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Sidekiq extension allowing to enqueue jobs in sidekiq panel


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A Sidekiq Web extension to enqueue/schedule job in Web UI. Support both Sidekiq::Worker and ActiveJob. Based on richfisher's sidekiq-enqueuer.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "sidekiq-enqueuer", github: "umbrellio/sidekiq-enqueuer"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Edit config/initializers/sidekiq.rb, add following line

require "sidekiq/enqueuer"

Optionally, provide a list of Jobs to display on the new tab, on a new initializer file. Worry not, when no configuration is provided, all jobs will be displayed.

# config/initializers/sidekiq_enqueuer.rb
require "sidekiq/enqueuer"

Sidekiq::Enqueuer.configure do |config|
  # string/symbol literals are used to when you prefer not to resolve job constants = %w[MyAwesomeJob1 MyModule::MyAwesomeJob2]
  # you can use constants array as well 
  # = [MyAwesomeJob1, MyModule::MyAwesomeJob2]


Queuing & ActiveJob support

Use default sidekiq queue adapter for Jobs including Sidekiq::Worker or Jobs inheriting from ActiveJob::base.

class Application < Rails::Application
  # ...
  config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq

Jobs action param mapping.

This gem dynamically infers the params required in the perform or perform_in action in your Job / Worker. It is important those actions (either of them) won't hide the actual params into a single *args one. In that case it will be impossible to infer the params for your method.

Want to verify this last line? Run this in a rails console:

MyJob.instance_method(:perform).parameters            # change :perform for your implemented method
# => [[:req, :param1], [:opt, :param2], [:opt, :param3]]   # Good output => [[:rest, :args], [:block, :block]]   # Bad output. Params are being wrapped into a super class.

Enqueuing Jobs:

For Sidekiq, enqueing is being done using Sidekiq::Client.enqueue_to / enqueue_to_in, providing Job, and queue extracted from the Job sidekiq_options hash, defaults to 'default' queue when not present.

For ActiveJob, enqueing is being done calling the very own perform_later instance method. Please advise your Job should respond to perform_later to correctly work.


  • Open Sidekiq Web, click the Enqueuer tab.

  • You can see a list of job classes/modules and params. Click Enqueue.


  • Fill the form, click Enqueue or Schedule. form

  • That is it!


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Released under MIT License.


Team Umbrellio & richfisher

Supported by Umbrellio