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GTN Downloader

The GitHub Action automates the process of downloading data from the Galaxy Training Network (GTN) repository and transferring it to a cloud storage Onedata using Oneclient.

How to access the data

The GTN data provided by the OneData store is accessible via:

To access the GTN vie OneData or include it in your Galaxy server use the following public read-only accessToken and configuration.

- type: onedata
  id: gtn_public_onedata
  label: GTN training data
  doc: Training data from the Galaxy Training Network (powered by Onedata)
  # The access Token is public and can be shared
  accessToken: "MDAxY2xvY2F00aW9uIGRhdGFodWIuZWdpLmV1CjAwNmJpZGVudGlmaWVyIDIvbm1kL3Vzci00yNmI4ZTZiMDlkNDdjNGFkN2E3NTU00YzgzOGE3MjgyY2NoNTNhNS9hY3QvMGJiZmY1NWU4NDRiMWJjZGEwNmFlODViM2JmYmRhNjRjaDU00YjYKMDAxNmNpZCBkYXRhLnJlYWRvbmx5CjAwNDljaWQgZGF00YS5wYXRoID00gTHpaa1pUTTROMkl4WmpjMllXVmpOMlU00WWpreU5XWmtNV00ZpT1RKbU1ETXlZMmhoWTJReAowMDJmc2lnbmF00dXJlIIQvnXp01Oey02LnaNwEkFJAyArzhHN8SlXSYFsBbSkqdqCg"
  onezoneDomain: ""

How this repo works

  1. Triggering: The action is triggered on a schedule (first day of each month at 23:30)

  2. Environment Setup: It runs on a Ubuntu environment and sets up necessary environment variables like ONECLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN and ONECLIENT_PROVIDER_HOST, which are required for accessing the remote storage via Oneclient. These variables are retrieved from repository secrets.

  3. Workflow Steps:

    • Checkout Repository: It checks out the current repository to access its contents.
    • Clone GTN Repository: It clones the GTN repository (galaxyproject/training-material) into the workspace for accessing the training materials.
    • Set up Python: Configures the Python environment.
    • Install Dependencies: Installs the Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt.
    • Create Mount Directory: Creates a directory ($HOME/remote_storage_mount) for mounting the remote storage.
    • Install Oneclient: Installs Oneclient using a bash script fetched from a specified URL.
    • Set up Environment Variables: Sets up environment variables required for Oneclient to access the remote storage.
    • Mount Remote Storage: Mounts the remote storage location using Oneclient.
    • Run GTN-downloader Script: Executes the Python script bin/, which downloads GTN data from the cloned repository ($GITHUB_WORKSPACE/training-material) and saves it to the mounted remote storage location ($HOME/remote_storage_mount/GTN data).
    • Unmount Remote Storage: Unmounts the remote storage after the download process is complete.


Download GTN data and upload to Onedata cloud service







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