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Great Pattern Library

This Great Pattern Library (GPL) is a set of shared UI components and patterns used on the sites.

The main goals of this library are to:

  • showcase shared UI components
  • give examples of these components in the context of multiple design patterns.

The library should make it easy for developers to reuse these components in other projects.

The Great Pattern Library takes on some of the priciples of Atomic Design.


  • find a way to distribute versioned components so that changes can be made in a way that does not break existing sites (i.e. frontend micro-architecture)
  • document release procedure

Other teams backend

  • IIGB - Node (Nunjucks)
  • FAB/FAS/SSO/Profile - Python
  • ExOpps - Ruby (HAML)
  • ExRed - Python (Jinja/Pug)



npm install



npm run develop

Then in your web browser open this URL: http://localhost:5000/

This command will run node index.js which runs the express server followed by the default gulpcommand.

The default gulp command does the following:

  • builds the frontend assets
  • runs browsersync
  • rebuilds assets on changes in the source code
  • reloads page automatically on changes to the source code.

Browsersync also syncs UI interactions across multiple browsers which helps which cross device testing.


Compiling CSS during your deployment

Run the following command to compile the css files:

npm run build && npm start

Pre-compiled CSS

The CSS files are also available pre-compiled in static/styles. These are useful if your project does not fit the "compile css during deployment" approach.

Run tests

npm test


This project uses the GitFlow branching strategy for git.

A description of the GitFlow strategy can be found here:


The log of changes for each release can be found in the file.



The compiled css in this project should always be added/updated in version control. This allows the utilisation of this library by projects that cannot compile the css during deployment due to technical constraints, or choose not to for other reasons.

New feature

  1. feature branch is created (from the develop branch) to carry out the work to complete the feature
  2. A github pull request (PR) is created when the feature is ready to considered for merging back into the develop before code review.
  3. Once the feature passes the code review and is approved the developer is able to merge their feature back into the develop branch.

Full release

  1. When ready to make a new release (end of each sprint) create a release branch from the develop branch (i.e. release/1.0.1) to begin the release process.
  2. Inside the release branch add/amend documentation where necessary (including the and files). Update the file to reflect the new version (being sure that there is a new 'unreleased section' for the next release)
  3. Submit the release branch to a UAT environment for user testing to begin.
  4. [optional] Try re-installing all dependacies from scratch to test that all dependancies are in the project manifest (skip this step if you deployment to UAT installs/compiles dependancies automatically)
  5. Once the release has passed user testing. The release branch can be merged into the master branch.
  6. From the master branch both; update the version of the package.json file, and add a git tag with the release version number (npm version command).


  1. Signed in state:

  1. Signed out state: