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File metadata and controls

643 lines (556 loc) · 28.9 KB

Converting hastebin to a Dashboard application server for app stores

Hastebin is a 'pastebin' web application you post code and text to share. The application has no user accounts, all posts are anonymous and publicly accessible via a generated URL. This conversion is based on hastebin's source code.

Dashboard is a reusable interface for user account management with modules for more. It runs separately to your web application, as users browse your Dashboard server they receive content from itself or your application server combined into a single website. When Dashboard proxies an application server it includes user account and session information in the request headers.

UserAppStore is a portal for coding and using web applications. Users install the apps with free or paid subscriptions for themselves or an organization. Compatibility means retrofitting hastebin to be a Dashboard application server, and tweaking it to for compatibility with the app store software where it will run in a sandboxed iframe.

When the conversion is complete hastebin will be ready for publishing on UserAppStore and other app store websites with paid subscription plans.

Feature comparison before and after integration

Feature Original Hastebin Hastebin application server
Create posts anonymous-only registered-only
Public URLs mandatory optional
List own posts no yes
Delete own posts no yes
List + view organization posts no yes
Share posts with organization no yes
Paid subscriptions no yes
Quotas no personal + organization

Screenshot walkthrough of finished integration

Developer claims application server
Developer claims application server
Developer creates Connect registration
Developer creates Connect registration
Developer completes registration information
Developer completes Connect registration information
Developer provides bank details for receiving revenue
Developer provides bank details for receiving revenue
Developer submits Connect registration
Developer submits Connect registration
Developer creates app
Developer creates app
Developer provides app information
Developer provides app information
Developer publishes app
Developer publishes app on store
Developer views app's subscription administration
Developer views app's subscription administration
Developer creates and publishes product
Developer creates and publishes product
Developer creates and publishes plan
Developer creates and publishes plan
First user installs app for organization
First user installs app for organization
Second user installs app for organization
Second user installs app for organization
Second user creates a post shared with organization
Second user creates a post shared with organization
First user views post
First user views post
Developer views subscriptions
Developer views subscriptions

Part one: General compatibility requirements

  1. The hastebin project uses a static folder for its assets that are served at /. Remapping that to /public lets the files be served faster because Dashboard serves that folder without authenticating the user. This matters a lot if you have many static assets.

  2. The HTML markup will be served to the user in an IFRAME srcdoc. Care must be taken to use " instead of ' in your HTML markup so the srcdoc can inline your page.

srcdoc='<html><head>title> only use " </title></head><body></html>'
  1. When running on an app store in an IFRAME browser security restrictions apply that prevent accessing history.pushState, localStorage, sessionStorage, and more, and there is no document.location because of the srcdoc entry point.
<iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts allow-popups">

Part two: Updating the server

  1. The Connect server handles all hastebin routes for the application. Connect is compatible with Express so the express-application-server middleware is added, it verifies requests come from your own dashboard server or an authorized app store. Adding it to the server.js requires binding it to each HTTP method.
const applicationServer = require('@userdashboard/express-application-server')
  1. The middleware only identifies if the request came from your dashboard server or an authorized app store, it does not end requests if they are invalid. In the server.js each request has to be modified to include a check and authorization error when accessed incorrectly.
router.get('/raw/:id', (req, res) => {
  if(!req.subscriptionid) {
    res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
    res.statusCode = 511
    return res.end()
  1. Dashboard requires /home be the application's signed-in page because index.html is reserved as a landing page for guests when you run your own Dashboard server.
if (req.url === '/home' || req.url.startsWith('/home?')) {
  res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html')
  return next()

Part three: Extending the Document API

The document.js provides a document API for creating and retrieving documents to storage. The hastebin project already supported reading and writing documents but it needs to also support deleting and listing.

  1. The document.js needs to support listing your posts:
async function list (key, req) {
  const dashboardKey = req.dashboard.split('://')[1]
  const folder = `${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/${key}`
  if (!fs.existsSync(folder)) {
    return null
  const list = await fsa.readDir(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/${key}`, 'utf8')
  if (!list || !list.length) {
    return null
  for (const n in list) {
    list[n] = await load(list[n], req)
  return list
  1. The document.js now needs to create posts with added metadata and indexing and only if you're within your quota:
async function checkQuota (req) {
  const personal = await list(`account/${req.accountid}`, req) 
  if (!req.organizationid) {
    return { 
      unusedPersonalQuota: !personal || personal.length < 1000 
  const organization = await list(`organization/${req.organizationid}`, req)
  return {
    unusedPersonalQuota: !personal || personal.length < 1000,
    unusedOrganizationQuota: !organization || organization.length < 1000

