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Unchained UI

Views UI Component

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import Views from 'uc-views';
import Post from './views/post';
import Page from './views/page';

// ... init your app ...

const views = new Views({
  routes: [
    [ 'post', '/post(/:slug)', Post ],
    [ 'page', '/(:page)', Page ]
@import 'uc-views/style.css';

This component follows Unchained UI guidelines.

Constructor options:

  • routes array, routes and views mapping. Each element is an array. [<name>, <pattern>, <ViewClass> [, AuthenticatedViewClass]]. If AuthenticatedViewClass is present, the views will show it instead of the ViewClass when app is authenticated. Check the uc-app for more info.
  • onChange — function, callback will be called when view is changed.
  • el — HTMLElement, the views container. If ommited the div.views is created.
  • rootEl — HTMLElement, default html, top element to apply active view classes.
  • rootPath - string, root path



Removes the views.


The View is a simple JavaScript class. The only requirements are:

  • el – HTMLElement, the view element.
  • name – string, the name of the view.
  • state - method to receive the current state.

The View can have the following methods.

willOpen, didOpen, willClose, didClose. Will- methods are asynchronous.


import { create } from 'uc-dom';

const Page = function() {
  this.el = create('div.view.view-page');
Page.prototype = {
  name: 'Page',
  state: function(state, cb) {
    console.log('Page state', state);
    // here we can return an error: cb(new Error());
    // or replace the history state: cb(null, '/newurl');

  willOpen: function(cb) {
    console.log('page will open');

  didOpen: function() {
    console.log('page did open');

  willClose: function(cb) {
    console.log('page will close');

  didClose: function() {
    console.log('page did close');

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