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CellPhe provides functions to phenotype cells from time-lapse videos and accompanies the paper:
Wiggins, L., Lord, A., Murphy, K.L. et al.
The CellPhe toolkit for cell phenotyping using time-lapse imaging and pattern recognition.
Nat Commun 14, 1854 (2023).


You can install the latest version of CellPhe from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Included with the package is an example dataset to demonstrate CellPhe’s capabilities, this data is available in and comprises 3 parts:

  • The time-lapse stills as TIFF images (05062019_B3_3_imagedata)
  • Existing pre-extracted features (05062019_B3_3_Phase-FullFeatureTable.csv)
  • Region-of-interest (ROI) boundaries already demarked in ImageJ format (05062019_B3_3_Phase)

These should be extracted into a suitable location before proceeding with the rest of the tutorial.


The first step is to prepare a dataframe containing metadata and any pre-existing attributes. If PhaseFocus Livecyte or Trackmate software has been used to generate the region-of-interest (ROI) files, then a helper function is available to create the required metadata format: copyFeatures. The dataframe format comprises each row corresponding to a cell tracked in a given frame, indexed by columns FrameID and CellID which contain numerical identifiers (NB: FrameID must be in ascending chronological order). The only other required field is ROI_filename, which specifies the filename of the ROI file corresponding to the frame-cell combination. Any features can be provided in additional columns, copyFeatures returns volume and sphericity from PhaseFocus software.

The example below creates the metadata dataframe from a PhaseFocus experimental setup, only including cells that were tracked for at least 50 frames.

min_frames <- 50
input_feature_table <- "05062019_B3_3_Phase-FullFeatureTable.csv"
feature_table <- copyFeatures(input_feature_table, min_frames, source="Phase")

In addition to any pre-calculated features, the extractFeatures() function generates 74 descriptive features for each cell on every frame using the frame images and pre-generated cell boundaries, based on size, shape, texture, and the local cell density. The output is a dataframe comprising the FrameID, CellID, and ROI_filename identifying columns, the 74 features as columns, and any additional features that may be present (such as from copyFeatures()) in further columns. The program expects frames to be named according to the scheme <experiment name>-<frameid>.tif, where <frameid> is a 4 digit zero-padded integer corresponding to the FrameID column, and located in the frame_folder directory, while ROI files are named according to the ROI_filename column and located in the roi_folder directory.

roi_folder <- "05062019_B3_3_Phase"
image_folder <- "05062019_B3_3_imagedata"
new_features <- extractFeatures(feature_table, roi_folder, image_folder, framerate=0.0028)

Variables are calculated from the time series for any pre-existing features as well as the output of extractFeatures(), providing both summary statistics and indicators of time-series behaviour at different levels of detail obtained via wavelet analysis. 15 summary scores are calculated for each feature, in addition to the cell trajectory, thereby resulting in a default output of 1081 features (15x72 + 1). These are output in the form of a dataframe with the first column being the CellID used previously.

tsvariables <- varsFromTimeSeries(new_features)