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David Hofmann edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the silux wiki! Here you will find the documentation, examples and links to interesting ressources.

About silux

Silux is a minimalist frontend framework written in sibilisp that uses a virtual DOM approach based on snabbdom. It implements a flux architecture, utilizing stores and actions/signals to manage application state. In contrast to the original architecture, actions can be dispatched to a single store directly. Stores implement a plugin architecture which allows them to be extended with custom functionality through plugins/middlewares.

As a core extension, silux ships a router and a router-plugin that manipulates the browsers history API.

For easier view creation, silux has a special macro file to include, containing macros for all sorts of virtual DOM nodes. It's like using JSX but without having to setup anything special in your build chain.

Currently, silux is in a rather early development state. It should be basically usable (see the readme example) but is untested in most parts (namely: the router stuff). If you would like to try it anyway:

$ npm i -D sibilisp
$ npm i silux
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