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Ctypes Of Clang

Auto-generate Ctypes bindings from C header/source files using Clang.

How it works

A ppx preprocessor is run over an OCaml file which detects extension points with embedded C-code ie

[%ccode {| #include <math.h> |}]

The c-code is parsed by clang and an AST queried to extract types and function definitions.

The process is fairly lax - if a definition cannot be converted it will be skipped.

Expression form

# let sqrt = [%ccode "double sqrt(double);"];;
val sqrt : float -> float = <fun>

Structure item

# module X = struct
    [%ccode {|
      double sqrt(double);
      void exit(int);
module X : sig 
  val sqrt : float -> float 
  val exit : int32 -> unit 


In the following examples the Ctypes library and ctypes_of_ocaml ppx need to be loaded.

# #use "topfind";;
# #require "ctypes.foreign";;
# open Ctypes;;	
# open Foreign;;
# #ppx "./ppx_coc.byte";;

Function definition

# let sqrt = [%ccode {| double sqrt(double); |} ];;
val sqrt : float -> float = <fun>
# sqrt 2.;;
- : float = 1.41421356237309515

Structure definition

A C-structure is turned into a record of type Coc_runtime.rt_structured which contains a ctypes structure value and an object expression with the corresponding structure fields.

# [%ccode {| struct foo { int x; float y; }; |}];;
val foo_0 : [ `foo ] structure typ = struct foo { int x; float y;  }
val foo : 
  ([ `foo ] structure typ,
   < x : (int, [ `foo ] structure) field;
     y : (float, [ `foo ] structure) field >)
  rt_structured =
  {Coc_runtime.ctype = struct foo { int x; float y;  }; 
               members = <obj> }

Note that structures define a pair of values (this is to deal with recursive structures) so can't be defined as expressions.


Enum definitions are turned into a record of type "Coc_runtime.rt_enum` which contains the underlying enum type (some form of int) and a pair of functions to convert between a polymorphic variant representing the enum and an int.

# [%ccode {| enum foo { A,B }; |}];;
val foo : (Unsigned.uint typ, [ `A | `B ]) rt_enum =
  { Coc_runtime.ctype = unsigned int; 
    to_int = <fun>; 
    of_int = <fun> }

When enums are used in other type definitions or functions the underlying int type is used.

Binding qsort

# [%ccode {| void qsort(void *base, int nmemb, int size, int (*)(void *, void *)); |}[@funptr "Foreign.funptr"]];;
val qsort :
  unit ptr -> int32 -> int32 ->
  (unit ptr -> unit ptr -> int32) -> unit = <fun>

# let a = CArray.make int 10;;
val a : int CArray.t = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
# for i=0 to 9 do CArray.set a i ( 100) done;;
- : unit = ()
# a;;
- : int CArray.t = { 44, 85, 82, 41, 39, 0, 4, 20, 21, 70 }

# let parr a = to_voidp (CArray.start a);;
val parr : 'a CArray.t -> unit ptr = <fun>
# let convi p = !@ (from_voidp int p);; 
val convi : unit ptr -> int = <fun>
# qsort (parr a) 10 4 (fun a b -> (convi a) (convi b));;
- : unit = ()
# a;;
- : int CArray.t = { 0, 4, 20, 21, 39, 41, 44, 70, 82, 85 }


Various attributes can be attached to the string containing c-code to control the conversion process.

Attribute Description
[@clangargs <string-list>] arguments passed to the clang c-compiler
[@ctypesmodule <string>] Alias for Ctypes module
[@foreignmodule <string>] Alias for Foreign module
[@foreignfnmodule <string>] Alias for (@->) and returning used for top level bindings
[@typesmodule <string>] Module containing (pre-)generated types
[@funptr <string>] callbacks are described using Ctypes.static_funptr. This option can override that choice ie to use Foreign.funptr.
[@staticstructs] extract alignment/size/offset information from clang, rather than infer it using ctypes.
[@deferbindingexn] Foreign only wrap functions and capture binding exceptions so they occur when the function is called rather than when bound
[@viewstring] map pointer to char to string view
[@viewstringopt] map pointer to char to string_opt view
[@viewint] map signed and unsigned int to int view
[@doccomment] generate @@ocaml.doc comments with declaration info
[@gentypes] only generate types (structs, enums, typedefs etc)
[@gendecls] only generate declarations (functions and variables).
[@includedecls <string-list>] control generation of bindings.
[@excludedecls <string-list>]
[@includetypes <string-list>]
[@excludetypes <string-list>]

Controlling conversion

The include/exclude types and decls attributes allow specification of which definitions should be converted. Each specify a list of regular expressions in Humane_re form.

For each definition a string is constructed with the filename and declaration name seperated by a colon ie "stdlib.h:qsort". First the exclude list will be checked - if any regular expression matches then the definition will be skipped. Then the include list will be checked - if any matches the definition will be generated. By default (empty include/exclude lists) nothing is excluded and everything is included.



Convert C-code to OCaml Ctypes via Clang






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