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I have created a solver for a twisty puzzle. I don't know what this puzzle is called, and I don't have physical access to it. The photos show the puzzle with a V-perm on the yellow layer. A face can turn if all the arrows on that face point in the same rotational direction. In the solved state, opposite faces turn in opposite rotational directions (clockwise and counter-clockwise).

Photo of the puzzle

How it works

Like many optimal cube solvers, my solver uses a form of iterative-deepening-A* (IDA*). IDA* is similar to A*, but it consumes much less memory at the cost of extra CPU cycles. In order to prune the search tree, IDA* uses a lower-bound heuristic on the number of moves it will take to solve a given state.

In my solver, lower-bound heuristics are based on projections of the puzzle state onto a subspace of states. In particular, projections must have the following properties:

  • Proj(S) is deterministic for a given state S.
  • Proj(S) != Proj(S') if the locked faces of S are not exactly the same as those of S'.
  • If Proj(S1) = Proj(S2), then Proj(M * S1) = Proj(M * S2), where M * S denotes applying a move M to state S.

For example, Proj(S) could simply retain information about the edges of state S, discarding all information about the corners.

Since the set of all Proj(S) may be much smaller than the set of all S, it is feasible to search the space of all projections (or at least some deep subset of this space). After searching this space, you know that if Proj(S) takes N moves to solve, then S cannot take fewer than N moves to solve.

In my implementation, there is a Proj trait for projections. It is possible to compose Projs, search the space of Projs, and partially solve a cube so that it is equal to the solved state under a Proj. This is all done using type arguments. For example, you can do the following to brute-force the corners of a puzzle:

proj_solve::<CornerProj, _>(state, &NopHeuristic(), max_depth);

To speed up the search, you can generate a heuristic that knows about all <= 7 move corner cases:

let heuristic = ProjHeuristic::<CornerProj>::generate(7);
proj_solve::<CornerProj, _>(state, &heuristic, max_depth);


Install Rust, and then run:

$ cargo build --release


There are two solvers, both with a different purpose. The optimal solver directly searches for solutions (with a configurable lower-bound heuristic), but takes a long time to solve random scrambles. It is suitable for scrambles up to ~19 moves. The multi-step solver finds sub-optimal solutions, but only takes a few seconds to solve random scrambles.

Optimal solutions

According to the optimal solver, this is the scramble from the photos:

F U2 F' U2 B' U F U' B U' B' U F' U' B

You can find a solution to this scramble yourself by running:

$ ./target/release/locky-solve --corner-depth 7 --scramble "F U2 F' U2 B' U F U' B U' B' U F' U' B"
Waiting for heuristic...
Trying depth 0...
Trying depth 1...
Trying depth 15...
Found solution: B' U F U' B U B' U F' U' B U2 F U2 F'

With --corner-depth 7, my computer finds the above solution in 4s, and half of this time is spent generating the corner index. With --corner-depth 6, it takes 10s.

Multi-step solutions

To test the multi-step solver, I recommend generating a random scramble:

$ ./target/release/locky-scramble --moves 30
F B U' D2 B2 U2 R U2 F2 U2 D2 F' U D' R L' U D' F B2 U' F R' U F' B2 D2 B' U' D'

You can then pass the random scramble to the solver like so:

$ ./target/release/locky-solve --multi-step --scramble "F B U' D2 B2 U2 R U2 F2 U2 D2 F' U D' R L' U D' F B2 U' F R' U F' B2 D2 B' U' D'"
Generating solver...
Computing solution...
Solution: D B' U F' L D' F R D U D L D' L2 B2 R' B' R L2 U' L2 L' B2 L B' L' B' L B' R' D2 B D2 B' R D2 F' U B U' F' B2 D2 F B2 U B' U' F L' F2 B2 U2 L2 D2 F2 B2 R2 D2 L'
Parts: [  D B' U F' L D' F R D  ] [  U D L D' L2 B2 R' B' R L2 U' L2  ] [  L' B2 L B' L' B' L B' R' D2 B D2 B' R  ] [  D2 F' U B U' F' B2 D2 F B2 U B' U' F  ] [  L' F2 B2 U2 L2 D2 F2 B2 R2 D2 L'  ]

Currently, the multi-step solver produces a solution consisting of five steps. For each step, I list the projection(s) under which the puzzle is solved:

  1. Move the arrows into place, unlocking all the faces. (LockProj)
  2. Orient all the edges under every color scheme. (ArrowAxisProj)
  3. Orient the corners while keeping the edges oriented and unlocked. (ArrowAxisProj, CoFbProj, CoRlProj, CoUdProj)
  4. Solve the corners. (ArrowAxisProj, CornerProj)
  5. Find an optimal solution for the remaining scramble.

The solutions discovered by the multi-step solver are fairly long (the above one is 60 moves!). However, a 60 move solution is better than no solution at all.


Solving a twisty puzzle that I don't personally own.






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