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Yii 2 Excel Data Exchanger

After installing this package you will be able to export data from DB to an excel2007 file and upload the data back again. The package is a module that you need to register in the config file in the module section. The module has a widget that you can use with different AR models in the usual way (for widgets). In the widget's config you need to specify the model name you want to import/export. Other optional properties are listed below.

If the exporting model has a related table the file will have an additional sheet for every table even the ones which don’t have a model. The data in these additional sheets helps to handle related columns. This sheets will be ignored in importing.

Required fields are highlighted in the excel file.

Note! One file is used for all models! The new exporting will overwrite existing file.

Required fields

There is a feature to backup the table before importing.






The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist uranum/yii2-excel-exchange

or add

"uranum/yii2-excel-exchange": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

###In config, modules section

	'modules' => [
//      ...
		'excel' => [
			'class'  => 'uranum\excel\Module',
			'params' => [
				'uploadPath' => 'uploads', // the path relative to the root
				'fileName'   => 'export',
				'extensions' => 'xls, xlsx',

How to use

###In view (for example, index.php)

use uranum\excel\ExcelExchanger;


echo ExcelExchanger::widget([
	'mainModelName' => $searchModel::className(), // here place model class name

Widget's properties

string $mainModelName - the name of the model for export/import. It's mandatory property.

string $fileNameFrom - path to a file for export/import. Default is 'uploads/export.xlsx'. The folder must be exist!

string $notNullColumnColor - a value of the color for required columns. Default is 'FFDECC'

string $nameOfReserveTable - prefix for the copied table. Default is 'archive_'

string $backupUrl - url for backup action. Default is 'excel/default/backup'. You can create your own controller with it's actions and change the urls here.

string $uploadUrl - url for upload action. Default is 'excel/default/upload'

string $importUrl - url for import action. Default is 'excel/default/import'

string $exportUrl - url for export action. Default is 'excel/default/export'

integer $columnWidthOfStringType - a value of the column's width that has string type. Default is 35

integer $columnWidthOfTextType - a value of the column's width that has text type. Default is 50

integer $columnWidthDefault - a value of the other column's width. Default is 15

string $modalId - a value of the Modal id. Default is 'excelImportModal'

string $fileInputId - a value of the fileInput field id. Default is 'uploadFile'

string $exportBtnClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_SUCCESS'

string $uploadBtnClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_SUCCESS'

string $uploadDataBtnClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_SUCCESS'

string $importPopupBtnClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_DANGER'

string $panelColorClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_DEFAULT'

string $fileInputColorClass is the part of css bootstrap class. Default is 'ExcelExchanger::COLOR_WARNING'


Yii2 extension for exchanging a data from DB to excel and back again for Yii2 Framework.







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