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The official Unification WRKChain Oracle software for recording WRKChain block header hashes to Mainchain

Build and installation


Go 1.13+ is required to install the WRKOracle binary

Install go by following the official docs. Once Go is installed, set your $PATH environment variable:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin">>$HOME/.bash_profile
$ source $HOME/.bash_profile


The build Make target can be used to build. The binary will be output to ./build/wrkoracle:

make build



make install

to install the wrkoracle binary into your $GOPATH/bin


wrkoracle version --long

to verify it has installed correctly


First, you will need to import a valid Mainchain account key into the WrkOracle keyring. This can be either a new key:

wrkoracle keys add my_wrkoracle_acc

or by importing a key from an existing Mnemonic:

wrkoracle keys add my_wrkoracle_acc --recover

In either case, the account will need sufficient FUND to run the Oracle and submit hashes to Mainchain.

WRKOracle must then be initialised with default values by running:

wrkoracle init [wrkchain_type]


wrkoracle init geth

This will create a skeleton configuration file in $HOME/.und_wrkoracle/config/config.toml as follows:

broadcast-mode = "block"
chain-id = ""
frequency = "60"
from = ""
hash1 = "ReceiptsRoot"
hash2 = "TxRoot"
hash3 = "StateRoot"
indent = true
keyring-backend = "os"
mainchain-rest = ""
node = ""
output = "json"
parent-hash = true
trust-node = false
wrkchain-id = ""
wrkchain-rpc = ""
wrkchain-type = "geth"

Configuration options

The configuration values can be set in $HOME/.und_wrkoracle/config/config.toml, or passed to the binary at runtime as --flags (e.g. --chain-id).

  • broadcast-mode: should remain as block, so that wrkoracle waits for the Tx to be processed in a Mainchain block. Required
  • chain-id: The chain ID of Mainchain hashes are being submitted to, e.g. UND-Mainchain-DevNet, UND-Mainchain-TestNet, or UND-Mainchain-MainNet Required
  • frequency: frequency in seconds that the WRKOracle should poll your WRKChain for the latest block header and submit the hashes to Mainchain. Required
  • from: default account that should be used by WRKOracle to sign the transactions, as named when importing the account above, e.g. my_wrkoracle_acc. Required
  • hash1, hash2, hash3: optional values mapped to various header hashes, depending on the WRKChain type hashes to Mainchain. See section Hash mapping below. If left empty, no value will be submitted.
  • parent-hash: whether or not to optionally submit the WRKChain block header parent hash. Required
  • mainchain-rest: The REST server for Mainchain, e.g. Required
  • node: Mainchain node to broadcast Txs to, e.g. tcp://localhost:26656 if you are running you own local full Mainchain node. Required
  • trust-node: Trust connected full node (don't verify proofs for responses). Required
  • wrkchain-id: The integer ID of your WRKChain, as given when the WRKChain was registered on Mainchain. Required
  • wrkchain-rpc: The RPC node where WRKOracle can query your WRKChain, e.g., etc.. Required

Running in automated mode

Once your WRKOracle has been configured with the options outlined above, it can run automatically and poll your WRKChain according to the defined frequency, submitting the latest WRKChain block header hashes to Mainchain:

wrkoracle run

WRKOracle will output its status as follows:

I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.872] Check WRKChain metadata                      pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.880] Start running WRKOracle                      pkg=oracle
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.880] start poll                                   pkg=oracle time=2020-03-11T12:55:36.880866909Z
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.880] polling WRKChain for latest block            pkg=oracle
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.881] Get block for WRKChain                       pkg=wrkchains moniker=wrkchain1 type=geth rpc=
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] Got WRKChain block                           pkg=wrkchains
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Height                              pkg=wrkchains height=13289
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Block Hash                          pkg=wrkchains blockhash=0x349723088c3fa5a8871c31e256cd2a8ff5e1c19d75c5e76d48b85e28c1038f0d
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Parent Hash                         pkg=wrkchains parenthash=0xb9673407d6ee07ccbb3d8f7808666b879ec79a1e423d6cdae05c486223a4fc00
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Hash1                               pkg=wrkchains ref=ReceiptsRoot value=0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Hash2                               pkg=wrkchains ref=TxRoot value=0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.893] WRKChain Hash3                               pkg=wrkchains ref=StateRoot value=0xcf4a880479b49b6439dd833b27a387d58aff0d97df68d1c31e40d9bc2f814b7d
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.897] recording latest WRKChain block              pkg=oracle
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.897] Generate msg                                 pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.897] Broadcasting Tx and waiting for response...  pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.897] WRKChain header hash recording fee           pkg=mainchain fee=1000000000nund
I[2020-03-11|12:55:36.911] gas estimate: 147430                         pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:55:41.880] Tx broadcast                                 pkg=mainchain hash=3C0AFAFC23E061677391E31495658F5388F1A6815A99FF2A680C682398FFABDB
I[2020-03-11|12:55:41.880] Success! Recorded in Mainchain Block         pkg=mainchain height=2531
I[2020-03-11|12:55:41.881] Gas used:                                    pkg=mainchain gas=96972
I[2020-03-11|12:55:41.881] end poll. Next poll due:                     pkg=oracle due=2020-03-11T12:55:46.880958102Z
I[2020-03-11|12:55:41.881] -----------------------------------          pkg=oracle

