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Inline Tags, `Backquotes` and Crayons in Comments edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 1 revision

UPDATE: Use the Tag Editor for creating inline tags. The approach below is now depreciated. As of Crayon 1.8.3, you can have inline Crayons floating in the middle of sentences for quick snippets. You can use them like you’d use code tags. Here’s the code in the editor:

Here's an example of a floating {php} echo 'Crayon'; {/php} right in the middle of a sentence. Neat!

They work like Mini Tags which use square brackets but instead Inline Tags use curly brackets. You can also use them like [php inline="true"]...[/php] or $[crayon lang="xml" inline="true"]...[/crayon] as well. Also, I’ve added a new feature to make backquotes into code. Easy! Oh, and one more thing - you can have Crayons (both normal and inline) in comments :) You can download the beta release now. All these tag settings are now in their own section in Settings > Crayon. crayon inline tags and backquotes settings

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