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Arduino touch controller for Windows

This project provides source code and methods to build a touch controller for Windows using Arduino Nano. This controller allows users to operate Windows applications using touch panels. The architecture of the controller is shown in the figure below.


8 metal touch panels are connected to the Arduino. When a user touches a panel, the firmware on the Arduino detects the touch state and sends it to the Windows PC via serial communication. The serial-keyevent converter on the Windows PC receives the touch state and generates a virtual keyboard press event. Finally, Windows applications (e.g., game application) receives the press event.

Hardware assembly


  • Arduino Nano x 1
  • touch panel x 8
    • This controller uses Capacitive sensing. Therefore, the touch panel must be conductive (I used a 1.0 mm thick aluminum plate). You can cut the panel to any size you like.
  • 1M ohms resistor x 8
  • electric wire (to connect Arduino and touch panels)

Circuit diagram

circuit diagram

Building software


  1. Download Arduino IDE.
  2. Connect your PC and Arduino with a USB cable.
  3. Open the firmware (arduino_touch_controller.ino) with Arduino IDE.
  4. Select Arduino Nano in Tools>Board menu.
  5. Select Arduino serial port in Tools>Port menu (you can get the port number using Windows device manager).
  6. Press Ctrl+U to compile the firmware and upload it to your Arduino.

Serial-keyevent converter

  1. Compile the serial-to-keyboard event converter (serial_keyevent_converter.cs) using the following command. You can use the compiler (csc) that comes with the .NET framework. If the compilation is successful, serial_keyboard_converter.exe will be generated.

    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc serial_keyevent_converter.cs

    Note: You may have to change the csc path because the csc path varies depending on your Windows environment.


  1. Connect your PC and Arduino with a USB cable.
  2. Run serial_keyboard_converter.exe from the command prompt.
  3. Enter the serial port number of the Arduino (you can get the port number using Windows device manager).
    Select the serial port to which the Arduino is connected.
    #1: COM3
    #2: COM4
    #3: COM7
    Please select a number >> 3
  4. While a panel is touched, key press events of {Q,W,E,R,T,U,I,O} will be published on Windows. For example, you can see the characters being typed into a text editor. You can also play games with this controller by changing the key bindings of the game application.
  5. Pressing enter in the command prompt will exit the serial_keyboard_converter.exe.


Adjusting firmware variables

  • If the controller does not work well, you need to adjust the variables in the firmware (arduino_touch_controller.ino).


  • The reconfirmation count to transition to non-touch state.
    • Increasing this value will stabilize the detection of continuous touches.
    • Decreasing this value will reduce the delay in detecting non-touch status (however, this is not important for most applications).


  • The charging time for finger capacitors.
    • Increasing this value will make it easier to detect touches, but it increases over-detection.
    • Decreasing this value will prevents over-detection, but it makes it harder to detect touches.

Key bindings

  • Key bindings can be changed by editing the KEY_ASSIGN_LIST array in serial_keyevent_converter.cs.


Touch controller for Windows using Arduino Nano







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