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CMSC 498O: Relational Model + SQL


  • Introduced by Ted Codd (late 60's -- early 70's)
  • Relational data model contributes:
    • Separation of logical, physical data models (data independence)
    • Declarative query languages
    • Formal semantics
    • Query optimization (key to commercial success)
  • 1st prototypes:
    • Ingres -> CA
    • Postgres -> Illustra -> Informix -> IBM
    • System R -> Oracle, DB2


  • Key Terms
    • Relations, or Tables
    • Rows, or Tuples, or Records
    • Columns, or Attributes
    • Schema
  • Relation Schema
    • A list of attributes and their domain
  • Relation Instance
    • A particular instantiation of a relation with actual values
    • Will change over time



  • K is a superkey of R if values for K are sufficient to identify a unique tuple of each possible relation r(R)
    • Example: {ID} and {ID,name} are both superkeys of instructor
  • Superkey K is a candidate key if K is minimal
    • Example: {ID} is a candidate key for Instructor
  • One of the candidate keys is selected to be the primary key
    • Typically one that is small and immutable (doesn’t change often)
    • Primary key typically highlighted
  • Foreign key: Primary key of a relation that appears in another relation
    • {ID} from student appears in takes, advisor
    • student called referenced relation
    • takes is the referencing relation
    • Typically shown by an arrow from referencing to referenced
  • Foreign key constraint: the tuple corresponding to that primary key must exist
    • Imagine:
      • Tuple: ('student101', 'CMSC424') in takes
      • But no tuple corresponding to 'student101' in student
    • Also called referential integrity constraint

Keys: Examples

  • Married(person1-ssn, person2-ssn, date-married, date-divorced)
  • Account(cust-ssn, account-number, cust-name, balance, cust-address)
  • RA(student-id, project-id, superviser-id, appt-time, appt-start-date, appt-end-date)
  • Person(Name, DOB, Born, Education, Religion, ...)
    • Information typically found on Wikipedia Pages
  • President(name, start-date, end-date, vice-president, preceded-by, succeeded-by)
    • Info listed on Wikipedia page summary
  • Rider(Name, Born, Team-name, Coach, Sponsor, Year)
    • Tour de France: Historical Rider Participation Information

SQL Basics Overview

- CREATE TABLE <name> ( <field> <domain>, ... )

- INSERT INTO <name> (<field names>) VALUES (<field values>)

- DELETE FROM <name> WHERE <condition>

- UPDATE <name> SET <field name> = <value> WHERE <condition>

- SELECT <fields> FROM <name> WHERE <condition>

Example Schema for SQL Queries

  • Movie(title, year, length, inColor, studioName, producerC#)
  • StarsIn(movieTitle, movieYear, starName)
  • MovieStar(name, address, gender, birthdate)
  • MovieExec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
  • Studio(name, address, presC#)

SQL: Data Definition Language


       create table movieExec (
              name char(30), 
              address char(100),
              cert# integer primary key,
              networth integer
       create table movie (
               title char(100), 
               year integer, 
               length integer, 
               inColor smallint, 
               studioName char(20), 
               producerC# integer references 
  • Must define movieExec before movie. Why ?


        insert into StarsIn values('King Kong', 2005, 'Naomi Watts'); 
        insert into StarsIn(starName, movieTitle, movieYear)        
                              values('Naomi Watts', 'King Kong', 2005); 

        delete from movies where movieYear < 1980;
    • Syntax is fine, but this command will be rejected. Why ?

       delete from movies where length < (select avg(length) from movies);
    • Problem: as we delete tuples, the average length changes

      • Another query: delete the smallest movie
    • Solution used in SQL:

      • First, compute avg length and find all tuples to delete
      • Next, delete all tuples found above (without recomputing avg o retesting the tuples)

    • Increase all movieExec netWorth's over $100,000 by 6%, all other accounts receive 5%.

    • Write two update statements:

            update movieExec set netWorth = netWorth * 1.06 where netWorth > 100000;
            update movieExec set netWorth = netWorth * 1.05 where netWorth < 10000;
    • The order is important

    • Can be done better using the case statement

            update movieExec
            set netWorth =
                when netWorth > 100000 
                    then netWorth * 1.06
                when netWorth <= 100000 
                    then netWorth * 1.05

SQL Constructs: Single Table Queries

  • Movies produced by disney in 1990: note the rename

          select m.title, m.year
          from movie m
          where m.studioname = 'disney' and m.year = 1990
    • The select clause can contain expressions

        - select title || ' (' || to_char(year) || ')' as titleyear
        - select 2014 - year
    • The where clause support a large number of different predicates and combinations thereof