async function create (req) {
  if (!req.body || !req.body.document || !req.body.document.length) {
    throw new Error('invalid-document')
  if (req.body.organization && !req.organizationid) {
    throw new Error('invalid-document-owner')
  if (global.maxLength && req.body.document.length > global.maxLength) {
    throw new Error('invalid-document-length')
  const quota = await checkQuota(req)
  if (req.body.organization && !quota.unusedOrganizationQuota) {
    throw new Error('organization-quota-exceeded')
  } else if (!req.body.organization && !quota.unusedPersonalQuota) {
    throw new Error('personal-quota-exceeded')
  const dashboardKey = req.dashboard.split('://')[1]
  if (req.body.customid) { 
    try {
      const existing = await load(req.body.customid, req)
      if (existing) {
        throw new Error('duplicate-document-id')
    } catch (error) {
  const key = req.body.customid || await generateUniqueKey(req)
  const object = {
    accountid: req.accountid,
    created: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
    key: key
  if (req.body.public) {
    object.public = true
  if (req.body.organization) {
    object.organizationid = req.organizationid
  if (req.body.language) {
    object.language = req.body.language
  await fsa.writeFile(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/${md5(key)}`, JSON.stringify(object), 'utf8')
  await fsa.writeFile(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/${md5(key)}.raw`, req.body.document)
  await fsa.writeFile(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/account/${req.accountid}/${key}`, JSON.stringify(object))
  if (req.body.organization) {
    await fsa.writeFile(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/organization/${req.organizationid}/${key}`, JSON.stringify(object))
  return object
  1. The document.js needs to remove posts:
async function remove (key, req) {
  const object = await load(key, req)
  if (object.accountid !== req.accountid) {
    throw new Error('invalid-document')
  const dashboardKey = req.dashboard.split('://')[1]
  if (fs.existsSync(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/account/${req.accountid}/${key}`)) {
    await fsa.unlink(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/account/${req.accountid}/${key}`)
  if (json.organizationid) {
    if (fs.existsSync(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/organization/${req.organizationid}/${key}`)) {
      await fsa.unlink(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/organization/${req.organizationid}/${key}`)
  await fsa.unlink(`${basePath}/${dashboardKey}/${md5(key)}`)

Part four: Extending the HTTP server

The HTTP API in server.js uses the document API in document.js to save and retrieve the user's posts from storage. The server.js already supports creating and retrieving, it just needs additions for deleting and listing. The original hastebin allowed access to all posts via public URL, that isn't possible on app stores so it is mitigated by optionally sharing the posts on a secondary domain PUBLIC_DOMAIN.

  1. The server.js needs a route for listing documents:
router.get('/documents', function (req, res) {
  if(!req.subscriptionid) {
    return dashboardError(res)
  let list
  try {
    list = await Document.list(`account/${req.accountid}`, req)
  } catch (error) {
  res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
  if (!list || !list.length) {
    return res.end('[]')
  return res.end(JSON.stringify(list))
  1. The server.js needs a route for listing organization documents:
router.get('/documents/organization', function (req, res) {
  if(!req.subscriptionid) {
    return dashboardError(res)
  if (!req.organizationid) {
    res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
    return res.end(`{ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }`)
  let list
  try {
    list = await Document.list(`organization/${req.organizationid}`, req)
  } catch (error) {
  res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
  if (!list || !list.length) {
    return res.end('[]')
  return res.end(JSON.stringify(list))
  1. The server.js needs a route for deleting documents:
router.delete('/documents/:id', function (req, res) {
  if(!req.subscriptionid) {
    return dashboardError(res)
  const key ='.')[0]
  let deleted
  try {
    deleted = await Document.handleDelete(key, req)
  } catch (error) {
  if (!deleted) {
    res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
    return res.end(`{ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }`)  
  res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
  return res.end()
  1. The server.js needs a route for accessing public documents and a static page to render it in:
const externalPage = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/external.html').toString('utf-8')
router.get('/document/:appstore/:id', async (req, res) => {
  req.dashboard = 'https://' + req.url.split('/')[2]
  const key =
  let result
  try {
    result = await Document.load(key, req)
  } catch (error) {
  if (!result) {
    res.writeHead(404, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
    return res.end(`{ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }`)
  if(!result.public || !== global.publicDomain) {
    res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': 'application/json' })
    return res.end(`{ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }`)
  res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/html' })
  result.document = result.document.toString('utf-8')
  const tagged = externalPage.replace('<li>View public post</li>', '<li>View public post ' + key + '</li>')
  return res.end(`${tagged}
<script> = ${JSON.stringify(result)}</script>`)
  1. The server.js needs a route for downloading public documents:

