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Bike share stats data

Urbica Design analyzed the performance statistics of the city bicycle rental in 2015 for the Department of Transport of Moscow. Data on 812 000 rides at 300 rental stations were studied and analyzed taking into account each ride direction and thematic segments. See the project:

We're publishing the aggregated data used in the project.

VeloBike publishing under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

Attribution is required: © Urbica Design ©

####stations_data.csv The data about docking stations:
code docking station id
name station name (in Russian)
slots station capacity
subway_distance distance to the nearest subway station in meters
district district id (see districts)
depertures total count of rentals (departures)
arrivals total returns (arrivals)
in_out departures/arrivals ratio
roundtrips the percentage of trips started and ended on the same station
average average rides (departures) count, per day
unique_rides percentage of unique users
start the date when the station started to work in the season
start_month the month when station started
lat latitude
lon longitude


source source station code
source_district source district id
source_subway distance to the nearest subway from the source bike station
destination destination station code
destination_district district id for the destination
destination_subway distance to the nearest subway from the destination bike station
total total rides count on this direction
total_reverce rides count in the opposite direction
oneway the ratio total/total_reverse
is_roundtrip is the source = destination?
average_duration average duration on this route
shortest_time the time (not relevant, this is pedestrian time)
average_shortest the ratio shortest_time/average_duration
distance the shortest path length in meters
fares_day percentage of rides made on 'Day' fare
fares_month 'Month' fare percentage
fares_season 'Season' fare percentage

####directions_data.csv id district id (used in stations and directions district reference)
name district name (Russian)
district_rides rides count started and ended in the stations inside the district
average_duration average duration time of riding for the rides in the district
stations_count docking stations count in the district
total_rides total rides started in the stations in this district
local_rides_percent the ratio district_rides / total_rides in percent
name_en district name (English)
name_ru district name (Russian)


In addition to velobike data we're publishing directions and districts geometry. This information contain OpenStreetMap data and licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License.

The directions paths are calculated by OSRM (pedestrian profile).

© OpenStreetMap contributors


Bike share statistics 2015 in Moscow






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