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OinkQuack edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Exporting and editing textures/diffuse maps

Importing textures/diffuse maps

import into SwatEd editor for an existing package (i.e. replacing existing textures), or a new package (i.e. entirely new textures for new objects).

  • Choose "generate mipmaps".
    • dxt1 for greatest compression
    • dxt3, or dxt5 for alpha channels

Assigning textures/diffuse maps to shaders

Shaders determine reflection, absorbtion, translucency and glow. As mentioned previously, the texture/diffuse map alpha channel informs this. Create a shader for all textures, except UI elements.

  • Open SwatEd texture browser
  • "File > New"
  • name item "shader_itemname"
  • click "New"
  • move new window to side
  • highlight texture in browser
  • select "diffuse" channel in new window
  • select "Use"
  • close window
  • save package as "packagename.utx"

Creating bump/normal maps with CrazyBump

As mentioned previously, the Nvidia Photoshop plug-in can provide the bump/normal maps, but were unusable for me in Windows 10 Photoshop CC 2017.

  • All Normal Map settings to zero
  • Intensity: -30
  • Shape Recognition: 30
  • Medium Detail: 30
  • Large Detail: 30
  • Very Large Detail: 30
  • Experiment with these values. The originals went bump crazy in places; ideally just pick out details that really need it.
  • Bump/Normal Map needs to be saved as 24bit .tga, convention is "_norm" as end of file name.

NOTE: Photoshop 3D offers "Filter > 3D > Generate Nromal Map".

Importing bump/normal maps

Within the editor texture browser:

  • "File > import"
  • Choose package to import into
  • choose "DXT5-NORM" compression
  • When asked if you want to set "LODset value" for your Normal map to "LODSET_NormalMap", click "Yes"

Assigning bump/normal maps to shaders

Within the editor texture browser:

  • choose a shader
  • right-click and select "Properties"
  • Put new window to side
  • select correct normal map in texture browser
  • return to new window
  • select "NormalMap" channel
  • select "Use"
  • close window


I don't have any experience of importing and exporting models with SWAT4, but here are some pointers: