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Nevio Vesic edited this page May 7, 2024 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the {Un}Pack wiki!


{Un}Pack is a tool designed for Ethereum smart contract analysis across all EVM-compatible networks. This toolkit excels in the seamless acquisition of contract metadata and source code, particularly for contracts verified on Etherscan, Bscscan, and IPFS.

{Un}Pack is an essential tool for developers working on Ethereum smart contract analysis. It provides access to source codes and offers detailed insights into various aspects of contracts. These include function definitions, events, and state variables. Additionally, Introspector features contract source code graphs (CFG), which visually maps the execution flow of smart contracts.

{Un}Pack also supports advanced features via JSON-RPC, enabling users to decode transactions, logs, and decompile opcodes. This functionality extends to recreating the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of any deployed smart contract on the Ethereum network. Additionally, it offers the ability to search for specific functions and events by their signatures, providing a comprehensive toolkit for in-depth contract analysis and auditing. This enhanced search capability makes it easier for developers to quickly locate and analyze specific components of smart contracts.

To manage the storage of large datasets without using Git LFS, we have opted to utilize Cloudflare R2. This object storage solution offers zero egress fees and is a cost-effective alternative to Amazon S3. As a result, the entire dataset is seamlessly integrated with this repository, eliminating the need for you to recreate the datasets independently.

We are actively hunting for storage sponsorships as that's the biggest concern to provide you easy way to get the datasets without spending weeks crawling networks to get all of the data yourself. More information will be announced about this in the short future.



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