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DK Zone -Part12.
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DK Starting Zone - phase 128 - CHAPTER IV

Acherus Necromancer - waypoints + link
Noth the Plaguebringer - script added
Gothik the Harvester - script added
Howling Geist - movement corrected for all
Volatile Ghoul - waypoints for all
Rampaging Abomination - waypoints
Highlord Darion Mograine - stats corrected
Defender of the Light <The Argent Dawn> - stats corrected .. model fixed
Scourge Commander Thalanor - movement corrected
duplicates removed
Phase corrected for some gameobjects

Also: ( from other CHAPTERS)
Frostbrood Vanquisher - fly animation (temp)
Mine Car - will despawn if Scarlet Miner aggro.
Eye of Acherus - faction

  • Loading branch information
Grz3s committed Jun 1, 2015
1 parent a31f96e commit 5b67f67
Showing 1 changed file with 252 additions and 0 deletions.
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions Updates/212_DKZone Part12.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- DK Starting Zone - phase 128 - CHAPTER IV
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Duplicates Removed
DELETE FROM creature WHERE guid IN (130365,130370,130368130369,130364,130374,130372,130377,130367,130375,130366,130361,130371);
DELETE FROM creature_addon WHERE guid IN (130365,130370,130368130369,130364,130374,130372,130377,130367,130375,130366,130361,130371);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (130365,130370,130368130369,130364,130374,130372,130377,130367,130375,130366,130361,130371);

-- Phase: 64+128
-- [Chapter IV] Chapter IV Dummy
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE guid = 130400;
-- Acherus Necromancer
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE id = 29191;
-- Scarlet Deserter
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE id = 29193;
-- Noth the Plaguebringer
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE id = 29113;
-- Gothik the Harvester
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE id = 29112;
-- Howling Geist
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 128 WHERE id = 29189;

-- objects
UPDATE gameobject SET phaseMask = 192 WHERE guid IN (66412,66408,66415,66406,66409,66404,66407,66413,66411,66414,66410);

-- Acherus Necromancer
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2708.023682, position_y = -5376.278809, position_z = 157.697159, orientation = 3.37, spawndist = 0, MovementType = 2 WHERE guid = 130395;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2707.768799, position_y = -5373.590332, position_z = 157.925583, orientation = 3.37, spawndist = 0, MovementType = 0 WHERE guid = 130396;
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id = 130395;
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
-- link
DELETE FROM creature_linking WHERE guid = 130396;
INSERT INTO creature_linking (guid, master_guid, flag) VALUES
(130396, 130395, 128+512);

-- Noth the Plaguebringer
UPDATE creature SET Spawndist = 0, MovementType = 2 WHERE guid = 130898;
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id = 130898;
UPDATE creature_template SET MovementType = 2 WHERE entry = 29113;
DELETE FROM creature_movement_template WHERE entry = 29113;
INSERT INTO creature_movement_template (entry, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
(29113, 1, 2715.28, -5422.11, 161.471, 55000, 2911301, 5.70723, 0, 0);
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id = 2911301;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
DELETE FROM db_script_string WHERE entry IN (2000000494,2000000495);
INSERT INTO db_script_string (entry, content_default, sound, type, language, emote, comment) VALUES
(2000000494,'We need more flesh!',0,1,0,5,NULL),
(2000000495,'Double your efforts! The final assault draws near!',0,1,0,5,NULL);

-- Scarlet Deserter
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, MovementType = 0 WHERE guid IN (130402,130403,130404,130405);
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2817.77, position_y = -5453.906, position_z = 159.4021, orientation = 1.937315 WHERE guid = 130405;

-- Gothik the Harvester
UPDATE creature SET Spawndist = 0, MovementType = 2 WHERE guid = 130897;
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id = 130897;
UPDATE creature_template SET MovementType = 2 WHERE entry = 29112;
DELETE FROM creature_movement_template WHERE entry = 29112;
INSERT INTO creature_movement_template (entry, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id BETWEEN 2911201 AND 2911207;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
(2911201,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000496,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911202,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000497,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911203,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000498,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911204,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000499,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911205,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911206,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000501,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text'),
(2911207,3,0,0,0,29193,130405,7,2000000502,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'force buddy to: say text');
DELETE FROM db_script_string WHERE entry BETWEEN 2000000496 AND 2000000508;
INSERT INTO db_script_string (entry, content_default, sound, type, language, emote, comment) VALUES
(2000000496,'You\'re a monster!',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000497,'Please! Spare me! I...',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000498,'Wi... Will it hurt?',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000499,'It tingles...',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000500,'Why don\'t you Just Kill me Already',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000501,'Is it too late to change my mind? How about you just kill me instead?',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000502,'The horror! THE HORROR!',0,0,0,0,NULL),
(2000000503,'Flattery will get you nowhere.',0,0,0,1,NULL),
(2000000504,'Don\'t be ridiculous. Where would you even go if I did spare you? We just finished eradicating your civilization, remember?',0,0,0,1,NULL),
(2000000505,'That\'s how you know it\'s working.',0,0,0,1,NULL),
(2000000506,'Oh yes. Immensely. The pain will propably render you unconcious - hence the vat of slime you\'re floating in!',0,0,0,1,NULL),
(2000000507,'You idiot! That\'s What I\'m Doing Right Now!',0,0,0,5,NULL),
(2000000508,'I AM going to kill you. What\'s the rush?',0,0,0,6,NULL);

