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Contribution Guide

Werner Keil edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

How to Join this Project

  • Become a JCP member (for all changes to the Spec or API/RI code, helping e.g. with the Maven POM to upgrade a dependency, would work if you are not a JCP member yet)
  • Apply for membership to JSR-385

Copying the Source Code and Compiling it

  • Create a fork of this repository to your personal repository
  • Clone the fork to your local disk
  • Run mvn clean install to compile

Submitting a Contribution

  • Find a ticket to work on, or create a ticket that explains the work you're going to do
  • Create a branch in your local repository
    • Suggestion: name it something like <ticket-number>-<short-explanation>
  • Make changes, compile and run the unit tests
  • Commit your changes with a message explaining what you've done
    • Suggestion: start the commit message with the ticket number
    • Suggestion: When you think you're done, run PMD, and check whether you can resolve any of the issues there
  • Create a pull request, and submit it for review
    • Suggestion: Check out issues showing up in Codacy, and check whether you can or should resolve them
    • Suggestion: Check out old Codacy issues in the files you've touched, and check whether any of them can be resolved
  • As long as the pull requests hasn't been reviewed and accepted, you can simply submit new commits to it