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Upstream connection load balancing and failover module for Openresty


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Upstream connection load balancing and failover module

#Table of Contents


Experimental, API may change without warning.

Requires ngx_lua > 0.9.5


Create a lua shared dictionary. Define your upstream pools and hosts in init_by_lua, this will be saved into the shared dictionary.

Use the connect method to return a connected tcp socket.

Alternatively pass in a resty module (e.g lua-resty-redis or lua-resty-http) that implements connect() and set_timeout().

Call post_process in log_by_lua to handle failed hosts etc.

Use resty.upstream.api to modify upstream configuration during init or runtime, this is recommended!

resty.upstream.http wraps the lua-resty-http from @pintsized.

It allows for failover based on HTTP status codes as well as socket connection status.

lua_shared_dict my_upstream_dict 1m;
init_by_lua '
    upstream_socket  = require("resty.upstream.socket")
    upstream_api = require("resty.upstream.api")

    upstream, configured = socket_upstream:new("my_upstream_dict")
    api = upstream_api:new(upstream)

    if not configured then -- Only reconfigure on start, shared mem persists across a HUP
        api:create_pool({id = "primary", timeout = 100})
        api:set_priority("primary", 0)
        api:set_method("primary", "round_robin")
        api:add_host("primary", { id="a", host = "", port = "80", weight = 10 })
        api:add_host("primary", { id="b", host = "", port = "81",  weight = 10 })

        api:create_pool({id = "dr"})
        api:set_priority("dr", 10)
        api:add_host("dr", { host = "", port = "82", weight = 5 })
        api:add_host("dr", { host = "", port = "83", weight = 10 })

        api:create_pool({id = "test", priority = 5})
        api:add_host("primary", { id="c", host = "", port = "82", weight = 10 })
        api:add_host("primary", { id="d", host = "", port = "83", weight = 10 })

init_worker_by_lua 'upstream:init_background_thread()';

server {

    location / {
        content_by_lua '
            local sock, err = upstream:connect()

        log_by_lua 'upstream:post_process()';




syntax: upstream, configured = upstream_socket:new(dictionary, id?)

Returns a new upstream object using the provided dictionary name. When called in init_by_lua returns an additional variable if the dictionary already contains configuration. Takes an optional id parameter, this must be unique if multiple instances of upstream.socket are using the same dictionary.


syntax: ok, err = upstream:init_background_thread()

Initialises the background thread, should be called in init_worker_by_lua


syntax: ok, err = upstream:connect(client?)

Attempts to connect to a host in the defined pools in priority order using the selected load balancing method. Returns a connected socket and a table containing the connected host, poolid and pool or nil and an error message.

When passed a socket or resty module it will return the same object after successful connection or nil.

resty_redis = require('resty.redis')
local redis =

local redis, e = upstream:connect(redis)

if not redis then
    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)
    ngx.status = 500
    return ngx.exit(ngx.status)

ngx.log(, 'Connected to ' .. .. ':' ..
local ok, err = redis:get('key')


syntax: ok, err = upstream:post_process()

Processes any failed or recovered hosts from the current request


syntax: pools = usptream:get_pools()

Returns a table containing the current pool and host configuration. e.g.

    primary = {
        up = true,
        method = 'round_robin',
        timeout = 100,
        priority = 0,
        hosts = {
            web01 = {
                host = "",
                weight = 10,
                port = "80",
                lastfail = 0,
                failcount = 0,
                up = true,
                healthcheck = true
            web02 = {
                host = "",
                weight = 10,
                port = "80",
                lastfail = 0,
                failcount = 0,
                up = true,
                healthcheck = { path = '/check' }
    secondary = {
        up = true,
        method = 'round_robin',
        timeout = 2000,
        priority = 10,
        hosts = {
            dr01 = {
                host = "",
                weight = 10,
                port = "80",
                lastfail = 0,
                failcount = 0,
                up = true



syntax: ok, err = upstream:save_pools(pools)

Saves a table of pools to the shared dictionary, pools must be in the same format as returned from get_pools


syntax: ok, err = upstream:sort_pools(pools)

Generates a priority order in the shared dictionary based on the table of pools provided


These functions allow you to dynamically reconfigure upstream pools and hosts


syntax: api, err = upstream_api:new(upstream)

Returns a new api object using the provided upstream object.


syntax: ok, err = api:set_method(poolid, method)

Sets the load balancing method for the specified pool. Currently only randomised round robin is supported.


syntax: ok, err = api:create_pool(pool)

Creates a new pool from a table of options, pool must contain at least 1 key id which must be unique within the current upstream object. Other valid options are method, timeout, priority, read_timeout, keepalive_timeout, keepalive_pool and status_codes. Hosts cannot be defined at this point.

Default pool values

{ method = 'round_robin', timeout = 2000, priority = 0 }


syntax: ok, err = api:set_priority(poolid, priority)

Priority must be a number, returns nil on error.


syntax: ok, err = api:add_host(poolid, host)

Takes a pool ID and a table of options, host must contain at least host. If the host ID is not specified it will be a numeric index based on the number of hosts in the pool.


{ host = '', port = 80, weight = 0}


syntax: ok, err = api:remove_host(poolid, host)

Takes a poolid and a hostid to remove from the pool


syntax: ok,err = api:down_host(poolid, host)

Manually marks a host as down, this host will not be revived automatically.


syntax: ok,err = api:up_host(poolid, host)

Manually restores a dead host to the pool


Functions for making http requests to upstream hosts.


This pool option is an array of status codes that indicate a failed request.

    ['5xx'] = true,
    ['400'] = true


Active background healthchecks can be enabled by adding the healthcheck parameter to a host.

The default check is a GET request for /.

The healthcheck parameter can also be a table of parameters valid for lua-resty-http's request method.

Failure for the background check is according to the same parameters as for a frontend request.

-- Custom check parameters
api:add_host("primary", {
     host =,
     port = 80,
     healthcheck = {
        path = "/check",
        headers = {
            ["Host"] = "",
            ["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip"

-- Default check parameters
api:add_host("primary", {host =, port = 80, healthcheck = true})


syntax: httpc, err = upstream_http:new(upstream)

Returns a new http upstream object using the provided upstream object.


syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:init_background_thread()

Initialises the background thread, should be called in init_worker_by_lua.

Do not call the init_background_thread method in upstream.socket if using the upstream.http background thread


syntax: res, conn_info = upstream_api:request(params)

Takes the same parameters as lua-resty-http's request method.

On a successful request returns the lua-resty-http object and a table containing the connected host and pool.

If the request failed returns nil and a table describing the error and suggested http status code

{ err = error_message, status = (502 or 504) }


syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:set_keepalive()

Passes the keepalive timeout / pool from the pool configuration through to the lua-resty-http set_keepalive method.


syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:get_reused_times()

Passes through to the lua-resty-http get_reused_times method.


syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:close()

Passes through to the lua-resty-http close method.


  • IP based sticky sessions
  • Slow start - recovered hosts have lower weighting
  • Active TCP healthchecks
  • HTTP Specific options
    • Cookie based sticky sessions


Upstream connection load balancing and failover module for Openresty







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  • Perl 56.9%
  • Lua 43.1%