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A simple panel with header to display a collapsible content. The header can also have buttons on the right side on the title (slotted content slot="panel-btns"", check first usage example).

alt tag


<etools-content-panel panel-title="Panel title" show-expand-btn>
  <div slot="panel-btns">
    <paper-icon-button icon="add-circle"></paper-icon-button>
    <paper-icon-button icon="create"></paper-icon-button>
    <paper-icon-button icon="polymer"></paper-icon-button>
  <div>Your content goes here...</div>

<etools-content-panel panel-title="Panel title" no-header elevation="2">
  <div>Only content, no header...</div>

<etools-content-panel panel-title="Panel title" elevation="3" disabled show-expand-btn>
  <div>Disabled state...</div>

<etools-content-panel panel-title="Panel title" elevation="4">
  <div>No content expand or collapse button</div>

<etools-content-panel panel-title="Panel title" title-style="align-center" elevation="5">
  <div>Panel elevation increased to maximum value</div>


  • elevation - Number Default: 1
  • disabled - Boolean, Default: false
  • noHeader - Boolean, Default: false
  • open - Boolean, Default: true - notifies
  • showExpandBtn - Boolean, Default: false
  • panelTitle - String, Default: Panel title


You can use defined variables and mixins to change panel style.

Custom property Description Default
--ecp-header-height Header height 48px
--ecp-header-bg Header background color #0099ff
--epc-header-color Header color #ffffff
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-header) Mixin applied to header {}
--ecp-title-white-space Header title white space nowrap
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-toggle-btn) Mixin applied to expand content button {}
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-header-title) Mixin applied to the header title {}
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-header-btns-wrapper) Mixin appplied to panel header right btns container {}
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-content) Mixin applied to content {}
--ecp-content-bg-color Content Header color #ffffff
etools-content-panel::part(ecp-header):disabled Mixin applied in disabled state {}


$ npm i --save @unicef-polymer/etools-content-panel

Linting the code

Install local npm packages (run npm install) Then just run the linting task

$ npm run lint

Preview element locally

Install needed dependencies by running: $ npm install. Make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run $ polymer serve to serve your element application locally.

Running Tests

TODO: improve and add more tests

$ polymer test

Circle CI

Package will be automatically published after tag push (git tag 1.2.3 , git push --tags). Tag name must correspond to SemVer (Semantic Versioning) rules.

Version match Result
1.2.3 match
1.2.3-pre match
1.2.3+build match
1.2.3-pre+build match
v1.2.3-pre+build match
1.2 no match

You can see more details here