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Feature - Issue #739 - Adds callback handling in the client for conve…
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…rter response (#162)

* Feature - Issue #739 - Adds responpse handling for converters

* Add error for invalid job_id

* Requires arguments in payload

* Some reverting

* Feature - Issue #739 - Adds responpse handling for converters

* Add error for invalid job_id

* Requires arguments in payload

* Some reverting

* Changes

* Fixed unit tests

* Fixed unit tests

* Code fixes

* Removed code for client linter callback

* Updates to client converter callback

* Fixes client callback tests
  • Loading branch information
richmahn authored and PhotoNomad0 committed Sep 28, 2017
1 parent 7f70867 commit 3dd476c
Show file tree
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Showing 18 changed files with 909 additions and 20 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions functions/client_converter_callback/.apexignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions functions/client_converter_callback/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Empty file.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions functions/client_converter_callback/function.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"description": "Callback function for the Web Client, called by"
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions functions/client_converter_callback/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
from libraries.lambda_handlers.client_converter_callback_handler import ClientConverterCallbackHandler

def handle(event, context):
Called by API Gateway when the converter has finished and calls the client converter callback
:param dict event:
:param context:
:return dict:
return ClientConverterCallbackHandler().handle(event, context)
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions libraries/client/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import json
import os
import tempfile
from import App
from libraries.general_tools.file_utils import unzip, write_file, remove_tree, remove
from libraries.general_tools.url_utils import download_file
from libraries.models.job import TxJob

class ClientConverterCallback(object):

def __init__(self, identifier, success, info, warnings, errors):
:param string identifier:
:param bool success:
:param list info:
:param list warnings:
:param list errors:
self.identifier = identifier
self.success = success
self.log = info
self.warnings = warnings
self.errors = errors

if not self.log:
self.log = []
if not self.warnings:
self.warnings = []
if not self.errors:
self.errors = []
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="", prefix="client_callback_")
self.job = None

def process_callback(self):
job_id_parts = self.identifier.split('/')
job_id = job_id_parts[0]
self.job = TxJob.get(job_id)

if not self.job:
error = 'No job found for job_id = {0}, identifier = {0}'.format(job_id, self.identifier)
raise Exception(error)

if len(job_id_parts) == 4:
part_count, part_id, book = job_id_parts[1:]
App.logger.debug('Multiple project, part {0} of {1}, converting book {2}'.
format(part_id, part_count, book))
multiple_project = True
part_count = None
part_id = None
multiple_project = False

self.job.success = self.success
for message in self.log:
for message in self.warnings:
for message in self.errors:
if len(self.errors):
self.job.log_message('{0} function returned with errors.'.format(self.job.convert_module))
elif len(self.warnings):
self.job.log_message('{0} function returned with warnings.'.format(self.job.convert_module))
self.job.log_message('{0} function returned successfully.'.format(self.job.convert_module))


s3_commit_key = 'u/{0}'.format(self.job.identifier)
upload_key = s3_commit_key
if multiple_project:
upload_key += "/" + part_id

App.logger.debug('Callback for commit {0}...'.format(s3_commit_key))

# Download the ZIP file of the converted files
converted_zip_url = self.job.output
converted_zip_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, converted_zip_url.rpartition('/')[2])
remove(converted_zip_file) # make sure old file not present
download_success = True
App.logger.debug('Downloading converted zip file from {0}...'.format(converted_zip_url))
download_file(converted_zip_url, converted_zip_file)
download_success = False # if multiple project we note fail and move on
if not multiple_project:
remove_tree(self.temp_dir) # cleanup
if self.job.errors is None:
self.job.errors = []
self.job.errors.append("Missing converted file: " + converted_zip_url)
App.logger.debug('download finished, success={0}'.format(str(download_success)))

if download_success:
# Unzip the archive
unzip_dir = self.unzip_converted_files(converted_zip_file)

# Upload all files to the cdn_bucket with the key of <user>/<repo_name>/<commit> of the repo
self.upload_converted_files(upload_key, unzip_dir)

if multiple_project:
# Now download the existing build_log.json file, update it and upload it back to S3
build_log_json = self.update_build_log(s3_commit_key, part_id + "/")

