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Added important notice in docstring, increment version
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ulfaslak committed Mar 26, 2016
1 parent 9c6d606 commit 53ac6e4
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Showing 8 changed files with 333 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions HISTORY.rst
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
Made very slight changes, none technical, but releasing again with incremented version number.
Added important notice in docstrings.
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/py_pcha/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
"""Principal Convex Hull Analysis (PCHA) / Archetypal Analysis."""

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from datetime import datetime as dt
import time

from furthest_sum import furthest_sum

def PCHA(X, noc, I=None, U=None, delta=0, verbose=False, conv_crit=1E-6, maxiter=500):
"""Return archetypes of dataset.
X : numpy.2darray
Data matrix in which to find archetypes
noc : int
Number of archetypes to find
I : 1d-array
Entries of X to use for dictionary in C (optional)
U : 1d-array
Entries of X to model in S (optional)
XC : numpy.2darray
I x noc feature matrix (i.e. XC=X[:,I]*C forming the archetypes)
S : numpy.2darray
noc x length(U) matrix, S>=0 |S_j|_1=1
C : numpy.2darray
noc x length(U) matrix, S>=0 |S_j|_1=1
SSE : float
Sum of Squared Errors
varexlp : float
Percent variation explained by the model
def S_update(S, XCtX, CtXtXC, muS, SST, SSE, niter):
"""Update S for one iteration of the algorithm."""
noc, J = S.shape
e = np.ones((noc, 1))
for k in range(niter):
SSE_old = SSE
g = (, S) - XCtX) / (SST / J)
g = g - e * np.sum(g.A * S.A, axis=0)

S_old = S
while True:
S = (S_old - g * muS).clip(min=0)
S = S /, np.sum(S, axis=0))
SSt = S * S.T
SSE = SST - 2 * np.sum(XCtX.A * S.A) + np.sum(CtXtXC.A * SSt.A)
if SSE <= SSE_old * (1 + 1e-9):
muS = muS * 1.2
muS = muS / 2

return S, SSE, muS, SSt

def C_update(X, XSt, XC, SSt, C, delta, muC, mualpha, SST, SSE, niter=1):
"""Update C for one iteration of the algorithm."""
J, nos = C.shape

if delta != 0:
alphaC = np.sum(C, axis=0).A[0]
C =, np.diag(1 / alphaC))

e = np.ones((J, 1))
XtXSt =, XSt)

for k in range(niter):

# Update C
SSE_old = SSE
g = (,, SSt)) - XtXSt) / SST

if delta != 0:
g =, np.diag(alphaC))
g = g.A - e * np.sum(g.A * C.A, axis=0)

C_old = C
while True:
C = (C_old - muC * g).clip(min=0)
nC = np.sum(C, axis=0) + np.finfo(float).eps
C =, np.diag(1 / nC.A[0]))

if delta != 0:
Ct = C * np.diag(alphaC)
Ct = C

XC =, Ct)
CtXtXC =, XC)
SSE = SST - 2 * np.sum(XC.A * XSt.A) + np.sum(CtXtXC.A * SSt.A)

if SSE <= SSE_old * (1 + 1e-9):
muC = muC * 1.2
muC = muC / 2

# Update alphaC
SSE_old = SSE
if delta != 0:
g = (np.diag(CtXtXC * SSt).T / alphaC - np.sum(C.A * XtXSt.A)) / (SST * J)
alphaC_old = alphaC
while True:
alphaC = alphaC_old - mualpha * g
alphaC[alphaC < 1 - delta] = 1 - delta
alphaC[alphaC > 1 + delta] = 1 + delta

XCt =, np.diag(alphaC / alphaC_old))
CtXtXC =, XCt)
SSE = SST - 2 * np.sum(XCt.A * XSt.A) + np.sum(CtXtXC.A * SSt.A)

if SSE <= SSE_old * (1 + 1e-9):
mualpha = mualpha * 1.2
XC = XCt
mualpha = mualpha / 2

if delta != 0:
C = C * np.diag(alphaC)

return C, SSE, muC, mualpha, CtXtXC, XC

N, M = X.shape

if I is None:
I = range(M)
if U is None:
U = range(M)

SST = np.sum(X[:, U] * X[:, U])

# Initialize C
i = furthest_sum(X[:, I], noc, [int(np.ceil(len(I) * np.random.rand()))])
except IndexError:
class InitializationException(Exception): pass
raise InitializationException("Initialization does not converge. Too few examples in dataset.")

j = range(noc)
C = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(i)), (i, j)), shape=(len(I), noc)).todense()

XC =[:, I], C)

muS, muC, mualpha = 1, 1, 1

# Initialise S
XCtX =, X[:, U])
CtXtXC =, XC)
S = -np.log(np.random.random((noc, len(U))))
S = S /, 1)), np.mat(np.sum(S, axis=0)))
SSt =, S.T)
SSE = SST - 2 * np.sum(XCtX.A * S.A) + np.sum(CtXtXC.A * SSt.A)
S, SSE, muS, SSt = S_update(S, XCtX, CtXtXC, muS, SST, SSE, 25)

# Set PCHA parameters
iter_ = 0
dSSE = np.inf
t1 =
varexpl = (SST - SSE) / SST

if verbose:
print '\nPrincipal Convex Hull Analysis / Archetypal Analysis'
print 'A ' + str(noc) + ' component model will be fitted'
print 'To stop algorithm press control C\n'

dheader = '%10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s' % ('Iteration', 'Expl. var.', 'Cost func.', 'Delta SSEf.', 'muC', 'mualpha', 'muS', ' Time(s) ')
dline = '-----------+------------+------------+-------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+'

while np.abs(dSSE) >= conv_crit * np.abs(SSE) and iter_ < maxiter and varexpl < 0.9999:
if verbose and iter_ % 100 == 0:
print dline
print dheader
print dline
told = t1
iter_ += 1
SSE_old = SSE

