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Installing the workbench

Anna Gerber edited this page Jan 23, 2014 · 10 revisions

Preparing the Server

For a full AustESE install the following packages should be installed:

  • tomcat 7 (for annotation service) and Java 7 (for annotations and calliope service)
  • mongodb 2.4.8 (if you are using Ubuntu, install mongo-10gen to get the latest version)


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10
echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen
  • mysql
  • php5, php5-xsl, php5-curl, php5-dev, php-pear, php5-gd
    • and then install via PECL: mongo-1.4.1, uploadprogress
  • libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libapache2-mod-proxy
    • and enable the following modules: sudo a2enmod proxy and sudo a2enmod proxy_http, sudo a2enmod rewrite, sudo a2enmod headers
  • We also recommend installing: make, git

Preparing Drupal

  • Install Drupal 7 using the default settings for MySQL
  • Ensure that MongoDB is running on port 27017. We use the database 'test' by default.
  • Ensure that ExtJS 4.1.1a is installed in sites/all/libraries
  • If you wish to take advantage of image scaling for thumbnails, ensure that PHP Imagick is installed (optional)
  • Install the jQuery Update module and configure to use jQuery 1.8.x
  • Install Organic Groups module
  • Install Views UI module
  • Optionally install Organic Groups Invite People module
  • Create an Organic Groups type 'Project' - See Project Based AustESE for details

A Drupal profile has been provided as an example of how to configure Drupal for AustESE.

Installing the theme

  • Install the AustESE theme by copying the files into sites/all/modules. Download bootstrap 2.3.2 and unpack into the bootstrap folder within the theme. Enable the theme via the Drupal admin console. Alternatively, use any theme of your choice. We make use of Twitter bootstrap classes for layout within the AustESE modules - so using a bootstrap-based theme is advised.

Installing Elastic Search

  • Elastic Search is used by the repository module. Install, configure and run the indexing scripts as described in the austese_repository readme

Installing the AustESE modules

  • Install the austese_repository module by copying the module files into sites/all/modules/austese_repository and then enabling the modules via the Drupal admin console. This module is required by all other modules.
  • Install any of the other modules (they are all optional), referring to the individual files for instructions: alignment, collation, reading, lightbox, annotations


To use the collation module, you will need to install Calliope. Calliope comes with an install script to automate installation and initial configuration including port forwarding.


To use the Annotation module you will need to install Java and Tomcat and deploy the lorestore.war file. Override default properties via a properties file e.g. /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/ Set up port forwarding so that lorestore is available on port 80 at /lorestore/ e.g. for Tomcat running on port 8081:

ProxyPass /lorestore/ http://localhost:8081/lorestore/ nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /lorestore/ http://localhost:8081/lorestore/ 

Also see Project Based AustESE and Setting up Shibboleth Authentication