    // raw public posts router.get('/document/:appstore/:id/raw', async (req, res) => { req.dashboard = 'https://' + req.url.split('/')[2] const key = let document try { document = await Document.load(key, req) } catch (error) { } if (!document) { res.writeHead(404, { 'content-type': 'application/json' }) return res.end({ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }) } if (!document.public || !== global.publicDomain) { res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': 'application/json' }) return res.end({ "message": "An invalid document was provided" }) } res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }) return res.end(document.buffer.toString()) })

Part five: The new HTML interface

The original layout was a textarea, with a logo and strip of icons for saving/copying posts. A new interface was created with the additional options.

  1. Tabbed navigation was added to access creating new posts and the personal and organization post lists. The navigation hides the organization link when not applicable.
  <button id="create-button">Create new post</button>
  <div><button id="list-button">My posts</button></div>
  <div><button id="organization-list-button">Organization posts</button></div>
  1. Tables were added listing your posts and their general configuration, along with an optionally-concealed column showing if they are shared with your organization.
<section id="list">
  <table id="list-table">
        <th id="organization-column">Organization</th>
        <th>Public link</th>

<section id="organization-list">
  <h2>Organization posts</h2>
  <table id="organization-list-table">
        <th>Public link</th>
        <th id="organization-column">Organization</th>
  1. Information was added to distinguishing between viewing your own post, your own post shared with an organization, and a post shared with an organization.
<li id="view">
  <h2>Viewing my post <span id="postid-1"></span></h2>
<li id="view-organization">
  <h2>Viewing <span id="postid-2"></span> shared with organization</h2>
<li id="view-organization-post-owner">
  <h2>Viewing my post <span id="postid-3"></span> shared with organization</h2>
  1. Settings were added when creating posts to select a language, allow posts to be publicly accessible via URL, owned by an organization, and use custom keys.
<button id="save">Save post</button>
<input id="customid" type="text" value="" placeholder="random filename" size="5" />
<select id="language">
  <option>Select language (default text)</option>
  <option value="bash">Bash</option>
  <option value="coffee">Coffee</option>
  <option value="cpp">C++</option>
  <option value="css">CSS</option>
  <option value="pas">Delphi</option>
  <option value="diff">Diff</option>
  <option value="erl">Erlang</option>
  <option value="go">Go</option>
  <option value="hs">Haskell</option>
  <option value="html">HTML</option>
  <option value="ini">INI</option>
  <option value="java">Java</option>
  <option value="js">JavaScript</option>
  <option value="json">JSON</option>
  <option value="lisp">Lisp</option>
  <option value="lua">Lua</option>
  <option value="md">MarkDown</option>
  <option value="m">Objective C</option>
  <option value="php">PHP</option>
  <option value="pl">Perl</option>
  <option value="py">Python</option>
  <option value="rb">Ruby</option>
  <option value="scala">Scala</option>
  <option value="sm">SmallTalk</option>
  <option value="sql">SQL</option>
  <option value="swift">Swift</option>
  <option value="tex">Tex</option>
  <option value="txt">Text</option>
  <option value="vala">Vala</option>
  <option value="vbs">VBScript</option>
  <option value="xml">XML</option>
<label><input id="public" type="checkbox"> Publicly accessible</label>
<label><input id="shared" type="checkbox"> Shared with organization</label>

Part six: JavaScript for the new interface

The HTML interface is controlled by JavaScript in app.js. Since the HTML is primarily new markup it required mostly new code.