        - year between 1990 and 1995
        - title like 'star wars%'
        - title like 'star wars _'
  • Find distinct movies sorted by title

          select distinct title
          From movie
          Where studioname = 'disney' and year = 1990
          order by title;
  • Average length of a movie

          select name, avg(length) 
          from movie
          group by year
    • Group by: is a very important concept that shows up in many data processing platforms
    • What it does: Partition the tuples by the group attributes (year in this case), and do something (compute avg in this case) for each group
    • Number of resulting tuples == Number of groups
  • Find movie with the maximum length

          select title, year
          from movie
          where movie.length = (select max(length) from movie);
    • The smaller "subquery" is called a "nested subquery"
  • Find movies with at least 5 stars: an example of a correlated subquery

          select * 
          from movies m
          where 5 >= (select count(*)
                     from starsIn si
                     where si.title = m.title and si.year = m.year);
    • The "inner" subquery counts the number of actors for that movie.
  • Rank movies by their length.

          select title, year, 
              (select count(*) 
               from movies m2
               where m1.length <= m2.length) as rank
              from movies m1;
    • Key insight: A movie is ranked 5th if there are exactly 4 movies with longer length.
    • Most database systems support some sort of a rank keyword for doing this
    • The above query doesn't work in presence of ties etc.
  • Set operations

      select name 
      from movieExec
      select name 
      from movieStar
  • Set Comparisons

      select *
      from movies
      where year in [1990, 1995, 2000];
      select *
      from movies
      where year not in (
          select extract(year from birthdate) 
          from MovieStar

SQL Constructs: Multi-table Queries

  • Key:

    • Do a join to get an appropriate table
    • Use the constructs for single-table queries
  • You will get used to doing all at once

  • Examples:

         select title, year, as producerName 
         from movies m, movieexec me
         where m.producerC# = me.cert#;
  • Consider the query:

         select title, year, producerC#, count(starName) 
         from movies, starsIn
         where title = starsIn.movieTitle and year = starsIn.movieYear
         group by title, year, producerC#
    • What about movies with no stars ?

    • Need to use outer joins

      select title, year, producerC#, count(starName) 
      from movies left outer join starsIn
      on title = starsIn.movieTitle and year = starsIn.movieYear
      group by title, year, producerC#
    • All tuples from 'movies' that have no matches in starsIn are included with NULLs

      • So if a tuple (m1, 1990) has no match in starsIn, we get (m1, 1990, NULL) in the result
    • The count(starName) works correctly then.

    • Note: count(*) would not work correctly (NULLs can have unintuitive behavior)

Other SQL Constructs

  • Views

          create view DisneyMovies
          select *
          from movie m
          where m.studioname = 'disney';
    • Can use it in any place where a tablename is used
    • Views are used quite extensively to: (1) simplify queries, (2) hide data (by giving users access only to specific views)
    • Views maybe materialized or not
  • NULLs

    • Value of any attribute can be NULL

      • Because: value is unknown, or it is not applicable, or hidden, etc.
    • Can lead to counterintuitive behavior

    • For example, the following query does not return movies where lenght = NULL

      select * from movies where length >= 120 or length <= 120

    • Aggregate operations can be especially tricky

  • Transactions

    • A transaction is a sequence of queries and update statements executed as a single unit
    • For example, transferring money from one account to another
      • Both the deduction from one account and credit to the other account should happen, or neither should
  • Triggers

    • A trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by the system as a side effect of a modification to the database
  • Integrity Constraints

    • Predicates on the database that must always hold

    • Key Constraints: Specifiying something is a primary key or unique

            CREATE TABLE customer (
                    ssn CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY, 
                    cname CHAR(15), address CHAR(30), city CHAR(10), 
                    UNIQUE (cname, address, city)); 
    • Attribute constraints: Constraints on the values of attributes

      bname char(15) not null

      balance int not null, check (balance >= 0)

    • Referential integrity: prevent dangling tuples

            CREATE TABLE  branch(bname CHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, ...);
            CREATE TABLE loan(..., FOREIGN KEY bname REFERENCES branch);
      • Can tell the system what to do if a referenced tuple is being deleted
    • Global Constraints

      • Single-table

            CREATE TABLE branch (...,
                     bcity  CHAR(15), 
                     assets INT, 
                     CHECK (NOT(bcity = ‘Bkln’) OR assets > 5M))
      • Multi-table

            CREATE ASSERTION loan-constraint
            CHECK (NOT EXISTS (
                     SELECT   * 
                     FROM loan AS L
                     WHERE  NOT EXISTS(
                              SELECT   *
                              FROM borrower B, depositor D, account A
                              WHERE B.cname = D.cname  AND
                                       D.acct_no = A.acct_no  AND
                                       L.lno  = B.lno)))