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The React web client SDK for userdocks. Securly store, access, and refresh access tokens in your React application.

Table of Contents


npm i @userdocks/react-sdk


Documentation of all the functions and methods this SDK exposes.



import { UserdocksProvider } from '@userdocks/react-sdk';

  <UserdocksProvider options={options}>


  • options <object>: an object holding two key value pairs
    • authServer <object | undefined>: an object holding four key value pairs
      • domain <string | undefined>: the domain of the authetication server (optional)
      • apiUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the api of the authetication server (optional)
      • paymentUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the payment page of the authetication server (optional)
      • loginUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the login page of the authetication server (optional)
      • sdkUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the SDK of the authetication server (optional)
    • app <object>: an object holding three key value pairs
      • refreshType: <'silentRefresh' | 'refresh'>: How to refresh your authorization tokens (optional)
        • silentRefresh: uses cookies and an iframe for refreshing the tokens (authServer is required with this option)
        • refresh: uses the localStorage or sessionStorage (only for the refresh token, the access token is only stored in memory) and an HTTP request to refresh the tokens (default value)
      • origin <string>: the uri of the client application (required)
      • clientId <string>: the UUID of an userdocks application (required)
      • redirectUri <string>: the redirect uri of the userdocks application (required)


This custom hook returns an object.

It can be used in function components.


This is a custom hook to get the current userdocks object from a UserdocksProvider.

import { useUserdocks } from '@userdocks/react-sdk';

function MyComponent() {
  const { isAuthenticated, userdocks } = useUserdocks();
  console.log('Is user authenticated: ', isAuthenticated)

  // ...

Return Value

  • identity <object>
    • isAuthenticated <boolean | null>: indicating if the user is autheticated after the token is initialized (is null if not initialized)
    • userdocks <object | null>: an object holding the @userdocks/web-client-sdk


Wrap your app with a UserdocksProvider:

import { UserdocksProvider } from '@userdocks/react-sdk';

const options = {
  // e.g. if using a cname
  authServer: {
    domain: `<domain-of-the-auth-server>`
    apiUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    paymentUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    loginUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    sdkUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
  app: {
    refreshType: '<refresh> or <silentRefresh>'
    origin: '<the-uri-of-your-application>',
    clientId: '<an-uuid-of-an-application-on-uderdocks>',
    redirectUri: '<the-redirect-uri-of-your-application>',

  <UserdocksProvider options={options}>
    <App />

Exchange the code to a token on your redirect uri:

import { useEffect, FC } from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useUserdocks } from '@userdocks/react-sdk';

const Callback = () => {
  const { is, userdocks } = useUserdocks();
  const history = useHistory();

  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      try {
        // its better to initialize userdocks way up the tree
        // e.g. once in your App Component
        // userdocks should only be initialized once
        if (!isInitialized()) {
          await userdocks.initialize();

        // for a exchange we do not need to check if it isAuthenticated
        const isLoginSuccess = await userdocks.exchangeCodeForToken();

        if (isLoginSuccess) {
        } else {
          userdocks.redirectTo({ type: 'signIn' });
      } catch (e) {

        // handle error or redirect to sign in page
        // if (userdocks) {
        //   userdocks.redirectTo({ type: 'signIn' });
        // }
  }, [isLoading, userdocks]);

  return null;

export default Callback;

Check if a user is autheticated on any component:

import { useEffect, FC } from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import useUserdocks from '@userdocks/react-sdk';

const AnyComponent = () => {
  const { isAuthenticated, userdocks } = useUserdocks();
  const history = useHistory();

 // Example API Call to your server
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      // its better to initialize userdocks way up the tree
      // e.g. once in your App Component
      // userdocks should only be initialized once
      if (!isInitialized()) {
        await userdocks.initialize();

      const token = await userdocks.getToken({ refresh: true });

      if (!token.accessToken) {
          type: 'unauthenticated',

      if (token.tokenType && token.accessToken) {
        try {
          const response = await fetch('', {
            headers: {
              'Authorization': `${token.tokenType} ${token.accessToken}`,

          const data = await response.json();

          // do something with the data
        } catch(err) {
          // handle error
  }, [isAuthenticated]);

  if (userdocks.isInitialized() && isAuthenticated === false) {
      type: 'unauthenticated',

    return null;

  return <div>Is Autheticated</div>;

export default AnyComponent;


The React SDK for userdocks. Securly store, access, and refresh access tokens in your React app.







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