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1 Concept

Tamás Mágedli edited this page May 15, 2017 · 2 revisions


Urbanjs tools was born to offer a solution for creating npm package with standard development stack. The necessary tools are created from time to time and they are copy-pasted & modified from projects to projects as new npm packages come alive or old packages are updated.

The goal of this tool is to have a standard development stack out of the box. All of the necessary tasks come integrated together and are guaranteed to work in the projects. From now on you don't need to:

  • struggle with finding the right development tools
  • figure out how to use them in your projects
  • deep dive in configuration
  • bother to follow & update tons of different packages

All you need to do is using urbanjs tools.

Design guidelines & principles

  • standard stack The most important effort of urbanjs-tools is to set up a stack for common tasks during the development e.g. running static analyzers, finding security vulnerabilities, transpiling, bundling. It is not a priority to implement all of the alternatives for one task, the goal is to find the most suitable one for that task.
  • opt-in solution Enable only those tasks that you need, nothing is compulsory.
  • extensibility It uses gulp and its task system. Use urbanjs tasks as you want.
  • highly customizable I really like the idea of StandardJS but I don't think that we can agree on using one standard in JS which rules everything. Urbanjs tools prefers the most used packages and guidelines though you can configure the tasks as you want.
  • ease of use It is easy to start using urbanjs-tools with its predefined configurations. Register the tasks you need and you're good to go.


See also the presentation about the urbanjs stack.