# mark part as finished
self.cdn_upload_contents({}, s3_commit_key + '/' + part_id + '/finished')

# check if all parts are present, if not return
missing_parts = []
finished_parts = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_objects(prefix=s3_commit_key, suffix='/finished')
finished_parts_file_names = ','.join([finished_parts[x].key for x in range(len(finished_parts))])
App.logger.debug('found finished files: ' + finished_parts_file_names)

count = int(part_count)
for i in range(0, count):
file_name = '{0}/finished'.format(i)

match_found = False
for part in finished_parts:
if file_name in part.key:
match_found = True
App.logger.debug('Found converted part: ' + part.key)

if not match_found:

if len(missing_parts) > 0:
# build_log_json = self.merge_build_logs(s3_commit_key, count)
App.logger.debug('Finished processing part. Other parts not yet completed: ' + ','.join(missing_parts))
remove_tree(self.temp_dir) # cleanup
return build_log_json

App.logger.debug('All parts finished. Merging.')

# all parts are present

# update and write final_build_log.json
build_log_json = self.merge_build_logs(s3_commit_key, count, 'final_')
self.cdn_upload_contents(build_log_json, self.get_build_log_key(s3_commit_key)) # copy to build_log.json
App.logger.debug('Updated build_log.json: ' + json.dumps(build_log_json))

# Download the project.json file for this repo (create it if doesn't exist) and update it
project_json = self.update_project_file()
App.logger.debug('Updated project.json: ' + json.dumps(project_json))

App.logger.debug('Multiple parts: Finished deploying to cdn_bucket. Done.')
remove_tree(self.temp_dir) # cleanup
return build_log_json

else: # single part conversion
# Download the project.json file for this repo (create it if doesn't exist) and update it

# Now download the existing build_log.json file, update it and upload it back to S3
build_log_json = self.update_build_log(s3_commit_key)

App.logger.debug('Finished deploying to cdn_bucket. Done.')
remove_tree(self.temp_dir) # cleanup
return build_log_json

def merge_build_logs(self, s3_commit_key, count, prefix=''):
master_build_log_json = self.get_build_log(s3_commit_key)
App.logger.debug('Initial build_log.json: ' + json.dumps(master_build_log_json))
build_logs_json = []
self.job.status = 'success'
self.job.log = self.get_list_from_dict(master_build_log_json, 'log')
self.job.warnings = self.get_list_from_dict(master_build_log_json, 'warnings')
self.job.errors = self.get_list_from_dict(master_build_log_json, 'errors')
for i in range(0, count):
# App.logger.debug('Merging part {0}'.format(i))

# Now download the existing build_log.json file
part = str(i) + "/"
build_log_json = self.get_build_log(s3_commit_key, part)



if 'book' in build_log_json:
book = build_log_json['book']
elif 'commit_id' in build_log_json:
book = build_log_json['commit_id'] # if no book then use commit_id
book = 'part_' + str(i) # generate dummy name

# merge build_log data
for message in self.prefix_list(build_log_json, 'log', book):
for message in self.prefix_list(build_log_json, 'errors', book):
for message in self.prefix_list(build_log_json, 'warnings', book):
if ('status' in build_log_json) and (build_log_json['status'] != 'success'):
self.job.status = build_log_json['status']
if ('success' in build_log_json) and (build_log_json['success'] is not None):
self.job.success = build_log_json['success']
if ('message' in build_log_json) and (build_log_json['message'] is not None):
self.job.message = build_log_json['message']

# set overall status
if len(self.job.errors):
self.job.status = 'errors'
elif len(self.job.warnings):
self.job.status = 'warnings'

