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[253] The Wailing Caverns Pt.3
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The Wailing Caverns  - Right Wing

- spawns corrected
- waypoints added
- Duplicates removed
- Deviate Faerie Dragon - moved into pool with 35% chanse to spawn
  • Loading branch information
Grz3s committed Aug 16, 2015
1 parent 85af5dd commit fa5e897
Showing 1 changed file with 288 additions and 0 deletions.
288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions Updates/253_The_Wailing_Caverns_pt.3.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
-- The Wailing Caverns
-- Right Wing

-- Duplicates removed
DELETE FROM creature WHERE guid IN (38144,38113,85947,85961,38117);
DELETE FROM creature_addon WHERE guid IN (38144,38113,85947,85961,38117);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (38144,38113,85947,85961,38117);

-- Skum
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -283.573700, position_y = -310.881409, position_z = -69.183708, orientation = 0.564664, spawndist = 10, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87131;

-- Deviate Faerie Dragon
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 3.990831, position_y = -48.752422, position_z = -66.029633, orientation = 4.191853 WHERE guid = 517;
-- should have reduced chance to spawn in WC
DELETE FROM pool_template WHERE entry = 25492;
INSERT INTO pool_template (entry, max_limit, description) VALUES
(25492,1,'WC - Deviate Faerie Dragon / Druid of the Fang');
DELETE FROM pool_creature WHERE pool_entry = 25492;
INSERT INTO pool_creature (guid, pool_entry, chance, description) VALUES
(517,25492,35,'WC - Deviate Faerie Dragon'),
(85959,25492,65,'WC - Druid of the Fang');

-- Deviate Lasher
UPDATE creature SET, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid IN (18679,18681,18680);

-- Deviate Shambler
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 22.807135, position_y = -151.118713, position_z = -78.651627 WHERE guid = 85963;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -7.038766, position_y = -71.016472, position_z = -67.098122, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 85954;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -166.194336, position_y = -89.008423, position_z = -67.355522, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 45723;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -226.982697, position_y = 44.669109, position_z = -82.440079, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 38114;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -112.500587, position_y = -104.252632, position_z = -75.274391, spawndist = 2, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 45724;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 10.453961, position_y = -231.321625, position_z = -77.228943, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87105;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = 38.975677, position_y = -164.936310, position_z = -82.935074, spawndist = 2, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87113;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, movementType = 2 WHERE guid IN (38116,38168,85963);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (38116,38168,85963);
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
-- #38116
-- #38168
-- #85963

-- Druid of the Fang
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, MovementType = 0 WHERE guid = 85948;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 85919;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87122;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 18682;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -341.693024, position_y = -112.663597, position_z = -63.787231, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87150;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -214.287292, position_y = 46.809830, position_z = -82.261520, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 33987;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -176.696625, position_y = -92.646103, position_z = -67.163155, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 45722;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -329.414398, position_y = -84.181580, position_z = -65.576790, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87153;

-- Evolving Ectoplasm
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -110.559517, position_y = -260.382935, position_z = -57.422146, orientation = 2.382781 WHERE guid = 86047;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, movementType = 2 WHERE guid IN (38142,86047,87157);
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id IN (38142,86047,87157);
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES
-- #38142
-- #86047
-- #87157

-- Deviate Dreadfang / Venomwing
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -216.087051, position_y = -326.585144, position_z = -71.001495, spawndist = 10, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87132;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -360.120270, position_y = -117.154121, position_z = -64.733063, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87156;
UPDATE creature SET position_x = -248.955383, position_y = -216.704453, position_z = -63.100262, spawndist = 5, MovementType = 1 WHERE guid = 87130;
UPDATE creature SET spawndist = 0, movementType = 2 WHERE guid = 38122;
DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id = 38122;
INSERT INTO creature_movement (id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id, orientation, model1, model2) VALUES

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