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Myles edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 5 revisions


Windows installations require the linux subsystem for windows. qamd currently requires Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04, but we can circumvent this by running inside of the linux subsystem for windows. Start it and you will be prompted to create a new user (this is separate from your windows user account).

After this you will be presented with a bash prompt. Run the following:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

And follow up with the command below to run the setup script or follow the manual installation instructions.

curl -sSf | sh


Automated Install

The script will automatically download all the packages required, build the required dependencies and will add the required environment variable exports to your ~/.profile.

If you are on Ubuntu, you can run the script. You may needed to run chmod +x to give the file executable permissions.

Alternatively if you have curl installed, you can run this command to fetch the setup script and execute it.

curl -sSf | sh

Manual Install

First, you should really consider the automated install as this isn't for the faint hearted or uninitiated.


The following things are required to build the software from source:

  • Git, to clone the repository
  • Rust, tool chain including the rust compiler (rustc) & the cargo build system
  • ReadStat, master branch, installed from source & LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly!


You should run a update & install before installing any packages.

sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get install upgrade

Install the required tools required compile source of both QAMD & ReadStat of which QAMD depends.

curl build-essential gcc autoconf libtool llvm-3.9-dev libclang-3.9-dev clang-3.9


Install ReadStat. This is done by cloning the repository from github, and then a standard automake installation. This requires sudo/root permission to install.

git clone
cd ReadStat
sudo make install

Make sure to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/local/lib by adding running the following commands. This only needs to be done once per install.

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"' | cat >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile


Next clone the qamd repository:

git clone

cd ./qamd
cargo build --release

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.src/target/release"' | cat >> ~/.profile
Clone this wiki locally