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ur001 edited this page Nov 18, 2014 · 14 revisions

Difference from original Staste

HierarchicalAxis (axis similar to DateAxis)

Lets not create new axis for each dimension that is not "real true dimension". As is the case with DateAxis, you do not need to create a separate axis for year/month/day/hour/minute because you are not interested in the answer to "how many people visited my site every second day of the month", etc.

# Don't create axis "search_engine", "internal_page_name", "search_keyword", 
# "link_url", etc. Instead create one hierarchical axis named "path"
metrica = Metrica(name='referer-stat', axes=[
    ('action', Axis()), 
    ('path', HierarchicalAxis())
metrica.kick(action='pageview', path=('ext', 'SE', 'google', 'keyword1'))
metrica.kick(action='pageview', path=('ext', 'SE', 'yandex', 'keyword2'))
metrica.kick(action='pageview', path=('ext', 'link', ''))
metrica.kick(action='pageview', path=('int', 'main_page', 'top'))

# all views from external resources
>>> metrica.filter(path=('ext',)).total()
# all views from search engines
>>> metrica.filter(path=('ext', 'SE')).total()
# all search engines
>>> metrica.filter(path=('ext', 'SE')).iterate('path')
[(('ext', 'SE', 'google'), 1), (('ext', 'SE', 'yandex'), 1)]


  • Added settings for key naming (allow to save memory with renaming __all__ to -, etc.)
  • Added unicode support metrica.kick(action=u'привет')
  • Added automatic type casting for simple Axis:
metrica = Metrica(name, axes=[('id', Axis(value_type=int))])

>>> metrica.iterate('id')
[(1, 1), (2, 1)]