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The final project for Intelligent System Deployment.

Project Overview and Goals


Write the CEO function for the program. Consider ideas like: using past purchase behavior to guide the automated CEO. Improve the logic of Selling Agent, Buyer Agent, CEO Agent and reporting Agent. At a minimum provide the following changes as a checklist:

Selling Agent

  • Enable more than one seller and ability to sell more than one product per seller.
  • Provide ability to increase or reduce price based on past history
  • Establish relationships between products, such as if a phone has an accessory like a case, the Seller should offer together.

Buyer Agent

  • Enable ability to own more than one product
  • Add a buyer “type” or demographics, for example
    • Certain buyers prefer items of higher quality or are more sensitive to price
    • Buyers are interested in buying related products like a phone and its case in separate transaction. I.e. if a buyer bought the phone, they are more likely to purchase the case.

CEO Agent

  • Choose between ad types
  • Choose how much to spend on ads
  • Avoid going bankrupt (But do not simply inject money into the system, you’ll need some controls on spending)
  • Analyze the buying data and make better either: ad spending, product decisions
    • Identify patterns in the buyers
    • React to patterns in the buyers

Reporting Output

Use basic data visualization to insure humans understand whats happening. Visualization should occur either in a basic visual system in code or in a visualization tool like Google Data Studio or Microsoft PowerBI

  • Provide information on total sales and buyers
  • Present promotion effectiveness
  • Write these details to a file
  • Bonus
    • Write to a database (mysql, bigquery, etc) to store information
    • Present in PowerBI or Google Data Studio

Environment: (refer to auction MAS provided in class)

  • Add inventory to the system, meaning there is a limit to how many products are available each period
  • Interaction with the external environment: Send emails or Update Google drive collaboration documents describe what is happening
  • Bonus: add the ability to auction either by buyers or sellers or both
    • Buyer: if product in the market isn’t enough, then buyers start to bid
    • Seller: if the product is too much and there’s less interest, enable ability to reduce the price
  • Bonus: consider limiting the number of ads available which would also setup a requirement for an auction by the sellers


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