-- Howling Geist
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2597.903076, position_y = -5549.420410, position_z = 159.772934, spawndist = 20, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130387;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2622.867432, position_y = -5481.481934, position_z = 156.948212, spawndist = 20, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130386;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2659.806885, position_y = -5537.375000, position_z = 163.303589, spawndist = 20, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130385;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2697.650391, position_y = -5469.664063, position_z = 156.943970, spawndist = 20, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130383;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2735.920410, position_y = -5363.948730, position_z = 157.715302, spawndist = 20, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130381;

-- Volatile Ghoul
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, MovementType = 2, spawntimesecs = 10 WHERE guid IN (130363,130373,130362);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (130363,130373,130362);
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
-- #1
-- #2
-- #3
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id BETWEEN 2918501 AND 2918502;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
(2918501,4,25,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'RUN ON'),

-- Rampaging Abomination
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 2770.925049, position_y = -5536.027344, position_z = 161.735718, orientation = 2.301208, spawndist = 10, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130378;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, MovementType = 2, spawntimesecs = 10 WHERE guid IN (130376,130379);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (130376,130379);
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
-- #1
-- #2
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id BETWEEN 2918601 AND 2918602;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement (id, delay, command, datalong, datalong2, buddy_entry, search_radius, data_flags, dataint, dataint2, dataint3, dataint4, x, y, z, o, comments) VALUES
(2918601,1,25,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'RUN ON'),

-- Highlord Darion Mograine
UPDATE creature_template SET Expansion = 2, UnitClass = 2, PowerMultiplier = 1000, MinLevelMana = 4258000, MaxLevelMana = 4258000 WHERE entry = 29173;
UPDATE creature SET curmana = 4258000 WHERE id = 29173;

-- Defender of the Light <The Argent Dawn>
UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel = 55, MaxLevel = 58, UnitFlags = 32768, UnitClass = 2, MinLevelHealth = 62730, MaxLevelHealth = 68910, MinLevelMana = 63510, MaxLevelMana = 68670,
Expansion = 0, DamageMultiplier = 7.5, Armor = 3394, MeleeBaseAttackTime = 2000, RangedBaseAttackTime = 2000, MeleeAttackPower = 228, RangedAttackPower = 23, MinMeleeDmg = 87.5,
MaxMeleeDmg = 123 WHERE entry = 29174;

-- Scourge Commander Thalanor
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 10, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 130467;

-- Chapter III
-- Frostbrood Vanquisher - until fly/ground anim. will be supported by core
DELETE FROM creature_template_addon WHERE entry = 28670;
INSERT INTO creature_template_addon (entry, mount, bytes1, b2_0_sheath, b2_1_pvp_state, emote, moveflags, auras) VALUES

-- Chapter I
-- Mine Car
DELETE FROM creature_linking WHERE guid IN (128860,128864,128868,128869,128870,128873,128874,128876,128879,128880);
INSERT INTO creature_linking (guid, master_guid, flag) VALUES
(128860, 128885, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128864, 128889, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128868, 128893, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128869, 128894, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128870, 128895, 1+16+128+512+8192),
(128873, 128898, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128874, 128899, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128876, 128901, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128879, 128904, 1+16+128+512+8192),(128880, 128905, 1+16+128+512+8192);
-- Eye of Acherus
UPDATE creature_template SET FactionAlliance = 2084, FactionHorde = 2084 WHERE entry = 28511;

4 comments on commit 5b67f67

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@Grz3s Grz3s commented on 5b67f67 Jun 1, 2015

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Again i forgot to add [212].... in title :(

ACID Part:

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@Rushor Rushor commented on 5b67f67 Jun 3, 2015

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git rebase -i HEAD~1
change title
git push force origin xxx

maybe then the title can be changed

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Yes, it's possible to change things that way. But it's not a good idea in general to force a push to a public repository, because you will most likely aggro everyone working with the same repository.

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@Grz3s Grz3s commented on 5b67f67 Jun 3, 2015

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will leave as it is... ;)

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