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Organize functions in to an UE4Automation class.
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qiuwch committed Jul 31, 2017
1 parent a51bb31 commit 631f765
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 91 deletions.
207 changes: 116 additions & 91 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,104 +1,129 @@
# Build script of unrealcv, supports win, linux and mac.
# Weichao Qiu @ 2017
import argparse

import subprocess, sys, os, argparse, platform, logging, glob, shutil
try: input = raw_input
except NameError: pass
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Python and UE4 use different names for platform, in this script we will use UE4 platform name exclusively
def get_platform_name():
py2UE4 = {"Darwin": "Mac", "Windows": "Win64", "Linux": "Linux"}
# Key: python platform name, Value: UE4
platform_name = py2UE4.get(platform.system())
if not platform_name:
logger.error('Can not recognize platform %s' % platform.system())
return platform_name

def UATPath(UE4_dir):
platform2UATRelativePath = {
'Linux': 'Engine/Build/BatchFiles/',
'Mac': 'Engine/Build/BatchFiles/',
'Win64': 'Engine\\Build\\BatchFiles\\RunUAT.bat'
platform_name = get_platform_name()
UAT_relative_path = platform2UATRelativePath.get(platform_name)
UAT_abs_path = os.path.join(UE4_dir, UAT_relative_path)
return UAT_abs_path

def UE4_discover():
win_candidates = [
'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.??',
'D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.??',]
linux_candidates = [
mac_candidates = ['/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.??',]
search_candidates = {'Linux': linux_candidates, 'Mac': mac_candidates, 'Win64': win_candidates}
candidates = search_candidates.get(get_platform_name())

found_UE4 = []
for c in candidates: found_UE4 += glob.glob(c)
# Ask user to make a selection
if len(found_UE4) == 1: return found_UE4[0]
if len(found_UE4) == 0:'Can not automatically found a UE4 path, please specify it with --UE4')

print('Found UE4 in the following path, please make a selection:')
print('\n'.join('%d : %s' % (i+1, found_UE4[i]) for i in range(len(found_UE4))))

num = int(input())
return found_UE4[num-1]

def install(UE4_dir):
engine_plugin_folder = os.path.join(UE4_dir, 'Engine', 'Plugins')
abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder = os.path.join(engine_plugin_folder, 'UnrealCV')
abs_src_unrealcv_folder = os.path.abspath('Plugins/UnrealCV')

if os.path.isdir(abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder):
print('UnrealCV is already found in the Engine/Plugins folder, do you want to overwrite')
print('Type yes or y to continue:')
choice = input()
if choice.lower() not in ['y', 'yes']:
print('Installation cancelled')

print('Copy the plugin from %s to %s' % (abs_src_unrealcv_folder, abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder))
shutil.copytree(abs_src_unrealcv_folder, abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder)
print('Installation of UnrealCV is successful.')

if __name__ == '__main__':
def main():
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--install', action='store_true')

args = parser.parse_args()
need_install = args.install

# TODO: Try to get UE4 path from the argument or from os.environ first
UE4_dir = UE4_discover()
abs_UAT_path = os.path.abspath(UATPath(UE4_dir))
ue4 = UE4Automation()

# unrealcv_folder = os.environ.get('UnrealCV')
unrealcv_descriptor = 'UnrealCV.uplugin'
abs_unrealcv_descriptor = os.path.abspath(unrealcv_descriptor)
# Build the plugin
abs_unrealcv_descriptor = os.path.abspath('UnrealCV.uplugin')
abs_output_folder = os.path.abspath('Plugins/UnrealCV')
platform_name = get_platform_name()
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
ue4.build_plugin(abs_unrealcv_descriptor, abs_output_folder)

if os.path.isdir(abs_output_folder):
print('Output folder "%s" already exists, skip compilation.' % abs_output_folder)
print('Remove this folder if you want to compile the plugin with a different UE4 version.')
# Install the plugin if requested
if need_install:

import subprocess, sys, os, argparse, platform, logging, glob, shutil
try: input = raw_input
except NameError: pass
class UE4Automation:
''' UE4 engine wrapper '''
def __init__(self):
self.platform_name = self._get_platform_name()
self.UE4_dir = self._get_UE4_dir()
self.abs_UAT_path = self._get_UATPath()

