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Contains the deployment for UC4.
{} is a required parameter.
[] is an optional parameter.

The current existing clusters are:

  • experimental
  • development
  • production

Deploy UC4-Website

  • In Portainer: Restart necessary containers (mariaDb needs to be on IP **.4)
  • Start the internal apache2 server /etc/init.d/apache2 start

Deploy Vue Frontend

  • In Portainer: Update the ui-web image of the vue frontend container
  • Redeploy Vue frontend container

Start Cluster with Hyperledger and Lagom and Co

The service versions are defined in
The position of the Hyperledger-Deploy-Script is defined in

./ {clusterName} [chaincodeVersion]

Delete a cluster

With the persistent data:

./ {clusterName}

Without the persistent data:

kind delete cluster --name {clusterName}

Start only the cluster

./ {clusterName}

Select cluster for kubectl

kubectl config use-context kind-{clusterName}

Deploy Lagom with Postgres and Kafka

This command deploys on the current cluster context with the versions defined for the {clusterName}.

./ {clusterName}

Remove specific namespaces (and everything they contain)

kind delete namespace {namespace}

Namespaces are:

  • uc4-lagom, every service of Lagom
  • uc4-support, supporting container like imaginary
  • hlf, everything from Hyperledger
  • postgres, everything from postgres
  • kafka, everything from kafka
  • default, traefik (not deletable)

Restart a specific service

kubectl rollout restart deployment {serviceName} -n uc4-lagom

Force a new image pull

kubectl delete deployment {serviceName} -n uc4-lagom
export {serviceName in caps}_VERSION={version}
envsubst < services/{serviceName}.yaml | kubectl apply -f -


The nginx configurations used on our server are shown in the nginx folder.