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UMCCR Data Dictionary

This repo contains Docker and Makefile based Data Dictionary Development workflow i.e., packaging around dictionary tools (Docker image) for conversion, visualisation, testing, validation to allow Data Modeller to iteratively develop schema locally.

Our aim is to develop UMCCR Data Dictionary for Gen3 platform.



Beacon v2 Model as Gen3 Data Dictionary

git clone
cd umccr-dictionary

make test dd=beacon 
make compile dd=beacon
make validate dd=beacon
make simulate dd=beacon
make load dd=beacon
make import dd=beacon
make psql
metadata=> \dt node_*
metadata=> select * from node_cohort;
metadata=> \q

An example Node to Edge linking:



Design Notes


How do I develop Gen3 Data Dictionary?

  • Read pointers from this FAQ.
  • Gen3 Data Dictionary are essentially authored in YAML file as DSL (Domain-Specific Language). However, there are tools available from Excel/CSV/TSV to YAML to JSON conversion. So, to start with, it can be as simple as modelling in Excel for metadata requirement for Data Dictionary. i.e. to have rough idea on determining base entities (a node in a Graph), their attributes (node properties) and links (edge/relation). See
  • Alternatively, you can pick the baseline dictionary that closely suit for your need and work out from there. By default, this is the GDC dictionary. You can search around in uc-cdis repos, keywords such as:
  • Or, have a look:

In this repo, we selected few data dictionaries in dictionary folder to work with the following data dictionary development workflow.


  • Docker Desktop (at least v3.2.1)
  • GNU Make
    • GNU Make comes with most Linux and macOS Xcode
    • Try make --version to see whether you already have it in
    • Otherwise brew install make for macOS and try like gmake --version
    • On Ubuntu, try apt-get install make
    • If make is not possible then you will need to execute each target in Makefile



  • Download all the latest images in the stack
make pull
  • Bring up the stack
make up
  • Check the stack
make ps
  • Restart the stack
make restart
  • Bring it down
make down

Environment Variables

  • By default, it uses .env-sample for PostgreSQL connection and credentials.
  • You may override it by simply make a copy of file name in .env like so:
cp .env-sample .env
  • You can then modify .env for your own custom values.
  • This .env is ignored for GitHub.

NOTE: You do not need to do this, if you are happy with default values in .env-sample. However, if you do, you need to make down and make up to take effect on changes.

Visualising Dictionary

DEBUG: To debug visualisation, try with Browser built-in developer tools (e.g., here and here). Typically, right click > inspect > select "console" tab > reload the page.

Modifying Dictionary

  • Say you are working on umccr dictionary
  • Modify schema yaml files in dictionary/umccr/gdcdictionary/schemas
  • Compile into JSON
make compile dd=umccr
make compile dd=kf
make compile dd=gdc
make compile dd=anvil
make compile dd=dcf

Testing Dictionary

  • To test and validate dictionary:
make test dd=umccr

Validating Dictionary

  • To validate DD graph, do like so:
make validate dd=umccr

Generating Simulated Data

  • To simulate test data for the minted JSON Data Dictionary e.g., say umccr dictionary
make simulate dd=umccr
  • This will validate the DD's graph and create test mock data into /data/umccr/ folder.

Loading Dictionary

  • This will populate database schema tables into local PostgreSQL server; based on JSON Data Dictionary schema that you have designed from previous steps.

  • To load the minted JSON Data Dictionary to Gen3 Metadata Database tables e.g., say umccr dictionary

make load dd=umccr

Importing Simulated Data

  • To import simulated data based on umccr dictionary, do like so:
make import dd=umccr
  • Part of data importing process, it also creates *.tsv counterpart of simulated *.json data. Please see output/ for more.

Accessing Database Console

  • Get into PSQL console
make psql
  • Once inside PSQL console, try like so:
metadata=> \l
metadata=> \dt
metadata=> \dt node_*
metadata=> \dt edge_*

metadata=> \d node_program
                 Table "public.node_program"
 Column  |           Type           |       Modifiers
 created | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
 acl     | text[]                   |
 _sysan  | jsonb                    | default '{}'::jsonb
 _props  | jsonb                    | default '{}'::jsonb
 node_id | text                     | not null

metadata=> select * from node_program;
metadata=> select * from node_project;

metadata=> \q

Resetting Database

make reset
  • This will reset current metadata database; so that you can (re) load data dictionary again. Hence, for example:
make load dd=umccr
make psql
metadata=> \dt node_*
metadata=> \q

make reset

make load dd=anvil
make psql
metadata=> \dt node_*
metadata=> \q

Connection Info

  • At this point, you have a couple of options to work with local PostgreSQL database. Use connection info as follows:
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: metadata
Username: metadata
Password: metadata
  • For sa (System Admin) account; use these instead:
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: metadata
Username: postgres
Password: postgres


If you are new to PSQL, try the following for starter:

Database Tooling

Screenshot: PyCharm


Screenshot: PSQL Console
