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Instant Stripe-level observability for your Next.js project


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Flytrap Logs

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Instant Stripe-level observability for your Next.js project.

Flytrap Logs is a collection of packages to add Stripe-inspired canonical logging to your Next.js project. Works both manually and automatically through our plugin.

  • @useflytrap/logs: Used for constructing the Stripe-inspired canonical log lines.
  • @useflytrap/logs-transform A code-transform for automatically instrumenting your Next.js Route Handlers and Server Actions

With Flytrap Logs, each request / Server Action will be accompanied with a log that will be structured and something like this:

  "method": "POST",
  "type": "request",
  "path": "/api/v1/captures",
  "req": "{ 'hello': 'world' }",
  "req_headers": {
    "accept": "*/*",
    "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
    "accept-language": "sv-SE,sv;q=0.9",
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
    "x-forwarded-host": "",
    "x-forwarded-port": "443",
    "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
    "x-matched-path": "/api/v1/captures",
  "res": {
    "message": "Invalid public API key."
  "res_headers": {
    "content-type": "application/json"
  "http_status": 401,
  "duration": 80,
  "auth_type": "api_key",
  "project_id": "proj_01hsw5hj47fwst6xs4axx78x8h",
  "key_id": "pk_MIIBIjANGpt",
  "permissions_used": [


  • Stripe-inspired observability for your Next.js project
  • Easily add context to your canonical log lines
  • Saves requests, responses, headers
  • Optional encryption for log fields
  • Fully type-safe logging
  • Identify users, API keys etc in your logs easily

💻 Quickstart

  1. Install the Flytrap Logs SDK
$ npm install @useflytrap/logs
  1. Create a logging file (logging.ts)
import { PermissionedApiKey } from "@/types"
import { createFlytrapLogger } from "@useflytrap/logs"

export type AdditionalLogContext = {
  team_id: string
  project_id: string
  auth_type: "api_key" | "dashboard"
  permissions_used: PermissionedApiKey["permissions"]
  build_id: string
  key_id: string

export const {
} = createFlytrapLogger<AdditionalLogContext>({
  encryption: {
    enabled: true,

This is our example logging definition for our production site. Let's unpack what's going on here.

  • We're defining our AdditionalLogContext type. This will give us auto-complete throughout our code-base when using addContext to add context to our canonical log lines.
  • We're enabling encryption, and providing a public key to encrypt the values with. By default, sensitive values such as request payloads, headers, response payloads and errors (containing stacktraces) are encrypted when encryption is enabled.
  • We're exporting the functions that will be needed throughout our codebase (eg. addContext, response, json). These will be used throughout our code-base to add context to our canonical log.

For instance, instead of return Response.json({ success: true }), we would have return json({ success: true }).

We recommend to use our code-transform @useflytrap/logs-transform, which will automatically do everything for you.

  1. (Optional) Setup Flytrap Logs code transform

If you have a large code-base already, you probably don't want to change it just for our tool. Because of this, we have created a Flytrap Logs plugin, which automatically changes the code at runtime, so you don't have to do anything.

  • Simply install the @useflytrap/logs-transform package
$ npm install @useflytrap/logs-transform
  • Add the plugin to your Next.js config
// next.config.mjs
import { webpack } from "@useflytrap/logs-transform"

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  webpack(config) {
		config.plugins = config.plugins ?? []
		config.infrastructureLogging = { level: 'error' }
      // here goes the plugin options
		return config

export default nextConfig
  1. (Optional) Manually use core SDK functions

If you don't want to use the code-transform, you can manually use the core SDK functions. Here are the changes you should make:

  • Server Actions using the catchUncaughtAction wrapper
"use server"

export async function foo() {
  // ... your code here ...

// becomes:
export const foo = catchUncaughtAction(() => {
  // ... your code here ...
}, {
  path: "@/actions/foo" // 👈 whichever path to distinguish this action from others
  • Route Handlers using the catchUncaughtRoute wrapper
export async function POST() {
  // ... your code here ...

// becomes:
export const POST = catchUncaughtRoute(() => {}, {
  path: "/api/v1/user",
  method: "POST",

Response utils

  • Response.json() -> json()
  • Response.redirect() -> redirect()
  • new Response() -> response()
  • NextResponse.json() -> nextJson()
  • NextResponse.redirect() -> nextRedirect()
  • new NextResponse() -> nextResponse()

Request utils

  • req.json() -> parseJson(req)
  • req.text() -> parseText(req)
  1. Et voila! Enjoy your canonical logging setup

Try making a request, and you should see requests & server actions get logged in the console. If you want to send them to an API, you can change the flushMethod to 'api' in your logging.ts, and define logsEndpoint with your API endpoint.

💻 Setting up Flytrap Logs Dashboard

If you want automatically set-up dashboards for your Route Handlers, Server Actions that look like this 👇, you can integrate our Logs SDK with the Flytrap Logs Dashboard.

Flytrap Logs Dashboard Flytrap Logs Search Route Handler Request
Request with an error Server Action request
  1. Sign up on Flytrap
  2. Create a project, select the "Logs" product during the onboarding
  3. Create your logging.ts file, and add the publicKey from your onboarding there.
  4. Set the flushMethod in your logging.ts file to 'api'

💻 Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable (use npm i -g corepack for Node.js < 16.10)
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install
  • Run the tests using pnpm dev


Made with ❤️ in Helsinki

Published under MIT License.