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Unosquare Labs C# and Raspberry Pi Demo. Check the presentation material

What you need

  • Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is just fine)
  • Raspberry Pi with a Linux distro and mono package.
  • Unosquare sshdeploy tool
  • Some LEDs and Resistors

Let's start

  1. You need to open the solution with Visual Studio.
  2. Edit the ´sshdeploy-run.bat´ file and be sure to specified the correct path to your project, the sshdeploy path and the Raspberry Pi IP.
  3. Run the ´sshdeploy-run.bat´ script and be sure the remote connection is successful.
  4. Run build the Visual Studio solution 👾 and check sshdeploy tool to deploy and run the webapp.
  5. You should browse to the Raspberry Pi IP at port 9696, that's all.

Don't hesitate to send your comments.