# C (and alpha) update
XSt =[:, U], S.T)
C, SSE, muC, mualpha, CtXtXC, XC = C_update(
X[:, I], XSt, XC, SSt, C, delta, muC, mualpha, SST, SSE, 10

# S update
XCtX =, X[:, U])
S, SSE, muS, SSt = S_update(
S, XCtX, CtXtXC, muS, SST, SSE, 10

# Evaluate and display iteration
dSSE = SSE_old - SSE
t1 =
if iter_ % 1 == 0:
varexpl = (SST - SSE) / SST
if verbose:
print '%10.0f | %10.4f | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4f \n' % (iter_, varexpl, SSE, dSSE/np.abs(SSE), muC, mualpha, muS, (t1-told).seconds)

# Display final iteration
varexpl = (SST - SSE) / SST
if verbose:
print dline
print dline
print '%10.0f | %10.4f | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4e | %10.4f \n' % (iter_, varexpl, SSE, dSSE/np.abs(SSE), muC, mualpha, muS, (t1-told).seconds)

# Sort components according to importance
ind, vals = zip(
*sorted(enumerate(np.sum(S, axis=1)), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=1)
S = S[ind, :]
C = C[:, ind]
XC = XC[:, ind]

return XC, S, C, SSE, varexpl
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/py_pcha/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"""Principal Convex Hull Analysis (PCHA) / Archetypal Analysis.
This module is a Python translation of a Matlab module. Avaiable at:
Translated by: Ulf Aslak Jensen (contact:
Original author (Matmab): Morten Morup (contact:
Source paper: 'M. Morup and L. K. Hansen, Archetypal Analysis for Data Mining,
Neural Computing 2011'.

__version__ = "0.1.2"
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/py_pcha/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
"""FurthestSum algorithm to efficiently generate initial seeds/archetypes."""

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy.matlib import repmat

def furthest_sum(K, noc, i, exclude=[]):
"""Furthest sum algorithm, to efficiently generat initial seed/archetypes.
K : numpy 2d-array
Either a data matrix or a kernel matrix.
noc : int
Number of candidate archetypes to extract.
i : int
inital observation used for to generate the FurthestSum.
exclude : numpy.1darray
Entries in K that can not be used as candidates.
i : int
The extracted candidate archetypes
def max_ind_val(l):
return max(zip(range(len(l)), l), key=lambda x: x[1])

I, J = K.shape
index = np.array(range(J))
index[exclude] = 0
index[i] = -1
ind_t = i
sum_dist = np.zeros((1, J), np.complex128)

if J > noc * I:
Kt = K
Kt2 = np.sum(Kt**2, axis=0)
for k in range(1, noc + 11):
if k > noc - 1:
Kq =[:, i[0]], Kt)
sum_dist -= np.lib.scimath.sqrt(Kt2 - 2 * Kq + Kt2[i[0]])
index[i[0]] = i[0]
i = i[1:]
t = np.where(index != -1)[0]
Kq =[:, ind_t].T, Kt)
sum_dist += np.lib.scimath.sqrt(Kt2 - 2 * Kq + Kt2[ind_t])
ind, val = max_ind_val(sum_dist[:, t][0].real)
ind_t = t[ind]
index[ind_t] = -1
if I != J or np.sum(K - K.T) != 0: # Generate kernel if K not one
Kt = K
K =, Kt)
K = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(
repmat(np.diag(K), J, 1) - 2 * K + \
repmat(np.mat(np.diag(K)).T, 1, J)

Kt2 = np.diag(K) # Horizontal
for k in range(1, noc + 11):
if k > noc - 1:
sum_dist -= np.lib.scimath.sqrt(Kt2 - 2 * K[i[0], :] + Kt2[i[0]])
index[i[0]] = i[0]
i = i[1:]
t = np.where(index != -1)[0]
sum_dist += np.lib.scimath.sqrt(Kt2 - 2 * K[ind_t, :] + Kt2[ind_t])
ind, val = max_ind_val(sum_dist[:, t][0].real)
ind_t = t[ind]
index[ind_t] = -1

return i
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions py_pcha/
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,14 @@
def PCHA(X, noc, I=None, U=None, delta=0, verbose=False, conv_crit=1E-6, maxiter=500):
"""Return archetypes of dataset.
Note: Commonly data is formatted to have shape (examples, dimensions).
This function takes input and returns output of the transposed shape,
(dimensions, examples).
X : numpy.2darray
Data matrix in which to find archetypes
Data matrix in which to find archetypes.
noc : int
Number of archetypes to find
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ def C_update(X, XSt, XC, SSt, C, delta, muC, mualpha, SST, SSE, niter=1):
except IndexError:
class InitializationException(Exception): pass
raise InitializationException("Initialization does not converge. Too few examples in dataset.")

j = range(noc)
C = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(i)), (i, j)), shape=(len(I), noc)).todense()

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion py_pcha/
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Neural Computing 2011'.

__version__ = "0.1.1"
__version__ = "0.1.2"
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions py_pcha/
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
def furthest_sum(K, noc, i, exclude=[]):
"""Furthest sum algorithm, to efficiently generat initial seed/archetypes.
Note: Commonly data is formatted to have shape (examples, dimensions).
This function takes input and returns output of the transposed shape,
(dimensions, examples).
K : numpy 2d-array
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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description='Python implemenation of PCHA algorithm',
download_url = '',
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