Submitting single block headers

Individual WRKChain block headers can be submitted manually. This is useful if you wish to submit historical data to Mainchain:

wrkoracle record [height]


wrkoracle record 2424

The result will be output:

I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.424] Check WRKChain metadata                      pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.427] getting requested WRKChain block header and recording pkg=oracle moniker=wrkchain1 height=12222
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.427] Get block for WRKChain                       pkg=wrkchains moniker=wrkchain1 type=geth rpc=
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] Got WRKChain block                           pkg=wrkchains
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Height                              pkg=wrkchains height=12222
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Block Hash                          pkg=wrkchains blockhash=0x30e0ddcb301abc5e4312a3f84d4b8dc184d47b88d21d75e2247b2bee4affb824
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Parent Hash                         pkg=wrkchains parenthash=0x2cb59e0daeaac6372f7205e8dd32a6e9bf64ccadd7a1dc85823e9cc6d9a04a08
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Hash1                               pkg=wrkchains ref=ReceiptsRoot value=0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Hash2                               pkg=wrkchains ref=TxRoot value=0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.444] WRKChain Hash3                               pkg=wrkchains ref=StateRoot value=0xea0d716b09464a350b67f13001e67ab04518a58ba7f745f67078693698a47e34
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.446] Generate msg                                 pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.446] Broadcasting Tx and waiting for response...  pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.446] WRKChain header hash recording fee           pkg=mainchain fee=1000000000nund
I[2020-03-11|12:56:32.451] gas estimate: 140335                         pkg=mainchain
I[2020-03-11|12:56:35.492] Tx broadcast                                 pkg=mainchain hash=1F0A5DD144D7B6F616552E5461F81769674700B9707D22EF380A9447E0D63881
I[2020-03-11|12:56:35.492] Success! Recorded in Mainchain Block         pkg=mainchain height=2541
I[2020-03-11|12:56:35.492] Gas used:                                    pkg=mainchain gas=92242

Hash mapping

The Hash1, Hash2 and Hash3 are optional values that can be submitted to Mainchain, and are initially mapped by WRKOracle during initialisation to some default values, depending on the WRKChain type.

The mapping can be configured in $HOME/.und_wrkoracle/config/config.toml by setting the corresponding entries for hash1, hash2 and hash3. Leaving the entries empty will result in the hashes being omitted from the WRKChain hash submission. The initialised defaults for each chain type are listed below.

Note: Neither Mainchain or WRKOracle currently keep any internal records regarding what is mapped onto the hash1, hash2 and hash3 values at submission time. It is up to the WRKChain and WRKOracle operators to keep track of this information externally so that any validation process can compare the correct hash values. This is especially important if the hash mapping is changed at any point during the life of the WRKChain. For example, from WRKChain block height 100,000, the operator may wish to change hash1 submissions from ReceiptsRoot to UncleHash, in which case the operator should keep a record of this and update any validation processes accordingly.

geth based chains

For geth based WRKChains, WRKOracle supports the following 5 optional block header hashes to be submitted:

  1. ReceiptsRoot - Merkle root hash for the Receipts (Header.ReceiptHash)
  2. TxRoot - Merkle root hash for the Tx (Header.TxHash)
  3. StateRoot - Merkle root hash for State Root (Header.Root)
  4. UncleHash - Uncle Hash (Header.UncleHash)
  5. MixHash - Mix Digest hash (Header.MixDigest)

By default during initialisation, WRKOracle maps them as follows:

hash1 = TxRoot
hash2 = ReceiptsRoot
hash3 = StateRoot

tendermint / cosmos based chains

For tendermint and cosmos based WRKChains, WRKOracle supports the following 8 optional block header hashes to be submitted:

  1. Block.Header.DataHash - MerkleRoot of transaction hashes in this block
  2. Block.Header.AppHash - state after txs from the previous block
  3. Block.Header.ValidatorsHash - validators for the current block
  4. Block.Header.LastResultsHash - root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block
  5. Block.Header.LastCommitHash - commit from validators from the last block
  6. Block.Header.ConsensusHash - consensus params for current block
  7. Block.Header.NextValidatorsHash - validators for the next block
  8. Block.Header.EvidenceHash - evidence included in the block

By default during initialisation, WRKOracle maps the following hashes:

hash1 = DataHash
hash2 = AppHash
hash3 = ValidatorsHash

neo based chains

For neo based WRKChains, WRKOracle supports the following 4 optional additional hashes and data:

  1. MerkleRoot
  2. NextConsensus
  3. NextBlockHash
  4. Nonce

By default during initialisation, WRKOracle maps the following hashes:

hash1 = MerkleRoot
hash2 = NextConsensus
hash3 = Nonce

stellar based chains

No additional hash data is natively supported.

By default during initialisation, WRKOracle maps the following hashes:

hash1 =
hash2 =
hash3 =

eos based chains

Note: WRKOracle for EOS will retrieve the latest irreversible block, not the current highest block.

For eos based WRKChains, WRKOracle supports the following optional 2 additional data:

  1. TxMRoot (transaction_mroot)
  2. ActionRoot (action_mroot)

By default during initialisation, WRKOracle maps the following hashes:

hash1 = TxMRoot
hash2 = ActionRoot
hash3 =


pseudochain is a fake chain for development purposes - it will generate random hashes for each block