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Pouyan Azari edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 3 revisions


Here is the complete guide to use LoginShibboleth. We will assume different scenarios with different complexities which the plug in is configured to perform. If something is missing or not there fill a bug with details and we will try to add it here.


According to your system configuration and data availability. There are also factors of complexity involved.

Guide Shibboleth LDAP Manual
[[ Shibboleth Only Shibboleth Only ]] Access/UserInfo -
[[ Shibboleth Manual Shibboleth Manual ]] UserInfo -
[[ Shibboleth Ldap Shibboleth LDAP ]] UserInfo Access
[[ Shibboleth Ldap Both Shibboleth LDAP Both ]] UserInfo/Access UserInfo/Access
Shibboleth LDAP Manual UserInfo/Access UserInfo/Access Access
Shibboleth LDAP Username Username Access/UserInfo -


Api functions are available here.

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