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papandreou committed Nov 22, 2020
1 parent 5df9509 commit dbe5d5a
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Showing 4 changed files with 143 additions and 2 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion .prettierignore
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@

# Don't fight npm i --save

# Generated
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
### v4.0.0 (2019-05-21)

#### Pull requests

- [#17]( Upgrade nyc to version 14.0.0 ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]

#### Commits to master

- [Drop node.js 9, add 10 and 12]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Drop node.js 6 support so we can use the new eslint-plugin-node \(semver-major\)]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Tests & docs: Stop relying on the exact output of a gzip stream]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected to ^11.5.0, adjust expected error messages involving Buffers]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Disable node\/no-deprecated-api rule in a construct that uses the new API if available]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [+8 more](

### v3.1.0 (2019-03-03)

#### Pull requests

- [#16]( Upgrade mocha to version 6.0.0 ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]
- [#15]( Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 6.0.0 ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]
- [#12]( Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 2.0.0 ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]
- [#10]( Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 5.0.0 ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]

#### Commits to master

- [Update unexpected for 11 and pull up the peer dep.]( ([Alex J Burke](
- [Update unexpected-markdown to version 3.0.0]( ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]
- [Use Buffer.from instead of new Buffer, avoiding a node.js deprecation warning]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [bootstrap-unexpected-markdown: Override preferredWidth after cloning, that really ought to work]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [bootstrap-unexpected-markdown: Clone before installing plugin]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [+9 more](

### v3.0.0 (2018-06-24)

- [Drop node.js 4 support \(semver-major\)]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [.npmrc: Explicitly disable package-lock]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update eslint-config-onelint to ^4.0.0]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Upgrade eslint to version 5.0.0]( ([depfu[bot]](mailto:depfu[bot]
- [Ditch weirdo tests that trip up the new mocha]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [+14 more](

### v2.1.0 (2017-02-13)

- [Add 'to error' and 'to error with' assertions.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [update eslint \(2.13.1\) and eslint-config-onelint \(1.2.0\)]( ([Gustav Nikolaj Olsen](
- [README: Fix link.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v2.0.4 (2016-05-29)

- [Propagate error events correctly.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Fail with the correct error when stream.write or stream.end throws.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [eslint: force es5 parser mode]( ([Gustav Nikolaj Olsen](
- [add editorconfig]( ([Gustav Nikolaj Olsen](
- [replace jshint with eslint]( ([Gustav Nikolaj Olsen](

### v2.0.3 (2016-03-26)

#### Pull requests

- [#1]( Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator ([Sune Simonsen](

#### Commits to master

- [Fix inspection of streams whose constructor is an anonymous function.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [100% coverage.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected-documentation-site-generator to 4.0.0.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Fixed failing test.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v2.0.2 (2015-10-10)

- [when piped through: Declare the <assertion> variant after the <any+> variant to fix the output.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected to 10.0.1.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v2.0.1 (2015-10-09)

- [When piped through: Don't break for streams that start emitting chunks in the same tick.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v2.0.0 (2015-10-08)

- [Documentation: Adapted the output to the current state of feature\/v10 in Unexpected.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Use the <assertion> type.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Use a fixed width for the output snippets on the documentation site.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected-documentation-site-generator to 3.1.0.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [package.json: Fixed copy\/paste error in keywords.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [+6 more](

### v1.3.0 (2015-09-23)

- [Update unexpected and unexpected-documentation-site-generator to the latest versions.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [to yield output satisfying: Buffer up the chunks so that the assertion can run on the same subject multiple times.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected to 9.9.0.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Include the version number in the plugin spec.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v1.2.1 (2015-07-30)

- [Make the unexpected-documentation-site-generator a dev dep and update it to 2.6.2.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update documentation tests.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Updated example in documentation.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Added more docs.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Added brief introduction to documentation front page.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [+5 more](

### v1.2.0 (2015-07-04)

- [Update unexpected to 9.0.0 and accept the 9-series as a peer dependency.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Test the output of a failing 'to yield output satisfying' assertion.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected to 8.5.0.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Update unexpected and unexpected-promise.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v1.1.2 (2015-06-10)

- [package.json: Fixed dependency syntax.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v1.1.1 (2015-06-09)

- [package.json: Add a peerDependencies section specifying unexpected 7 | 8.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v1.1.0 (2015-05-04)

- [Specify an error mode of 'nested'.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [README: Use SVG badges.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [README, build status badge: Only monitor the status of the master branch.]( ([Andreas Lind](
- [Added README image.]( ([Andreas Lind](

### v1.0.0
- [Initial commit, 1.0.0.]( ([Andreas Lind](

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions documentation/
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ return expect(

## Releases


## License

Unexpected-stream is licensed under a standard 3-clause BSD license -- see
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-standard": "^4.0.0",
"mocha": "^8.2.1",
"nyc": "^15.0.0",
"offline-github-changelog": "^1.7.0",
"prettier": "~2.1.0",
"unexpected": "^12.0.0",
"unexpected-documentation-site-generator": "^6.0.0",
Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,8 @@
"coverage": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text --all -- npm test && echo google-chrome coverage/lcov-report/index.html",
"generate-site": "generate-site --require ./bootstrap-unexpected-markdown.js",
"update-examples": "generate-site --require ./bootstrap-unexpected-markdown.js --update-examples",
"deploy-site": "deploy-site"
"deploy-site": "deploy-site",
"preversion": "offline-github-changelog --next=${npm_package_version} > && git add"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
Expand Down

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