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RequestPool Class

Iury O. G. Figueiredo edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

The RequestPool class is used to take an action when a given set of requests is finished. It is also an event emitter.

from websnake import Get, ResponseHandle, core, RequestPool, die

def handle_done(request, response):
    print('Headers:', response.headers)
    print('Code:', response.code)
    print('Version:', response.version)
    print('Reason:', response.reason) 

def handle_empty(pool):
    print('All requests done!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    urls = ('', 

    pool = RequestPool()
    pool.add_map(RequestPool.EMPTY, handle_empty)

    for ind in urls:
        Get(ind, pool=pool).add_map(ResponseHandle.DONE, handle_done)

In the above example when the event RequestPool.EMPTY is fired it gets handle_empty handle called. The RequestPool instance is sent as argument to the handle_empty function.

The line below is responsible for binding the handle_done function to the event ResponseHandle.DONE and also specifying such a request belongs to a pool.

        Get(ind, pool=pool).add_map(ResponseHandle.DONE, handle_done)

All the class requests accept a pool argument in its constructor.