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Secure boot

Andrej Rosano edited this page Feb 14, 2018 · 44 revisions

Security information

IMPORTANT: this feature is currently deprecated, see the related security advisory.


IMPORTANT: enabling secure boot functionality on the USB armory SoC, unlike similar features on modern PCs, is an irreversible action that permanently fuses verification keys hashes on the device. This means that any errors in the process or loss of the signing PKI will result in a bricked device incapable of executing unsigned code. This is a security feature, not a bug.

The activation and use of the secure boot functionality is therefore at your own risk and must be approached with care.


The following instructions jointly illustrate the following:

  • i.MX53 secure boot configuration, which permanently fuses a hash of four concatenated CA public keys in the USB armory SoC fuse box, so that only a signed bootloader can ever be executed.

  • U-Boot Verified Boot configuration, which embeds a public key in the bootloader so that only a signed kernel can ever be executed.

The combination of i.MX53 secure boot and U-Boot verified boot features allows a fully verified chain of trust, authenticating the executed Linux kernel. When signing a kernel that embeds a root file system, such as the Embedded INTERLOCK distribution, the authentication has full (boot, not runtime) coverage, otherwise Linux kernel verification of executed code is not covered in this guide and left out to implementors.


This document illustrates the procedure using custom developed open source tools, an alternate method, using NXP Code Signing Tool (IMX_CST_TOOL), is available here.

A working device tree compiler and make must be installed, on a recent Debian and Ubuntu this can be done as follows:

sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler make

Additionally a modern Ruby interpreter is required, with the following gems installed: bit-struct, digest, getoptlong, openssl.

Required gems can be typically installed as follows:

gem install <name>

Setting up the secure boot PKI infrastructure

The PKI infrastructure, following NXP conventions, requires the following certificates:

  • Four Super Root Key (SRK) Certification Authorities, the USB armory SoC is fused with a SHA256 hash of their concatenated public keys.

  • Command Sequence File (CSF) public/private key pair, used to sign CSFs.

  • Image signing key (IMG) public/private key pair, used to sign application data (e.g. U-Boot image).

The key material can be created with your own existing CA, an helper Makefile is available to provide reference example for certificate creation and can be used as follows:

# adjust the USBARMORY_GIT, KEYS_* variables according to your environment and preferences
make -C ${USBARMORY_GIT}/software/secure_boot -f Makefile-pki KEYS_PATH=sb_keys KEY_LENGTH=2048 KEY_EXPIRY=3650 usbarmory_sb_keys

The four SRKs must be merged in a table for SHA256 hash calculation, the hash is going to be eventually fused on the USB armory SoC. The table and hash can be generated with the usbarmory_srktool as follows:

usbarmory_srktool  \
  --key1  ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_1_crt.pem \
  --key2  ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_2_crt.pem \
  --key3  ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_3_crt.pem \
  --key4  ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_4_crt.pem \
  --hash  ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin \
  --table ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin

The SHA256 hash is created and can be inspected as follows (WARNING: this is just an example, your hash will differ and should be used in the following instructions instead):

hexdump -C ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin
00000000  aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb  cc dd ee ff aa bb cc dd  |................|
00000010  ee ff aa bb cc dd ee ff  aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb  |................|

Setting up the verified boot keys

A pair of RSA keys must be created for U-Boot verified boot:

# adjust the KEYS_PATH variable according to your environment
openssl genrsa -F4 -out ${KEYS_PATH}/usbarmory.key 2048
openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key ${KEYS_PATH}/usbarmory.key -out ${KEYS_PATH}/usbarmory.crt

Prepare U-Boot (2018.01) with Verified Boot and HAB support

Download and extract U-Boot sources:

tar xvf u-boot-2018.01.tar.bz2 && cd u-boot-2018.01

Apply the following patch which enables i.MX53 High Assurance Boot (HAB) support in U-Boot by adding the hab_status command, which allows verification of secure boot state.

Apply the following patches to enable Verified Boot support, disable the U-Boot command line and external environment variables to further lock down physical serial console access.

The U-Boot compilation requires a precompiled zImage Linux kernel image source tree path, if using the Embedded INTERLOCK distribution the path is under buildroot output/build/linux-<version> directory.

The following commands are meant to be issued within the U-Boot source directory:

# adjust the KERNEL_SRC variable according to your environment
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- # set to your arm toolchain prefix
make distclean
make usbarmory_config
make tools

Compile the Flattened Device Tree file by leaving room for later public key insertion:

# adjust the USBARMORY_GIT variable according to your environment
dtc -p 0x1000 ${USBARMORY_GIT}/software/secure_boot/pubkey.dts -O dtb -o pubkey.dtb

Prepare image tree blob (itb) file according to the image tree source (its) template in the repository:

tools/mkimage -D "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000 -i $KERNEL_SRC" -f ${USBARMORY_GIT}/software/secure_boot/usbarmory.its usbarmory.itb

Sign the itb file:

tools/mkimage -D "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000" -F -k ${KEYS_PATH} -K pubkey.dtb -r usbarmory.itb

Now the U-Boot image can be compiled, with inclusion of the embedded public key:

make ARCH=arm EXT_DTB=pubkey.dtb

The compilation results in the two following files:

  • u-boot-dtb.imx: bootloader image to be signed and flashed on the target microSD card (instead of u-boot.imx), as shown in the next sections.

