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urrfinjuss edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 51 revisions

Welcome to the gas-network project Wiki!

This is a description of an open-source tool-set intended to perform numerical simulations of a network gas transmission pipelines.

Dependencies Installation Instructions:

Tool-set Installation:

Clone git repository to work location and compile:

git clone
cd ./gas-network
make simulate

Note: Modify Makefile as needed to set proper paths for libraries and headers

Running demonstration network directly from terminal:

cd ./demo/simulation_1
./simulate.x python.cfg

To Use GUI to run and view simulation (only Linux GUI works now) it is necessary to have Python 3.3+

It is convenient to have pip (Python package manager) to add packages to Python.


apt-get install python-pip


emerge --ask dev-python/pip

After pip is installed, make sure that the following packages are present: tkinter, matplotlib, scipy, networkx

pip install --user tkinter
pip install --user matplotlib
pip install --user scipy
pip install --user networkx

To start GUI go to your ~/gas-network/demo/simulation_1 directory and type:


when the GUI pops-up, load the network by clicking File->Load and choose the demo_1.txt

Mathematical Model

  1. Microscopic Model
  • Formulation
  • Boundary and Initial Conditions
  • Details of Numerical Algorithm
  1. Adiabatic Model
  • Formulation
  • Boundary and Initial Conditions
  • Details of Numerical Algorithm
  1. Deterministic and Noisy Simulations
  • Noise Generation

Input Overview

  1. Network Configuration
  2. Initial Conditions
  3. Types of Boundary Conditions
  4. Compressors and Gas Withdrawal Nodes.

Output Format

  1. Temporal data file:

The files named temporal_pressure.txt and temporal_flux.txt are generated in the course of the simulation. They mark the pressure $P(x_j,t)$ and gas flux $\phi(x_j,t)$ at several points along the gas pipes.

  1. Spatial data file:

The directories named pipe_ NUMBER will be created in the directory where the code is run. The files contain the gas pressure (MPa) and gas flux (kg/m^2/s) sampled on a uniformly spaced grid for the pipe NUMBER. The time of the sampling is written in the header of each of the files.