WARNING - this repository is not currently maintained, and the code has known security dependances that need to be fixed before it is used
Radiam helps researchers keep track of their data, regardless of where it is stored.
The documentation is automatically built from the /docs
folder and deployed here for easy reading: https://radiam.readthedocs.io
Radiam is released under the MIT open source license. Please see the LICENSE file.
Project Team:
- Adam McKenzie
- Alex Garnett
- Jason Hlady
- Jin Zhang
- Joel Farthing
- Jonathan Loewen
- Justin Pointer
- Lee Wilson
- Mike Winter
- Rama Periasamy
- Todd Trann
- Yang Zhou
This project was funded by CANARIE, and also received computing and storage in kind from Compute Canada.
Default project avatars are courtesy https://www.swifticons.com
Copyright 2019-2020 University of Saskatchewan and Simon Fraser University