strengthen and support professional activity, administration, research and teaching. Users have a co-responsibility in making the best possible use of the resources.


Data is usually linked to rights which make their use dependent on agreements with the holder of the rights. Users commit themselves to respecting other people's rights. This applies also when the University makes data accessible. The copying of programs in violation of the rights of use and/or license agreement is not permitted.


Users themselves are responsible for the use of data which is made accessible via the computer equipment. The University disclaims all responsibility for any loss that results from errors or defects in computer equipment, including for example, errors or defects in data, use of data from accessible databases or other data that has been obtained through the computer network etc. The University is not responsible for damage or loss suffered by users as a consequence of insufficient protection of their own data.


The systems manager has the right to seek access to the individual user's reserved areas on the equipment for the purpose of ensuring the equipment's' proper functioning or to control that the user does not violate or has not violated the regulations in these guidelines. It is presupposed that such access is only sought when it is of great importance to absolve the University from responsibility or bad reputation. If the systems manager seeks such access, the user should be warned about it in an appropriate way. Ordinarily such a warning should be given in writing and in advance. If the use of a workstation, terminal or other end user equipment is under surveillance because of operational safety or other considerations, information about this must be given in an appropriate way. The systems managers are bound by oaths of secrecy with respect to information about the user or the user's activity which they obtain in this way, the exception being that circumstances which could represent a violation of these guidelines may be reported to superior authorities.


Breach of these guidelines can lead to the user being denied access to the University's data services, in addition to which there are sanctions that the University can order, applying other rules. Breach of privacy laws, oaths of secrecy etc. can lead to liability or punishment. The usual rules for dismissal or (forced) resignation of employees or disciplinary measures against students, apply to users who misuse the computer equipment. The reasons for sanctions against a user are to be stated, and can be ordered by the person who has authority given by the University. Disciplinary measures against students are passed by the University Council, ref. section 47 of the University law.


Complaints about sanctions are to be directed to the person(s) who order sanctions. If the complaint is not complied with, it is sent on to the University Council for final decision. Complaints about surveillance have the same procedure as for sanctions. The procedure for complaints about dismissal or resignation of employees are the usual rules for the University, and rules otherwise valid in Norwegian society. Decisions about disciplinary measures against students cannot be complained about, See § 47 of the University law.