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The purpose of this project is to automate the process of Kubernetes cluster configuration. For example, if you prefer not to use single-host options like miniKube and seek a k8s cluster without incurring high costs on cloud providers like AWS or GCP, you can opt for any affordable VPS host. On the other hand you could recreate your cluster again and again, just reset your VM's and run Ansible playbook again. So if you want cheap and low costed cluster for development or study purposes this could be helpfull for you.

Quick start

If you are familiar with Ansible and its usage, you can simply configure the inventory and run the playbook.

Keep in mind. If you will change group name for master nodes in inventory file then change also join task:

"{{ hostvars[groups['master_nodes'][0]].worker_join_command }}"

To new:

"{{ hostvars[groups['NEW_GROUP_NAME_HERE'][0]].worker_join_command }}"

Compatible OS

Tested with:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Debian 12

Compatible architectures

  • x86_64
  • ARM

Table of Contents


Ansible required.


Ansible is an open-source automation tool, or platform, used for IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration and provisioning.

Ansible installation

Ansible is written in Python, so before installing Ansible, you should ensure that Python is installed on your system.

Python installation

If Python is not installed on your host you could use pyenv both for Python installation and creating virtual environment to avoid conflicts with others Python packages. You could check their README installation part for instructions of how to install it for your OS but most easy and quick way is using automated installation script:

curl | bash

After that follow the installer instructions to add necessary commands to your shell rc file (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.)

Before installation any version of Python you need to install all system dependencies for successfully Python compilation. Find necessary for your OS here.

To get list of available Python versions run:

pyenv install -l

Choose one of the latests stable. For example 3.11.5. To install:

pyenv install 3.11.5

Now, you are able to create a virtual environment with the installed version of Python.

Virtual environment

If pyenv is installed then create virtual environment. For example:

pyenv virtualenv 3.11.5 ansible

where 3.11.5 is version of Python that you installed with pyenv and ansible is a name for virtual environment.

Activate virtual environment with command:

pyenv activate ansible

Now, everything is ready for the Ansible installation.

Ansible package

When virtual environment activated run command to install ansible package with pip:

pip install ansible

At this moment Ansible is installed. But don't forget to activate your virtual anvironment every time when you want to use ansible if you closed your terminal before.

Ansible configuration

If you need any specific configuration of Ansible you could edit ansible.cfg file in the root of repository. By default, there are two variables preconfigured there:

Name Preconfigured value
forks 10
host_key_checking False

forks - number of simultaneos Ansible sessions, how many hosts you can provision with Ansible in parallel.

host_key_checking - should or no Ansible check and warning host SSH key fingerprint. Leave it in False if you don't want handle known_hosts every time you rebuild your hosts.

Break down roles

To better understanding what is going on under the hood of Ansible playbook let's break down Ansible roles that is used. In common, all roles just make the same steps that provided in Kubernetes documentation of how to configure hosts, init cluster and add worker nodes to it.

Init role

The very first and basic role that makes initial hosts preparation. Not only specific for Kubernetes but at common.

Task Description
hostname Change hostname of the machine to the hostname from Ansible inventory file
update Upgrade all system packages to latest versions. You could change upgrade type here
packages Install package manager related packages necessary to add aditional repositories
ssh Disable password authentication for SSH. If you need password authentication then comment this task here
swap Disable SWAP. Comment SWAP mount in /etc/fstab. Remove SWAP file if exists
ntp Install NTP daemon. Ensures it's running.

Docker role

This role is needed to add necessary repositories, install Docker and Containerd and configure containerd for Kubernetes.

Task Description
repositories Add necessary Docker repository
docker Install Docker
containerd Configure necessary Linux kernel modules. Install Containerd and configure it. Make sure it running

Kubernetes role

This role to configure hosts with Kubernetes specific options, add necessary repositories and install Kubernetes packages - kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl.

Task Description
sysctl Configure network related sysctl parameters necessary for Kubernetes networking
repositories Add necessary Kubernetes repositories
packages Install Kubernetes packages: kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl
services Restart kubelet service and make sure it is running

Master role

This role to Initialize Kubernetes cluster and deploy pod network. For master node only.

Task Description
init Initialize Kubernetes cluster. Save worker join command as variable
network Deploy pod network

Worker role

This role to run cluster join command on every worker node. Join command is taking from variable saved while master role execution.

Task Description
join Join every worker node to cluster


The mandatory only configuration is inventory file hostnames or IP addresses for nodes. All other options have default values.


Put your hosts for master and worker nodes into inventory file. At this moment HA (High availability) is not implemented, so use 1 master node and any number of worker nodes.


For future implementation...


For future implementation...

Pod network CIDR

For future implementation...

Pod network overlay

For future implementation...


When all hosts configured in inventory file you could run playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory/hosts.ini

Once finished, your cluster will be ready to use. Maybe you should wait a little bit for all nodes Ready status. Usually it not takes a lot of time.

Don't forget:

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf




Ansible automation to create k8s cluster







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