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creating bundles in icav2

Alexis Lucattini edited this page Jun 4, 2023 · 1 revision

Creating and deploy a bundle in ICAv2

We can create a bundle in ICAv2 using the yaml interface.

In this case we want to create the bundle containing the dragen-somatic-with-germline pipeline along with the demo data and reference data.

Bundles are a great way to share data and pipelines from one project to another.

Bundles are project-agnostic but do belong to a tenant.

Bundles can be shared between tenants using an email sharing dance via the UI (not discussed in this document)

Creating the bundle

# TODO create the configuration

A bundle uses an input yaml to determine the data, region and pipelines to add into the bundle.

The data and pipelines MUST be owned by the tenant that the bundle is created in.

We create a bundle with the following configuration.

Release the bundle

We then release the bundle.

Once a bundle is released, it should not be touched.

Import the bundle into a project

We can then import the bundle into a project so the pipelines and data with that bundle are now accessible in the project.