# Now upload the merged build_log.json file, update it and upload it back to S3
master_build_log_json['build_logs'] = build_logs_json # add record of all the parts
build_logs_json0 = build_logs_json[0]
master_build_log_json['commit_id'] = build_logs_json0['commit_id']
master_build_log_json['created_at'] = build_logs_json0['created_at']
master_build_log_json['started_at'] = build_logs_json0['started_at']
master_build_log_json['repo_owner'] = build_logs_json0['repo_owner']
master_build_log_json['repo_name'] = build_logs_json0['repo_name']
master_build_log_json['resource_type'] = build_logs_json0['resource_type']
build_log_json = self.upload_build_log(master_build_log_json, s3_commit_key, prefix)
return build_log_json

def get_list_from_dict(dictionary, key):
return dictionary[key] if key in dictionary else []

def prefix_list(build_log_json, key, book):
if key not in build_log_json:
return []

items = build_log_json[key]
for i in range(0, len(items)):
item = items[i]
new_text = book + ': ' + item
items[i] = new_text
return items

def build_log_sanity_check(build_log_json):
# sanity check
if 'log' not in build_log_json:
build_log_json['log'] = []
if 'warnings' not in build_log_json:
build_log_json['warnings'] = []
if 'errors' not in build_log_json:
build_log_json['errors'] = []

def unzip_converted_files(self, converted_zip_file):
unzip_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='unzip_', dir=self.temp_dir)
App.logger.debug('Unzipping {0}...'.format(converted_zip_file))
unzip(converted_zip_file, unzip_dir)

return unzip_dir

def upload_converted_files(s3_commit_key, unzip_dir):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(unzip_dir):
for f in sorted(files):
path = os.path.join(root, f)
key = s3_commit_key + path.replace(unzip_dir, '')
App.logger.debug('Uploading {0} to {1}'.format(f, key))
App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(path, key)

def update_project_file(self):
project_json_key = 'u/{0}/{1}/project.json'.format(self.job.owner_name, self.job.repo_name)
project_json = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_json(project_json_key)
project_json['user'] = self.job.owner_name
project_json['repo'] = self.job.repo_name
project_json['repo_url'] = 'https://{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(App.gogs_url, self.job.owner_name, self.job.repo_name)
commit = {
'id': self.job.commit_id,
'created_at': self.job.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
'status': self.job.status,
'success': self.job.success,
'started_at': None,
'ended_at': None
if self.job.started_at:
commit['started_at'] = self.job.started_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
if self.job.ended_at:
commit['ended_at'] = self.job.ended_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
if 'commits' not in project_json:
project_json['commits'] = []
commits = []
for c in project_json['commits']:
if c['id'] != self.job.commit_id:
project_json['commits'] = commits
project_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'project.json')
write_file(project_file, project_json)
App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(project_file, project_json_key, 0)
return project_json

def update_build_log(self, s3_base_key, part=''):
build_log_json = self.get_build_log(s3_base_key, part)
self.upload_build_log(build_log_json, s3_base_key, part)
return build_log_json

def upload_build_log(self, build_log_json, s3_base_key, part=''):
if self.job.started_at:
build_log_json['started_at'] = self.job.started_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
build_log_json['started_at'] = None
if self.job.ended_at:
build_log_json['ended_at'] = self.job.ended_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
build_log_json['ended_at'] = None
build_log_json['success'] = self.job.success
build_log_json['status'] = self.job.status
build_log_json['message'] = self.job.message
if self.job.log:
build_log_json['log'] = self.job.log
build_log_json['log'] = []
if self.job.warnings:
build_log_json['warnings'] = self.job.warnings
build_log_json['warnings'] = []
if self.job.errors:
build_log_json['errors'] = self.job.errors
build_log_json['errors'] = []
build_log_key = self.get_build_log_key(s3_base_key, part)
App.logger.debug('Writing build log to ' + build_log_key)
# App.logger.debug('build_log contents: ' + json.dumps(build_log_json))
self.cdn_upload_contents(build_log_json, build_log_key)
return build_log_json

def cdn_upload_contents(self, contents, key):
file_name = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'contents.json')
write_file(file_name, contents)
App.logger.debug('Writing file to ' + key)
App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(file_name, key, 0)

def get_build_log(self, s3_base_key, part=''):
build_log_key = self.get_build_log_key(s3_base_key, part)
# App.logger.debug('Reading build log from ' + build_log_key)
build_log_json = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_json(build_log_key)
# App.logger.debug('build_log contents: ' + json.dumps(build_log_json))
return build_log_json

def get_build_log_key(s3_base_key, part=''):
upload_key = '{0}/{1}build_log.json'.format(s3_base_key, part)
return upload_key

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