  1. app.js needed to list your documents and your organizations' on page load:
function listPosts(organization) {
  var path = '/documents'
  if (window.user && window.user.installid) {
    path = '/install/' + window.user.installid + path
  if (organization) {
    path += '/' + organization
  return send(path, null, 'GET', function (error, posts) {
    if (error) {
      return showMessage(error.message, 'error')
    if (!window.user.organizationid) {
      document.getElementById('organization-column').style.display = 'none'
    if (posts && posts.length) {
      for (i = 0, len = posts.length; i < len; i++) {
        renderPostRow(!organization, posts[i])
  1. app.js needed to render your post lists to home.html's list tables:
function renderPostRow(personal, meta) {
  var table = document.getElementById(personal ? 'list-table' : 'organization-list-table')
  var row = table.insertRow(table.rows.length)
  var keyLink = document.createElement('a')
  keyLink.innerHTML = meta.key
  keyLink.onclick = loadDocument
  keyLink.href = '#'
  var keyCell = row.insertCell(0)
  var createdCell = row.insertCell(1)
  createdCell.innerHTML = new Date(meta.created * 1000)
  var nextCell = 2
  if (personal && window.user.organizationid) {
    var organizationCell = row.insertCell(2)
    if (meta.organizationid) {
      organizationCell.innerHTML = 'yes'
    nextCell = 3
  var publicCell = row.insertCell(nextCell)
  if (meta.public) {
    var publicLink = document.createElement('a')
    publicLink.href = 'https://' + window.publicDomain + '/document/' + window.user.dashboard.split('://')[1] + '/' + meta.key
    publicLink.innerHTML = 'yes' = '_blank'
  if (personal) {
    var deleteCell = row.insertCell(nextCell + 1)
    var deleteButton = document.createElement('button')
    deleteButton.innerHTML = 'delete'
    deleteButton.key = meta.key
    deleteButton.onclick = deletePost
  1. app.js needs to delete posts:
function deletePost(event) {
  var button =
  var path = '/document/' + button.key
  if (window.user && window.user.installid) {
    path = '/install/' + window.user.installid + path
  return send(path, null, 'DELETE', function (error) {
    if (error) {
      return showMessage(error.message, 'error')
    } = 'none'
    elements.textarea.value = '' = 'block'
    return showMessage(error.message, 'success')
  1. app.js needs to save posts:
function saveNewDocument() {
  var postSettings = {}
  if (window.user.organizationid) {
    var organization = elements.shared = elements.shared || document.getElementById('shared')
    if (organization.checked) {
      postSettings.organization = 'true'
  var public = elements.public = elements.public || document.getElementById('public')
  if (public.checked) {
    postSettings.public = true
  var customid
  if(window.user.organizationid) {
    customid = elements['customid-2'] = elements['customid-2'] || document.getElementById('customid-2')
  } else {
    customid = elements['customid-1'] = elements['customid-1'] || document.getElementById('customid-1')
  if (customid.value) {
    postSettings.customid = customid.value
  if (!elements.textarea.value || !elements.textarea.value.length) {
    return showMessage('No document to save', 'error')
  if (elements.language.selectedIndex > 0) {
    postSettings.language = elements.language.options[elements.language.selectedIndex].value
  postSettings.document = encodeURI(elements.textarea.value)
  return send('/install/' + window.user.installid + '/document', postSettings, 'POST', function (error, result) {
    if (error) {
      return showMessage(error.message, 'error')
    renderPostRow(!postSettings.organization, result)
    return showPostContents(result)
  1. app.js needs to disply posts when they are created and loaded from clicking links:
function showPostContents(post) {
  if (!post.organizationid) {
    elements['view'].style.display = ''
    elements['view-organization'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['view-organization-post-owner'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['postid-1'].innerHTML = post.key
    elements['delete-1'].key = post.key
  } else if (post.accountid === window.user.accountid) {
    elements['view'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['view-organization'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['view-organization-post-owner'].style.display = ''
    elements['postid-3'].innerHTML = post.key
    elements['delete-3'].key = post.key
  } else {
    elements['view'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['view-organization'].style.display = ''
    elements['view-organization-post-owner'].style.display = 'none'
    elements['postid-2'].innerHTML = post.key
  var high
  try {
    if (post.language === 'txt') {
      high = { value: htmlEscape(post.document) }
    else if (post.language === 'html') {
      high = hljs.highlight('html', htmlEscape(post.document))
    else if (post.language) {
      high = hljs.highlight(post.language, post.document)
    else {
      high = hljs.highlightAuto(post.document)
  } catch (error) {
    high = hljs.highlightAuto(post.document)
  elements['post-preview'].firstChild.innerHTML = high.value
  return showContent('post-content')
  1. app.js needs to toggle interface elements depending on what you are viewing:
function showContent(type) {
  // active content button
  elements['create-button'].className = type === 'post-creator' ? 'active' : ''
  elements['list-button'].className = type === 'list' ? 'active' : ''
  elements['organization-list-button'].className = type === 'organization-list' ? 'active' : ''
  // active content type
  elements['list'].style.display = type === 'list' ? 'block' : 'none'
  elements['organization-list'].style.display = type === 'organization-list' ? 'block' : 'none'
  elements['post-content'].style.display = type === 'post-content' ? 'block' : 'none'
  elements['post-creator'].style.display = type === 'post-creator' ? 'block' : 'none'

Part seven: Starting the application server

The application server needs to be started, and it will be accessible at http://localhost:3000

  APPLICATION_SERVER_1_TOKEN="get while claiming server" \
  node main.js