  • usbarmory.itb: image tree blob file containing the kernel, to be copied under /boot on the target microSD card (replaces zImage/uImage).

Prepare the CSF file

Download the usbarmory_csftool tool and prepare the Command Sequence File (the example chooses SRK keypair #1):

usbarmory_csftool \
  --csf_key ${KEYS_PATH}/CSF_1_key.pem \
  --csf_crt ${KEYS_PATH}/CSF_1_crt.pem \
  --img_key ${KEYS_PATH}/IMG_1_key.pem \
  --img_crt ${KEYS_PATH}/IMG_1_crt.pem \
  --table   ${KEYS_PATH}/SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin \
  --index   1 \
  --image   u-boot-dtb.imx \
  --output  csf.bin

The resulting CSF binary contains the signature for the bootloader image and the commands that instruct the SoC to verify it.

Prepare and flash the signed U-Boot

IMPORTANT: /dev/sdX must be replaced with your microSD device (not eventual microSD partitions), ensure that you are specifying the correct one. Errors in target specification will result in disk corruption.

cat u-boot-dtb.imx csf.bin > u-boot-signed.imx
sudo dd if=u-boot-signed.imx of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=2 conv=fsync

HINT: It is now a good idea to verify if the resulting boot loader and kernel image are working correctly. Only after you have done so proceed with the next steps for secure boot activation.

Fuse the SRK table hash

The hash is stored in the SoC Electrical Fuse Array (FUSEBOX) which is accessed via the IC Identification Module (IIM):

Fuse name IIM bank IIM addr[bits] Function
SRK_HASH[255:248] 1 0x0c04 SRK table hash (part 1)
SRK_HASH[247:160] 3 0x1404-0x142c SRK table hash (part 2)
SRK_HASH[159:0] 3 0x1430-0x147c SRK table hash (part 3)
SRK_LOCK 1 0x0c00[2] lock for SRK_HASH[255:248]
SRK_LOCK88 3 0x1400[1] lock for SRK_HASH[247:160]
SRK_LOCK160 3 0x1400[0] lock for SRK_HASH[159:0]
SRK_REVOKE[2:0] 4 0x1810[2:0] SRK keys revocation
SEC_CONFIG[1:0] 0 0x0810[1:0] Security configuration
DIR_BT_DIS[1:0] 0 0x0814[0] Direct external memory boot disable

See the Addendum to Rev. 2 of the i.MX53 Reference Manual for details (Chapter 2 - Fusemap).

The following commands (=> prompt) are meant to be executed on the USB armory, within the u-boot bootloader, using the serial port accessible through the breakout header (see Using external GPIOs for details).

In order to fuse anything, the VDD_FUSE power supply must be enabled:

=> i2c mw 0x34 0x33 0xf9
=> i2c mw 0x34 0x10 0x40

IMPORTANT: the following commands permanently fuse values in the SoC and are irreversible, take extra care in ensuring that the right data is written.

The SHA256 hash generated earlier can be fused as follows (WARNING: this is just an example, your hash will differ and should be used in the following commands instead):

# syntax: fuse prog [-y] <bank> <word> <hexval> [<hexval>...] - program 1 or
#         several fuse words, starting at 'word' (PERMANENT)
=> fuse prog -y 1 0x1 0xaa
=> fuse prog -y 3 0x1 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee 0xff 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee 0xff
=> fuse prog -y 3 0xc 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee 0xff 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee
=> fuse prog -y 3 0x17 0xff 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee 0xff 0xaa 0xbb

The fused key can be read and verified:

# syntax: fuse read <bank> <word> [<cnt>] - read 1 or 'cnt' fuse words,
#         starting at 'word'
=> fuse read 1 0x1 1
=> fuse read 3 0x1 31

The fused hash must be locked to prevent bits set to 0 to be fused to 1 later on:

=> fuse prog -y 1 0x0 0x4  # SRK_LOCK
=> fuse prog -y 3 0x0 0x3  # SRK_LOCK88 + SRK_LOCK160

Verifying HAB

After rebooting the USB armory it can be verified, from the U-Boot shell, that no HAB events are generated. If no errors are present then the bootloader image was correctly authenticated:

=> hab_status

Secure boot disabled

HAB Configuration: 0xf0, HAB State: 0x66
No HAB Events Found!

Secure boot activation

Only if you are confident that you can correctly generate signed U-Boot images, the SoC can be placed in Closed Security Configuration.

WARNING: enabling secure boot functionality on the USB armory SoC, unlike similar features on modern PCs, is an irreversible action that permanently fuses verification keys hashes on the device. This means that any errors in the process or loss of the signing PKI will result in a bricked device incapable of executing unsigned code. This is a security feature, not a bug.

The activation and use of the secure boot functionality is therefore at your own risk, the following command permanently locks the fused configuration and enables secure boot (remember to enable VDD_FUSE power supply as shown earlier):

=> fuse prog -y 0 0x4 0x2
=> fuse prog -y 0 0x5 0x1

The USB armory will now refuse to run bootloader images not correctly signed with keys corresponding to the fused hashes.

External documentation