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A gem engine providing the UMD Libraries theme used with NCSU Quick Search

This code originated from the NCSU quick_search-generic theme


Include this gem in your QuickSearch gemfile

  gem 'quick_search-umd_theme'

Add 'quick_search_umd_theme' to the theme configuration key in quick_search_config.yml.

When changing themes, run

> rake assets:clobber

to remove any pre-compiled remmants of the previous theme.

Environment Banner

In keeping with SSDR policy, an "environment banner" will be displayed at the top of each page when running on non-production servers, indicating whether the application is running on a "Local", "Development", or "Staging" server. This banner does not appear on production systems.

The environment banner will attempt to auto-detect the correct environment. To override this auto-detection functionality (or to modify it for testing), the following environment variables can be used, all of which are optional:

  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER - the human-readable text to display in the banner
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_FOREGROUND - The color for the banner text (using CSS color codes). When using hexadecial codes, enclose the code in single quotes (i.e., '#00ffff').
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_BACKGROUND - The color for the banner background (using CSS color codes). When using hexadecial codes, enclose the code in single quotes (i.e., '#00ffff').
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_ENABLED - Set to "true" to display the banner when it otherwise would not (for example, on a production server). The "ENVIRONMENT_BANNER" variable must also be set.

The environment banner can also be configured using an initializer in the application, i.e. "config/initializers/quick_search_umd_theme.rb":

  QuickSearchUmdTheme.configure do |config|
    # These settings override any settings in the environment variables
    config.environment_banner.text = 'Alpha Release'
    config.environment_banner.css_options = {
      style: 'color: red; background-color: yellow;',
      class: 'environment-banner'
    config.environment_banner.enabled = true

Note: The environment banner configuration is cached when the application is started, so any changes to the configuration will require an application restart.