def build_plugin(self, plugin_descriptor, output_folder):
abs_plugin_descriptor = os.path.abspath(plugin_descriptor)
abs_output_folder = os.path.abspath(output_folder)

if os.path.isdir(abs_output_folder):
print('Output folder "%s" already exists, skip compilation.' % abs_output_folder)
print('Remove this folder if you want to compile the plugin with a different UE4 version.')
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))[
self.abs_UAT_path, 'BuildPlugin',
'-plugin=%s' % abs_plugin_descriptor,
'-package=%s' % abs_output_folder,
'-rocket', '-targetplatforms=%s' % self.platform_name
], cwd = script_dir)

def install(self):
''' Install the plugin to UE4 engine folder '''
print('-' * 30 + ' Install ' + '-' * 30)
engine_plugin_folder = os.path.join(self.UE4_dir, 'Engine', 'Plugins')
abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder = os.path.join(engine_plugin_folder, 'UnrealCV')
abs_src_unrealcv_folder = os.path.abspath('Plugins/UnrealCV')

if os.path.isdir(abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder):
print('UnrealCV is already found in the Engine/Plugins folder, do you want to overwrite')
print('Type yes or y to continue:')
choice = input()
if choice.lower() not in ['y', 'yes']:
print('Installation cancelled')

print('Copy the plugin from %s to %s' % (abs_src_unrealcv_folder, abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder))
shutil.copytree(abs_src_unrealcv_folder, abs_tgt_unrealcv_folder)
print('Installation of UnrealCV is successful.')

def package(self, project_path, output_folder):
abs_project_path = os.path.abspath(project_path)
abs_output_folder = os.path.abspath(output_folder)[
abs_UAT_path, 'BuildPlugin',
'-plugin=%s' % abs_unrealcv_descriptor,
'-package=%s' % abs_output_folder,
'-rocket', '-targetplatforms=%s' % platform_name
], cwd = script_dir)
self.abs_UAT_path, 'BuildCookRun',
'-project=%s' % abs_project_path,
'-archivedirectory=%s' % abs_output_folder,
'-platform=%s' % self.platform_name,
'-clientconfig=Development', '-serverconfig=Development',
'-noP4', '-allmaps', '-stage', '-pak', '-archive', '-cook', '-build'

def _get_UATPath(self):
platform2UATRelativePath = {
'Linux': 'Engine/Build/BatchFiles/',
'Mac': 'Engine/Build/BatchFiles/',
'Win64': 'Engine\\Build\\BatchFiles\\RunUAT.bat'
platform_name = self._get_platform_name()
UAT_relative_path = platform2UATRelativePath.get(platform_name)
UAT_abs_path = os.path.join(self.UE4_dir, UAT_relative_path)
return UAT_abs_path

def _get_platform_name(self):
'''' Python and UE4 use different names for platform, in this script we will use UE4 platform name exclusively '''
py2UE4 = {"Darwin": "Mac", "Windows": "Win64", "Linux": "Linux"}
# Key: python platform name, Value: UE4
platform_name = py2UE4.get(platform.system())
if not platform_name:
print('Can not recognize platform %s' % platform.system())
return platform_name

def _get_UE4_dir(self):
win_candidates = [
'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.??',
'D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.??',]
linux_candidates = [
mac_candidates = ['/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.??',]
search_candidates = {'Linux': linux_candidates, 'Mac': mac_candidates, 'Win64': win_candidates}
candidates = search_candidates.get(self._get_platform_name())

found_UE4 = []
for c in candidates: found_UE4 += glob.glob(c)
# Ask user to make a selection
if len(found_UE4) == 1: return found_UE4[0]
if len(found_UE4) == 0:
print('Can not automatically found a UE4 path, please specify it with --UE4')

print('Found UE4 in the following path, please make a selection:')
print('\n'.join('%d : %s' % (i+1, found_UE4[i]) for i in range(len(found_UE4))))

num = int(input())
return found_UE4[num-1]

if need_install:
if __name__ == '__main__':

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